Chapter 1 - Part 2
Slowly his hand moved to her nape, and he lowered his mouth to hers. She slid her hands around his neck before allowing them to rake through his hair as he deepened the kiss. The moment his tongue touched her, her stomach dipped and she tightened her hands in his hair as the want for him swept through her, leaving her choiceless in what happened next.
His teeth scraped her plump lip, and she gasped. He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around him, pressing her body against his.
He lowered her onto the bed, allowing the length of her body to slide down against his. He released her to remove his jeans.
Finally, he was naked, and she allowed her gaze to take in the sight of him. There wasn't an ounce of fat on his hard, masculine body, and her stomach fluttered. She could spend hours just looking at him. He reached for a condom from the side table drawer and tore the package open before sliding it on.
There was only the sound of their heavy breathing as he joined her on the bed and covered her body with his. His hand went to the small of her back, keeping her tightly against him as their mouths fused together and she felt his hardness pressed against her folds.
Her hands gripped his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin as he began slowly entering her. There was only the fullness of him, inch by inch. Her mouth opened in a soundless groan against his as she arched against him. The agony of him filling her completely left her trembling.
"Myles," she groaned. His finger pressed against her lips as their eyes met in the dimly lit room.
He replaced his finger with a kiss as he completely thrust into her, hard. She closed her eyes and rode the ecstasy of being as close to him as two people could be. He completed her in a way that scared her, but at a time when there was no room for doubt or fear, there was only a time to feel.
Regret was something that could wait for morning.
He began to rock into her slowly and steadily while she held onto him tightly, needing all he could give. When they were apart this was what dominated her thoughts. Thoughts of him and how he still made her feel so much. Taste, touch and everything in between.
She panted as he began to increase the tempo of his hard thrusts. The familiar tingle through her body signaled she was close. She kissed him, caressing his tongue with hers. The harder he joined their bodies, the higher it lifted her until she felt her body stiffen and then explode. The orgasm washed over her and all she could do was hold onto him, his body still driving for his own release.
He drove himself into her again so completely before he shuddered and gasped. She held him as he slumped over her. Her heart felt like it was going to explode. He kissed her softly on the lips. After a few moments he lifted himself off her and went to get rid of the condom. She laid on her side, not ready to face the truth of her actions. She wanted to stay in the ecstasy she had experienced just seconds ago and not face the reality of the fear that kept her in limbo, unable to move forward.
He returned to the bed in silence and slipped in behind her. There were no words when he moved her to face him and held her. His fingers brushed lightly across her skin. She refused to meet his gaze. Instead, she kept her eyes closed. He feathered a kiss to her forehead.
There were no questions or answers.
With the rhythmic movement of his touch, she drifted off to sleep, taking a reprieve from her busy mind. In that moment nothing else mattered, not the independence she was still fighting for, or the path she was building for herself. Only the man with the steady heartbeat beside her mattered.
It was still dark when she awoke later. Myles was asleep beside her with an arm around her. She allowed herself a few minutes to study him and to let her feelings for him rise to the surface. It took hold of her heart, leaving her with no doubt for whom her heart beat. She loved him. There was no denying that.
But there was something more important than that, and that was her independence. She needed to figure out what she wanted in life before she made the decision to share it with someone. Her eyes drifted to Myles. Share it with him. She let out a breath. But it wasn't so easy.
Fear kept her from deciding. It kept her from moving forward.
There was no guarantee that things would work out with him. The fear she had staved off before began to resurface and there was no fighting it. She bit her lip as she wrestled with the inevitable doubt that crept into her mind, leaving her indecisive and regretful.
If she didn't move forward with Myles in an official way, it allowed her to be hopeful, even with her misgivings, that things could work out and happily ever after would be within their reach. It gave her hope.
It couldn't go on like this indefinitely, she knew that. But she kept telling herself that she just needed a little more time. It had been three months since she had sat with Myles in his truck in the parking lot of Sam's, the bar she worked at, in the early morning hour.
In that time, Myles had given her all the space she needed, never pushing for anything more than she had been willing to give. He never called or messaged her; she was the one to instigate any communication. She was the one who would show up on his doorstep without a word and it would lead to a night of passion, which was inevitably followed by mornings of regret and indecisiveness.
It had happened many times before in the last few months. She would sneak out before he woke, and she wouldn't see him again until she showed up the next time.
He was giving her everything she wanted so she didn't know why she felt disappointed in how he didn't fight her about it.
It didn't sit well with her at all. She believed it added to the feelings of regret she inevitably felt the morning after a night together with him. Was she waiting for him to draw the line and demand more? At times she felt so sure in what she needed and then other times she wavered.
Myles moved beside her, and she stilled as she held her breath. She needed to leave before he woke. She didn't want that awkward morning-after blues in full view of him. It was better for her to leave while he was still asleep, before he had a chance to ask questions she didn't want to answer.
She was being a coward, but it didn't stop her from sliding quietly from his bed and slowly picking up her discarded clothes. She got dressed in slow movements, to ensure she didn't wake her sleeping lover. When she was fully dressed, she looked back at his sleeping form, oblivious to her inner turmoil for a few moments, before she left the room.
It was only when she was inside her car parked outside the house that she allowed herself to expel a heavy sigh. What was she doing? In her moments of weakness, she couldn't fight the pull to him. It reminded her of what was at stake. She felt like she was making a mess of things, but she was unable to stop herself. For a few minutes she sat staring at the house as the sun began lightening the dark, wrestling with the unsurety of what the future held for her and Myles.
Physically their chemistry was off the charts, when it came to the bedroom there had never been any issues. It was the emotional ones that caused problems. Like, his inability to love her in the same way she loved him.
Even though he told her he would do whatever she needed, she wasn't convinced that if she allowed herself to let him in, would he be able to love her in the way she craved. It was her biggest fear.
Maybe that was also the reason for her wanting to establish her independence so when things didn't work out, she would be able to make it through the heartbreak easier than if she allowed him to entangle himself in her day-to-day life.
Finally, she started her car and backed out of the driveway, confused and doubtful of her decisions.
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