Requested by SmilySrusty
noun: poltergeist; plural noun: poltergeists
a ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances.
"Okay, are we all finally ready?" Jin turned around to the rest of the members in the car, he was getting impatient. Everyone kept having to run back into the house to grab things they realized they'd forgotten.
"Ready!" Everyone replied in unison. The members felt like going on a small getaway, so Jin booked an airbnb in a pretty small town, they wanted the privacy. They also got an extremely good rate for the house they'd be staying in. It was in the woods and far from civilization. Yoongi figured the price had been so cheap because it was in the middle of nowhere. Before getting there they had to stop at the store and grocery shop for food and other supplies. They didn't plan on staying at the airbnb all that long, only for the weekend, so they didn't need much. When they got onto the road that housed the airbnb, it became pretty obvious why it was so cheap. The road would have been impossible to drive down if they didn't have a 4 wheel drive SUV. It was a dirt road full of mud and pot holes. The members made a game out of it everytime Jin had to drive through a giant puddle, it had rained recently. He'd speed through it and the members would all clap and cheer. They could make any situation seem fun if they tried hard enough. When they pulled into the driveway, they were hesitant to get out.
"Hyung," Jungkook turned to Jin, "Next time, let someone else pick where we stay."
The building almost looked like a castle in the middle of the woods. It was made of wood however, Taehyung kept jokingly calling it "the cabin castle."
"Have you seen that movie?" Namjoon asked Taehyung.
"There's a movie called cabin castle?" Taehyung asked as he helped the rest of the members start unloading the groceries from the car. Namjoon burst into laughter, "No Tae I meant Cabin in the Woods."
"I've seen that," Yoongi chimed in.
"What's that about?" Taehyung asked.
"What do you think it's about?" Jimin asked mockingly.
"A cabin in the woods? That looks like a castle?" Taehyung laughed. Namjoon patted him on the back laughing, "Never change, Tae." They headed inside and Taehyung kept asking Namjoon what the movie was about.
"Don't tell him Namjoon, you'll scare him," Hobi chimed in.
Taehyung pouted and gave up asking. Inside, the members started exploring. The inside didn't seem all that bad. Everything was clean and maintained well. It just seemed very outdated. Almost like the members were picked up and thrown back into the 18th century. There were three floors to the place with small stairwells on both sides . They were narrow, and Jimin fell on the very first step he took. Jin grabbed his shirt, "Jimin-ah, I don't think the price of this place covers injury insurance," he joked.
"Yeah, yeah," Jimin brushed his knee and headed upstairs to explore. They all took time to roam around and check out the bedrooms. The place had to have been built in the 1800's. Every bedroom had a fireplace in it and the ceilings were really low. Hobi was browsing around one of the bedrooms when the door closed. He went over to it and tried opening it but it seemed to be locked. He knocked on it, "Not funny, let me out." He listened but didn't hear anyone. He wiggled the door handle again, "Let me out!" he said louder. He frantically kept wiggling the door handle when it turned and finally opened. Jimin had pushed it open.
"Aish! You're not funny Jimin!" Hobi scolded.
"What? I heard you wiggling the handle and opened it," Jimin replied. He seemed honestly confused.
"You closed it on me and locked it!" Hobi shot back.
"No I didn't hyung," Jimin protested, "It was closed and I heard you so I opened it."
"Don't do it again, Jimin-ah!" Hobi yelled at him before leaving the room. Jimin stood there confused before making his way to explore that same room. He heard tapping from inside the wall and decided he didn't want to be in there anymore, he ran out and met up with the others. They talked about the rooms and started putting the groceries away. Taehyung and Jin were putting things in the fridge, Taehyung was placing something in the fridge when he backed up and screamed, grabbing his back.
"Ow!!!" Taehyung yelled. Everyone looked at him, "What?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung turned to Jin who had been standing behind him, "Why did you hit me?!" Taehyung was noticeably in pain as he bent over holding his back.
"You hit him?"Jimin asked. Jin held the bags of tangerines he was holding in both hands up, "I didn't touch him! My hands are full! Why the hell would I hit him?!" Jin said defensively.
"I felt you hit me, hyung!" Taehyung yelled at him.
"Why would I hit you?!" Jin screamed back as his face turned red. He had no reason to smack his dongsaeng with a bag of tangerines. Taehyung lifted his shirt and had a noticeable red mark on his skin. Jin was confused, it did look like someone hit him. It wasn't him, though.
"Hyung! Why'd you do that?" Jungkook pouted to Jin.
"Aish! I didn't!! " Jin threw the bags on the floor.
"I think the maknae's are fucking with us, hyung," Hobi told Jin.
"What do you mean?" Yoongi came over.
"Jimin locked me in a bedroom," Hobi told Yoongi. Now Jimin got defensive, " No I didn't! Hobi-hyung was shaking the door handle and yelling so I went over and opened the door for him!"
Namjoon came over, feeling like even on this vacation he'd have to step into his role as leader, "Okay, okay. You three," Namjoon pointed to the maknae's , "If you have some kind of prank war going on again, save it for when we're home. Not here, please." Jimin crossed his arms and pouted, he hadn't done anything. Jungkook copied Jimin, considering he hadn't done anything either. Namjoon asked Taehyung who had actually hit him and he kept saying it was Jin, but Jin denied it with every ounce of his body.
