"Kamdon wants to check your shoulder before watch." Logan was pulling Jonathan's uniform out from between the bed and the wall where it had gotten stuffed.
"Oh no, what time is it?" Jonathan had been day dreaming for a while now. "I forgot to tell you I have to be ready an hour early."
"I knew. You have time to get ready but just barely. I'll have Kamdon meet you at your tower." He shook Jonathan's cloak as he was talking trying to get some of the wrinkles out. "I overheard Gavin talking to Jacob. There were several people who saw the bowman take shots at your tower. They said it was a guardsman. His cloak was up so no one saw his face. He was just outside the training ground. The people they talked to assumed it was a training activity."
"They think a guardsman took a shot at me? They weren't going to tell me?"
"Probably not. I figured you would want to know. It was probably just someone wearing a guard cloak. What I want to know is how they knew where you were. You need to hurry up and get your gear." Logan tossed the cloak at Jonathan then started rifling through the wardrobe looking for boots. "With your tower group information was probably unintentionally given. I don't believe any of them would intentionally betray you, but pay attention."
"What are you talking about?" Jonathan stopped Logan in the middle of the room.
"I am talking about information on when and where you are. When you are on duty the only ones who know your exact position would be your command and tower mates. Which means that one of them talked to somebody, most likely unintentionally. Danial and Scott go to town several nights a week. It wouldn't be too hard to get them drinking then get them talking." A knock on the door interrupted him. "That is probably Gideon. Get ready for watch."
Logan went to answer the door while Jonathan threw on his uniform. He emerged from his private quarters into his sitting room with his boots in one hand and sword belt in the other. Gideon was waiting for him.
"You were to be prepared an hour before your normal watch. Stand to for a uniform inspection."
"You cannot be serious?" Jonathan retorted as he dropped the boots to fasten his sword belt. He looked up to see a very serious commander. Sighing he stepped forward.
"Your watch has officially started as well as mandatory silence."
Nodding instead of releasing the groan he felt Jonathan started counting up the uniform violations. His cloak was a mess, he was wearing the wrong color tunic inside out, no boots, no dagger, in general he was a mess. Gideon only needed to walk around him once.
"Get your boots on." He ordered tersely.
Lacing up his boot Jonathan marveled at how effective a ban on speaking was. Only a few minutes into his watch and all he wanted to do was repent and start over. It had been months since he had even been reprimanded for anything, now he had jumped in with both feet. It felt miserable.
The tower group knew what was going on and chose to remain silent with Jonathan. Normally, when they spoke, it was in low tones so as not to carry or mask sound they wanted to hear. Tonight, watch was silent and long. Silence provided opportunity to think.
There was always an awkwardness when he was in trouble which caused the feeling that there was a gap or tear in the relationship he had with the officers in his life. They would meet after watch and discuss the disciplinary action and why it was needed. That meeting would heal the tear. Tobias, the stable master, had quoted the book of James to him a couple weeks ago. It was something about confessing your sins and being healed. It was exactly how he felt about meeting with his command.
Putting that aside Jonathan contemplated what it would take to get information about his location. Logan was right. Instead of trying to figure out what others might do; he thought about what he would do. People talk, especially if they were drinking. It would be a simple matter to find out how easy it was to get information on The Guard. He just wouldn't be able to do it himself. It took almost no time at all to decide who he could send. Now he just had to endure the rest of this miserable watch.
Watch finally ended. Jonathan moved into the tower where to his chagrin he found his brother along with Laban, Caleb and Gideon. Jacob stood up and looked right at him.
"All of this is my fault. I'm sorry. My job is to see to it that you are protected. Because you are my brother it is easier to just order you to take the safest option instead of working around what you want to do. You wouldn't be in trouble if I had done my job the right way."
Gideon stepped around him and quietly mumbled, "Watch is over. You are free to speak."
Jonathan tossed him an insolent look that was answered with a grin. To his brother he said.
"I forgive you, but you can hardly take all the credit for my being in trouble. I do that pretty well all on my own."
"Very true. Let's sit down."
It was a quick and familiar discussion. Taking responsibility for his actions moved the meeting along. At the end he turned to his commander. "What about the inspection?"
"The one that is taking place tomorrow morning? Make sure you are ready for it. You are dismissed." Gideon answered with a grin.
The brothers headed out of the tower side by side with Gavin trailing behind.
"The inspection I asked about took place this morning. I absolutely failed."
"Gideon gave you a bit of grace."
"Yes, he did. Can you help me with my uniform tonight? With my shoulder sliced up I am not sure I can get it all together."
"I can help."
"Thanks. Logan talked to me about the attack. He thinks some of the guys from my group might be giving out information about me. I just can't believe any of them would do that."
Jacob nodded thoughtfully. "A couple of them head to town on a regular basis. Do you know where they go?"
Jonathan snorted derisively. "No. How would I? You never let me go with them. I want to ask Logan to go with them and see what he can find out."
"That is a good idea. Let me know if you find anything."
"Sure thing."
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