After Dawn
It was a quarter-moon after Graystripe had been taken. Firestar still refused to name a new deputy. I feared we would appear weak in front of the other clans.
Sweetcloud approached me, carrying a pigeon in her jaws. She dropped it at my feet. I accepted, and we shared the meal together.
"Stealthheart?" Sweetcloud asked. "You know how Lightfoot is expecting kits with a RiverClan cat, right?"
"Yeah..." I meowed.
"Well, Twilight's been here a while now, and we've been spending some time together, and..."
Oh no, I thought. Twilight was a kittypet that had been locked up in the monster with Leafpaw, and they had been spending a little too much time together.
"And I'm expecting kits." She half-smiled. "Is...that okay?"
I sighed. It's her choice. I smiled at my daughter. "Of course. That's lovely, Sweetcloud. I'm sure they'll be beautiful."
She beamed and rubbed her cheek against mine. "I'm so happy you're not upset." She stood up. "I'm going to go tell Lightfoot."
Leafpaw was running towards me. "Stealthheart!" she yowled. She crashed into Sweetcloud. "S-sorry Sweetcloud, but, Stealthheart, you need to get into the nursery. Lightfoot's kitting!"
My eyes grew wide. They're late! I scrambled to my paws and hurried towards the makeshift den. Lightfoot's eyes were closed and her teeth were clenched. I laid down beside her. "Stealthheart," she breathed, "I don't think I can do this."
"Hush, my darling," I mewed. "Don't say that. Your kits need you now."
" it always like this?"
"Yes. But it will be over soon. Just hold on..."
Cinderpelt pushed a bubble towards me. I knew exactly what to do. The sac burst open. "A tom!" I cried joyously. It lay motionless on the ground. I licked its fur. It didn't move. "Oh no," I whispered.
Before I could tell Lightfoot, Cinderpelt pushed another kit towards me. I nipped the sac and immediately started to lick. "Another tom!" I meowed. I pushed it towards Lightfoot's belly.
The next kit was a she-kit, and then another tom. "Congratulations, Lightfoot," I purred.
She was still in pain. I licked her forehead. She didn't speak. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"Another one's coming!" Cinderpelt exclaimed.
"Five kits?" I asked.
The kit came, and Cinderpelt nipped the sac and licked it. "Three toms and two she-kits!" Cinderpelt purred.
"That's a lot!" I meowed. "But...there's only two toms." I nosed the dead body. "This one didn't make it." I laid him next to Lightfoot. "I think you should still name him."
Lightfoot licked her first son. It was a thick-set brown tabby, just like his father. "I'm going to name him Heavykit, after his father." She looked at the others. "The second tom will be Gorsekit. My first daughter will be Crowkit, and the other tom will be Wetkit."
"What about this one?" I asked.
"I'm going to show Heavystep when we leave. I want him to come up with a name." She closed her eyes.
I licked her cheek. "Sweet dreams, Lightfoot," I said. "Now you have kits of your own."
We had been walking forever. Gorsekit had been swept away in the river along the way. Nevertheless, three of Lightfoot's kits still remained, and we had reached the new territory.
As we laid down to rest, Lightfoot carried her youngest, who had not yet opened her eyes, to Heavystep, while the others followed at her heels. He smiled as they talked. I wondered what he would name her.
Tallstar didn't look so good. Even though StarClan had led us to this new territory, Barkface was afraid he would join StarClan soon. I pushed through the ferns to see him.
"Stealthheart," he meowed. I sat next to him. "I'm glad to see you."
"Sshhhh, save your strength," I said, "you're going to be okay." I wished I was telling the truth.
Tallstar smiled. "There's no need to reassure me. I'm not a frightened kit." He stopped. "Stealthheart," he mewed, "Firestar is a fool if he can't see you as his deputy."
I thought about what he had said. But...I don't want to lead's just not my thing... I would have argued, but I was afraid StarClan would take him before I could say goodbye. I shared tongues with him for a while.
Brambleclaw walked into the den. "Firestar's here," he mewed.
"Is that Brambleclaw?" Tallstar asked. "Don't leave. You should hear what I have to say as well."
He told Firestar how much he was grateful to ThunderClan. Then he said Brambleclaw was an excellent warrior, and he looked down at his paws.
But then, Onewhisker came in and Tallstar told him that he would be the next leader of WindClan because Mudclaw would lead WindClan into endless battles.
"But...Tallstar...I...I don't think I can..."
"Of course you can, Onewhisker. I don't want...any more battles...with ThunderClan..."
"Well...I'll do my best, but...Tallstar?" He prodded him with his paw. "Tallstar?"
He's dead.
My eyes leaked, and I buried my nose in his flank so they wouldn't see. Goodbye, my sweet, sweet Tallstar.
I carried the moss to the edge of the den. Well, I thought. I guess this is my new den.
Brackenfur stopped me. "Don't you think it's time you moved to a warmer nest?" he asked.
I smiled. "I guess it is time I joined the senior warriors," I meowed.
"Come on. Let's get one before Thornclaw gets the best one." He picked up his moss and carried it into the den. I followed close behind and set up a nest.
He set up a nest next to mine. He curled up and fell asleep. I did so next to him. I felt his soft fur next to me as I slipped into dreams.
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