Prince Jonathan bounced into the training ground. It had only taken one set of stairs and two extra turns to lose his "ghost guard"; the extra guardsman who was supposed to follow him incognito. Caleb, a captain of the guard, and the man in charge of all guard training grinned at him as he approached.
"You only have an hour until your watch Sire." Caleb began as he continued setting up the training grounds. "Does Jacob know you're here?"
"Of course, he does." Jonathan didn't mind the question. Caleb still held command authority over him as far as his duties as a guardsman went, and further than that Jonathan held him in the highest regard.
"And where is Gavin?"
"I think he went to let the ghost guard know where I am."
"You think?" Caleb arched an eyebrow.
"I know it sir..." Jonathan revised with a grin.
Caleb nodded. "This is the third time you slipped their watch this week." He noted with a hint of displeasure. Jonathan merely shrugged. It was a constant issue with Jonathan, the young fool... yet Caleb recognized that this was not the best time to deal with it, so he decided to shift the conversation elsewhere for the moment.
"The king approved my plan to conscript some soldiers into The Guard. They should be here soon. If all goes well it won't take too long before they are ready to be inducted. We need more Guards before your coronation. The kingdom knows about you and Princess Christa, but until your coronation you still have a layer of anonymity. Once people know your face the protection will be critical."
"Are any of your brothers joining?" Jonathan asked intentionally directing the subject away from the coronation.
"Both Kyle and Kamdon."
"How is training going to work for the soldiers?" Jonathan asked.
"Our soldiers are well trained with weapons, they know how to ride, understand authority, chain of command, and how the kingdom functions. I will focus on close combat, and the finer nuances of life in The Guard. Guardsmen are expected to fit well with the aristocracy, to blend in and go unnoticed. That will be a big difference for those we have chosen. Why don't you help me with this equipment?"
Caleb waved to a pile of weaponry and armor. Jonathan dug right in and started sorting. In short order there were neat piles containing training swords, bows, arrows, leather jerkins, gauntlets, chain mail; all the things needed for training.
"Captain, do we have your permission to enter the training ground?"
Jonathan turned at the familiar voice. Kamdon and Kyle were in the entry way followed by fifteen other soldiers.
"You have my permission."
"Caleb, I have missed this." Jonathan grinned bouncing a little on the balls of his feet.
The soldiers marched in led by Kyle. They formed a straight line before Caleb and at Kyle's command halted and turned as one unit. Their precision was impressive.
"Reporting as ordered, Captain."
"Welcome to The Guard. It pleases me that you have volunteered. I am Captain Caleb. This is Prince Jonathan. Training gear is in piles along the west wall. Go collect your gear, stow it in the barracks and report back here."
The soldiers were sharp and professional. Obeying with precise movement and synchronization. It was clear they were a solid unit, helping each other sort and store gear in a relaxed yet efficient way.
Jonathan watched already impressed with what he was seeing. "Definitely more organized and obedient than the last group of cadets."
"Present company included?" Caleb asked, eyebrows raised trying to look innocent.
Jonathan answered with an easy, relaxed grin.
The men reassembled themselves. Caleb stood for several moments assessing them. They were professional, serious, but not as stiff and scared as new recruits. Kyle clenched and unclenched his hands; otherwise he stood rigidly staring straight ahead. Caleb walked over and stood before him. For a moment it seemed that he was determined to stare the Captain down. Then he gave a slight incline of his head. While Jonathan was watching that interaction, Kamdon was carefully observing Jonathan, probably looking for any tell-tale signs that the prince had not completely recovered from a previous wound he had treated. The other men were calm, content to wait on him.
"It is imperative that Guardsmen know the castle grounds like their own home. The outer wall surrounds Greycliff Castle Town which includes, obviously, The Guard training ground, all the craftsman, the creamery, the laundry, the stable, all things needed to support the castle and the running of the kingdom. Are all of you familiar with this?"
Caleb waited for each mans' confirmation before continuing
"The inner wall contains the gardens, the orchard, housing for some of the servants, and the main barracks for The Guard. Security increases the closer you get to the castle. I want all of you to learn your way around the castle grounds, within both the inner wall and the outer wall. You are to take today to map out the grounds. You were all fitted with identification bands. If you are challenged you state your name, that you are a Guard Cadet and show your band. Is that clear?"
