"I don't know what you're saying."
"I'm saying that I don't think-"
"How dare you say that! She's only two moons old!"
"She hasn't even opened her eyes yet! I'm afraid that she never will. She might not ever be a warrior."
I panicked. Not ever? I had to prove that I was good enough. I slowly opened my eyes. I blinked.
I can see.
Without thinking, I quietly snuck up on Brindleface. I pounced on her. She shricked. "Fernkit! Ashkit! What did I-" she then saw me. She gasped. "You've opened your eyes!"
The other cat was laughing. "She was pretty good at sneaking up on you."
"She has a lot of stealth..." my mother trailed off. "...stealth..." Her eyes lit up. "Of course!"
"Of course what?"
She changed the subject. "Stealthkit, you do have lovely eyes."
"Stealthkit?" the cat asked.
"What color are they?" I asked her.
"Green," she purred. "Just like mine."
Two bodies knock me over. I'd recognize those scents anywhere. "You've opened your eyes!" Ashkit squealed. "Do you have a name yet?"
"Yes. I'm Stealthkit."
"I like that name." Fernkit meowed.
Yes, I thought. Me too.
That night, I curled up to sleep next to my littermates. I awoke to the tumbling of paws.
I heard snarling outside the nursery. I glanced at my littermates. They were asleep next to our mother. I cautiously poked my head out.
What I saw would burn into my mind forever. The cat who told my mother I might not ever be a warrior was fighting with a brown cat covered in scars. He had a funny smell that I could not identify. I watched in horror as the tortoise-shell struggled, blood flooding her pelt, hissing in fury with the strange cat. I have always wished StarClan would have the power to shield my eyes. The tom pinned the cat down, barred his teeth, and sunk them deep into her neck.
I squeaked, taking in what I had just saw. Judging by the scent of this cat, she must have been the medicine cat of ThunderClan. The brown-scarred tom whipped around. I saw his face clearly. I could not turn my gaze away from him as I backed away. "Yo-You killed her," I stuttered.
The last thing I remember was a heavy paw striking my head.
I heard more battle noise outside the den I was in. It smelled of mud and water. Bad combination. The brown cat must have brought me to ShadowClan, I thought.
I recognized the kits in the den. They were Cinderkit and Brakenkit, Frostfur's senior kits, four moons older than I was. They were trembling as they watched the battle outside. I starred out.
One of the apprentices, Firepaw, was fiercely fighting a huge black tom. My heart was moved. He's going to save us, I thought.
Half of the warriors disappeared, and Firepaw came into the den. "They're here!" he meowed. He looked us in the eyes. "It's going to be okay. We're taking you home."
Home, I thought.
Yes, home is where I'm going.
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