A New Apprentice
I dropped into a hunting crouch. I crept silently through the bushes. As I could see the vole clearly, I noticed that it was carrying a smaller vole. I realized that this was a mother. If a mother is carrying her kits, doesn't that mean more prey when they grow up?
I sniffed. I smelled mouse. I turned, careful to stay upwind of my prey. I crept forward, silently and confidently. I pounced, and killed out with a swift, clean bite.
Lionheart emerged from the bushes. "Well done, Stealthpaw," he meowed. "Someday, you might be a better hunter than Sandstorm."
I beamed with pride. "Should I take some back to the elders?"
"Of course. And then take some back for yourself and your denmates. You deserve a feast."
My littermates met me at the apprentices' den. The Gathering was tonight, and none of us had been before. As we were eating our prey, Runningwind walked in.
"It seems like it's time to introduce some young apprentices to the other clans. Stealthpaw, Ashpaw, and Fernpaw will be attending the Gathering tonight."
"Really!?" Fernpaw chirped.
Runningwind smiled. "Your other mentors and I were very happy with your performance in this recent assesment. Bluestar has agreed that it is time for you three to attend your first Gathering." He nodded to Fernpaw and left the den.
I never knew there were so many other members in the other clans. I met a lot of the other apprentices. They seemed to like to hold contests, such as who could run the fastest or jump the highest.
"I haven't seen you before."
I jumped. A thickset brown tabby was standing behind me. He had a smile on his face and looked curious.
"This must be your first Gathering. I'm Heavypaw. I'm a RiverClan apprentice."
"I-I'm Stealthpaw," I stammered. "So...how many times have you been to a Gathering?"
"Twice. I was apprenticed after Brokenstar was exiled."
"Do you know who the leaders are?"
"Yeah. The one in the middle is Bluestar. She's leader of ThunderClan."
"Oh, I know. That's my clan."
"The tom to the left of her is Crookedstar of RiverClan. Nightstar is over there talking with his deputy, and then Tallstar is leader of WindClan, but he's not here yet," he continued.
"What about WindClan?"
This other voice startled me again. What now? I saw another brown tabby standing behind me. "Who are you?" I asked.
The tom looked amused. "I am Onewhisker. A warrior of WindClan."
"We weren't saying anything bad-" Heavypaw stopped. Onewhisker looked amused. "This is Stealthpaw's first gathering," he continued. "She was asking me who the leaders were."
"Well, it's always a good thing to see new young faces in all of the clans." He smiled at me.
"Cats of the clans!" One of the leaders shouted.
"There's Tallstar, of WindClan," Heavypaw whispered.
"Hush," Onewhisker meowed softly. "Don't disturb the meeting."
Tallstar continued once silence fell over the crowd of warriors. "It has been a long leaf-bare, and new leaf is late. I'm sure we have all suffered in sickness and hunger, but StarClan still watches over us." The other cats murmured in agreement. "WindClan has been blessed with prey returning from their burrows, and we are striving once again." He stepped back.
Bluestar was next. "ThunderClan has also recovered. We have three new apprentices, Stealthpaw, Ashpaw, and Fernpaw."
The clans stirred and looked at the three of us. I looked down and kneaded my paws. The other leaders finished their reports, and the Gathering was over.
I carried my prey back to the Sandy Hollow. Lionheart was waiting. "Stealthpaw, you're late."
"Well, I passed the assessment didn't I?"
Lionheart closed his eyes. "You took far too long. You couldn't sniff a mouse that was just two fox lengths away."
I was confused. Was that bad? "I still caught the prey," I answered silently, looking at my paws.
Lionheart leaned closer to me. "Smell is one of your most important senses. Without it, you may never be a warrior."
"What?" I stepped back. "No! Just because I'm different doesn't mean I can't do anything!"
"Stealthpaw," Lionheart meowed. I turned and ran towards Fourtrees. I didn't get very far, and I stopped, panting, near Stunningrocks. I could still hear Lionheart's voice in the back of my head. You may never be a warrior.
I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice the brown furry tom sit next to me. "Stealthpaw?" he asked.
I jumped. I grinned when I saw him. "Heavypaw," I meowed. "You have got to stop doing that."
"Are you okay?" he asked.
I sighed. "Lionheart just told me I couldn't become a warrior."
"But why? I thought you were one of the best hunters in the clan."
"I am! But I can't smell! He thinks I'm useless!" I wailed.
"You're not useless. There are other things you can do besides becoming a warrior."
He's right, a voice said. But a medicine cat! I scoffed. I couldn't think of anything more boring than healing warriors and memorizing herbs all day long. But, I'd rather become a healer than be an apprentice for the rest of my life while everyone else moves on to be warriors. By the time they'll have joined in the elders, I'll be stuck with hunting for them and cleaning their nests!
"I guess there are," I mewed.
I entered Yellowfang's den. The old medicine cat popped her head out from her den. "What is it, Stealthpaw?" she asked.
"I was wondering if you could help me with something," I replied nervously.
"Well, spit it out," she meowed.
"What would you think if I told you I wanted to be a medicine cat?" Mousebrain! I thought. You are so bad at this!
"What? Why would you want to be a medicine cat?"
"Be-because I'm interested?"
Yellowfang laughed. "Stealthpaw, I don't think that's what you really want."
But it was. "Well, can you at least teach me a few things?"
She sighed. "Alright, I guess I could use a bit of help around here. Follow me."
Yellowfang picked up a few herbs. We stepped into the elder's den. "Finally," Dappletail meowed. "My joints are killing me."
Yellowfang set the herbs down in front of me. She set her paw on on of them. "These herbs are called catchweed, comfrey, daisy, and fennel. Not counting the beech leaves, which I just used to carry the herbs."
"So, what do they do?"
"Well," Yellowfang meowed. First, we chew up the herbs." She picked up the comfrey, daisy, and fennel and started to chew.
"What about the catchweed?" I asked.
She finished chewing the herbs and walked over to Dappletail and spat them out. "Bring them over here and I'll show you."
I picked up the fuzzy herbs and set them down in front of her. "Catchweed," she explained and she stuck the tips on Smallear's flank, "is to hold the poultice so it doesn't come off."
"Oooooohhhhh," I meowed. "That's clever."
"All of the herbs are clever." Yellowfang meowed. "Without herbs, ThunderClan wouldn't exist. They have saved us from so many trials of the forest." I considered that fact for a moment. I was amazed. Maybe being a medicine cat won't be so bad after all, I thought.
She left the den and I followed. "So, what are we going to do now?" I asked.
"Well, I'm going to show you the herbs. You may not be my apprentice yet, but if you change your mind, it will still be helpful to know some of the remedies." I was confused but followed her excitedly to her den.
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