"Yes, sir." They answered in unison.
"Captain, before we head out would Prince Jonathan indulge a few questions? Many of the men would appreciate the opportunity." Kamdon asked. There were several nods in agreement. Caleb looked to Jonathan who shrugged in answer.
"You have permission. Introduce yourselves as you ask."
"My name is Nathan. Are you a part of The Guard?"
"Yes, I am a full member of The Guard."
"Reid, your highness." The next man stepped forward stating his name with a slight bow. "Would you explain how it works for you to be a Guardsmen?"
"The Guard protects all of the inner wall, the castle, and anything pertaining to the royal family or any member of nobility visiting the royal family. So, while I will never be the primary guard to any member of the royal family, I can serve in The Guard in other capacities. Right now, my duty station is at the Northwest tower, third watch."
Kyle stepped forward next. "Do you adhere to the same command structure as all other Guardsmen?"
Jonathan carefully scrutinized Kyle, after a moment he broke out in a full-blown smile. "Adhere is an interesting choice of words. According to Prince Ilya I am the most disobedient and troublesome person in the castle. I am quite sure those in command of me would agree." Several of the men chuckled at his answer, Kyle included. "When in uniform I am expected to follow all Guard protocols and comply with the command structure."
"I am Emmett. How do you balance duties as a Guardsman and as Prince of the realm?"
"I love The Guard. It is where I belong, and I will always be thankful that I am a Guardsman. My command is lenient with my schedule when I have royal duties as long as I am faithful to communicate with them. However, balancing both is a challenge that disallows me any free time."
"Which your command is thankful for since it keeps you out of trouble." Caleb inserted; the men chuckled. "Enough questions, head out now."
The men quickly pulled together in a group. Jonathan listened as Kyle split the castle grounds into sections, and the men into two-man teams. He then assigned a section to each team. As soon as they were all clear on the plan to map all the grounds they headed out. Kamdon was the last one to leave but was halted when a small person darted out and latched onto his hand. A cheery little voice floated across the grounds. Jonathan watched ridiculously happy. Across the training ground by the door Kamdon took time to sit on the ground, while Sam stood in front of him chattering away. After a few minutes she grabbed Kamdon's hand pulling him up and towards them.
"Hey sprite!"
"Kamdon wants to know if you are all healed up, I told him you were."
"Kamdon." Kyle's sharp voice rang out across the grounds. As he marched up to them Sam slipped behind Jonathan. Once he was standing with the group, he seemed to lose his fire. The moment stretched as Kyle shifted awkwardly. Jonathan watched him with amusement for a few moments then spun and snatched Sam throwing her over his shoulder. Holding her with one arm he tickled her bare feet with the other. She kicked, giggled and squirmed trying to get free. Jonathan set her down in the midst of them. She froze and glared at Kyle.
"Don't scare the sprite." Jonathan ordered. Kyle took about two seconds to completely soften towards Sam.
"Understood sire."
"Sam, Kyle is..."
"Caleb and Kamdon's big brother." She finished for him. "I'll see you later." She yelled running off with bare feet silent.
"You two head out." Caleb's voice had the first note of warning in it.
Kyle tensed at the command. Kamdon pulled Kyle along giving Caleb a nod as they pass.
"How did we end up with this group of soldiers?"
"My brother Kenneth actually suggested pulling soldiers into The Guard. Instead of sending soldiers from each province he sent me a complete squad from my home province. Kyle was their sergeant. They have been together for a few years; fought in some border skirmishes last year. They unanimously agreed to join us."
"Kyle seems to be chaffing a bit under your command. How wise is it to have your older brother be your subordinate?"
"He did volunteer, also he will only be under me until he is instated into The Guard. The real rub is that these are his men. It is hard to give up that authority and start back at the bottom."
Jonathan frowned, his brow furrowed, puzzling out the dilemma.
"When he takes his oath in-state him as a commander."
"I would have to get approval, but it is a good idea."
"Consider it approved."
"Yes, your highness. Now get to watch before you are late."
"Absolutely Captain."
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