Chapter 2 - Part 2
She couldn't believe what she was doing. She felt like some sort of stalker sitting in her car across from the garage Myles owned, watching to see if she could catch a glimpse of the girl who had answered the phone. Her actions weren't that of a reasonable person, they were the actions of a girl so out of her mind there was no other choice.
She had no idea what would be gained from this whole exercise but that didn't dissuade her from her rash actions.
It was just after closing time and she waited patiently, her hand thumping nervously against the steering wheel. She had been there for half an hour already. The sky began to darken as she watched the front. Myles' truck was parked outside. Something lodged in her chest, making her feel panicked, so she took a deep breath and released it slowly.
It wasn't crazy to believe they had replaced her in the office, in fact it was something she should have expected. Myles and Joe were terrible with admin and all her hard work would have been for nothing if they didn't replace her with someone able to maintain it.
But none of that logical thinking helped with the uneasy feeling that settled in the middle of her chest and she couldn't get rid of it.
While she wrestled with staying there and every reason to leave before someone noticed her, she saw Myles appear. Her heart melted at the sight of his tall figure but then she noticed a girl beside him. A very pretty girl. A brunette with a short pixie-like cut. She barely reached his shoulder. Her heart froze. Jessica watched as he smiled at the girl and Jessica's heart dropped. Her hands wrapped around the steering wheel as she watched Myles walk the girl to the car she didn't recognize. She held her breath as Myles spent a few minutes talking to her. Their interaction seemed easygoing and effortless. The girl reached out and touched his arm while she gazed up at him. Feeling possessive, Jessica tightened her hold on the steering wheel and watched Myles nod before he opened the car door for the girl.
Jessica's gaze was fixed on Myles as the car backed out and drove away. He stood for a moment before he walked around to his truck and got in.
Feeling bewildered and confused as Myles drove away, Jessica let out a deep emotional breath, trying to reason what had happened.
She hated how she felt at that moment. Myles and the girl had done nothing wrong, but she couldn't smother the sharp pang of jealousy. She was jealous, there was no mistaking that. Was it Myles' reputation that worried her? But she knew him, better than most. When he could have any girl he wanted, what made her so special?
She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against the steering wheel as she tried to breathe through the pain in her chest. Trying not to let her mind race ahead with every sordid possibility, she tried to hold on to the words he had spoken to her the night in the parking lot.
You are who I want. She held on to those words dearly, working her way through the feeling that she had already lost him.
She shook her head, trying to bring herself back from thoughts that hurt. There was no proof that he had done anything inappropriate with the girl no matter how beautiful she was. Was that what bugged her the most? How pretty the girl was?
Feeling rattled, she drove home and threw her keys at the nearest table when she entered her apartment. She paced for a while, trying to figure out what to do next.
She wasn't sure she was ready to rush headfirst into a relationship with Myles but she felt the real fear that if she didn't do it now, there was a good chance she would lose him like Hannah had warned her.
A message pinged on her phone. It was from Myles.
You looking for me?
He had probably seen her missed call earlier. She held the phone, trying to decide what to say, but she didn't have the courage to reveal to him she had wanted to speak to him. Seeing him with the girl had unsettled her in a way she was still trying to fight her way back from.
Sorry. Butt-dialed you.
It was a weak excuse. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she just be with him like she wanted?
She was independent now. What was stopping her?
It was the fear. The fear that she would lose herself again and put his wants above her own. In every relationship she had ever had, she lost herself, and she wasn't sure she was strong enough to hold her own with Myles, especially when she felt so strongly about him.
But she couldn't string him along like this forever. Something had to give.
Why did it have to be so difficult?
She sighed as she slumped down on the sofa, staring at her phone on the coffee table.
When all she could do was feel, she couldn't consider any logic. She grabbed her phone and her purse before heading out the door.
It didn't take her long to get to her destination. There was no hesitation when she got out of the car and took the steps that led to the front door. She knocked and waited.
There was a flutter of excitement when she heard footsteps and then the door opened.
Myles filled the doorway. "Jess."
The sound of her name on his lips made her step up to him and lift herself onto tiptoes to place a kiss on his lips as her arms linked around his neck. He was still for a moment before his arms wrapped possessively around her, lifting her slightly off her feet.
He kissed her, long and hard. When he finally stopped, he stared down at her.
"What is this about?" he asked softly. Could he feel her need to have him hold her so she could feel secure in the knowledge that he still belonged to her? She hadn't lost him yet.
"I need you tonight," she murmured. She felt vulnerable as her big eyes held his and her hold tightened on him slightly.
He studied her for a moment before he pulled her inside and shut the door.
"You gonna tell me what happened?" he asked softly, his eyes searching hers.
She shook her head. "Nothing...I just need to be close to you." She didn't want to talk, she wanted to feel his body against hers, his steady heartbeat alongside hers. She needed to feel that connection with him. To reinforce the strength of what they had.
This time he gently linked his hand with hers and brushed his thumb against hers.
"I know there's something up." He frowned as he touched her cheek.
"I want you to take me to bed." She let out an emotional breath. "I don't want to think, I just want to feel."
He studied her for a moment. His eyes flickered to her lips, and she wet them with a nervous lick of her tongue.
"Kiss me," she murmured, her eyes fixed on his lips.
He placed his hand on her waist before he dropped his mouth to cover hers.
She held his face in both hands as he kissed her, exploring her with his expert tongue. Warmth pooled between her legs, and she groaned.
Thoughts of any other girl vanished and all that remained was the two of them.
He broke away long enough to haul his shirt off. In a flurry of passion, they stripped their clothes off. They hadn't even made it to the bedroom before he took her up against the wall.
She held onto his shoulders as he thrust up into her with only one goal in mind.
When she climaxed, she whispered his name before resting her head against his shoulder while he continued to stroke into her. While she held him, he shuddered and groaned as he released.
Jessica was tired and sated. And she felt more secure in her possession of Myles. With him still inside her, their naked bodies joined, she felt more in control than she had in ages.
"I love you," she whispered against his ear, and he held her tighter.
She closed her eyes and savored every moment.
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