"Maybe it was a damn ghost or something!" Jin screamed. Jin didn't believe in ghosts, neither did the other hyungs, he had said it sarcastically. Unfortunately, this made the whole maknae line freeze up. Taehyung took a step back, "Hyung, you don't think..." he asked with wide eyes.
"He was kidding," Hobi started, "Jin you're going to give them nightmares. Ghosts aren't real."
"Yes they are hyung! I've seen them before!" Jungkook told them. Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows, "When the hell have you ever seen a ghost?"
"When I was little a ghost lived in my closet. It would throw stuff at me. I had to switch my bedroom because of it," Jungkook informed his leader.
"It probably wasn't a ghost," Jin replied. Jungkook crossed his arms, "What was it then? Huh hyung?"
"It was probably a bird or something living in your closet," Yoongi started laughing, causing Namjoon, Hobi, and Jin to laugh too.
"Can ghosts hit? 'Cause someone definitely hit Taehyungie, he has a bruise," Jimin pouted as him and Taehyung were busy inspecting the mark on his skin.
"Yeah they can!" Jungkook told Jimin, concerned.
"Air can't smack a person!" Yoongi yelled as he threw his hands up. He thought the three youngest were absolutely insane for believing in ghosts, and especially for believing ghosts walked around hitting people.
"So then you're saying it was Jin?" Jimin asked. Jin threw his hands up in surrender, "I give up!" He stormed away. Taehyung turned to Jimin, "Jimin-ssi what if this place is haunted?"
Jungkook overheard them, "HAUNTED?!" he yelled. Yoongi went over and grabbed Jungkook's shoulder, "It's not haunted, maknae. Calm down. I think we're all tired from the drive, let's just hang out for a little bit." The members agreed. A few hours went by and it was now nighttime. They were gathered in the living room area and even had a small fire going in the fireplace.
Jin offered to get dinner started and Hobi and Namjoon offered to help. While in the kitchen Namjoon went to grab a pot off the shelf but before he had even touched it it flew down and hit him in the face.
"Ugh!" He yelled, holding his eye. Everyone looked when they heard the pot crash on the floor.
"Be careful," Yoongi gestured from the living room.
"I didn't even drop it , it just fell off the shelf," Namjoon informed them. He picked the pot back up and stared at it. It was definitely weird. He couldn't find a reason why the pot would have fallen. He eventually debunked it to being the house wasn't sturdy and his footsteps knocked it off the shelf, that was the only reasonable explanation. Jungkook walked into the kitchen and wanted to help cook too, he reached up for a pot and history repeated itself. Except instead of one pot falling before he had even grabbed them, they all started falling and crashing onto the maknae. Jungkook ducked down and Jin grabbed his shirt and pulled him backwards. When he finally looked up, he had a small cut under his eye that was bleeding.
"Oh no," Jin said looking at the youngest.
"What?" Jungkook didn't even know he had gotten cut.
"You're bleeding," Yoongi told him. Jungkook touched under his eye and saw small traces of blood on his finger, "Oh."
"Come with hyung," Jin gestured as he took Jungkook's hand and led him back to the couch. He sat down next to Jimin and Taehyung. They kept asking him if he was okay, he said he barely even felt it. Hobi came over with the first aid kit, thankfully they had bought one when they went shopping. Jin took out some alcohol wipes to wipe Jungkook's cut, the maknae winced at the sting.
"You guys really have to be more careful," Jin gestured to both Jungkook and Namjoon.
"They just fell on their own," Jungkook told his hyung.
"The ghost probably did it," Jimin said. This got a concerned look from Taehyung and Jungkook.
"Will you three stop with the ghost? There's no ghost!" Hobi yelled at them.
The members finished dinner and were gathered around back in the living room playing UNO when Jimin started grabbing at his stomach, he said it was starting to hurt.
"Maybe Namjoon didn't cook right," Hobi teased.
"No it's not that hyung, my skin burns," Jimin lifted his shirt to reveal a patch of small red scratches on his stomach, "What the hell?"
"What happened?" Yoongi asked.
"I..I don't know. Nothing happened," Jimin looked around at them concerned. Nobody had scratched him and his stomach only just start to burn while he was playing UNO.
"You didn't walk into the corner of a table or something?" Jin asked. Jimin shook his head no. Everyone turned their attention to Jungkook who randomly got a bloody nose.
"Why is everyone such a mess tonight?" Hobi asked, he was a bit frustrated. It seemed like it was becoming one thing after another. Taehyung stood up and threw his cards on the floor, "I want to go home!" he yelled and stormed out the front door. Jimin got up and chased him out , "Me too!"
"Ugh! Will someone go get them?!" Jin yelled as he got paper towels and brought them to Jungkook. Namjoon and Yoongi ran outside after the two while Hobi stayed in, he didn't care to be outside in the forest in the dark.
"How'd you get a bloody nose?" Hobi asked his maknae. Jungkook started getting a little bit upset, "I don't know," he whimpered. The night was starting to scare him. Hobi gripped Jungkook's knee and told him he'd be okay. When Namjoon and Yoongi ran outside, they saw Taehyung and Jimin standing in the driveway. The middle of the driveway, where the car was parked. Except there was no car.
"Where the hell did our car go?" Taehyung turned to his hyungs.
"That's not even funny Taehyung, where'd you put it?" Yoongi stormed over to him.
"I didn't move the car hyung! I've been outside for 5 seconds!" Taehyung defended himself.
"Hyung the car was gone when we got out here," Jimin pouted. Honestly where the hell did the car go ?
"Someone must've moved it as a prank," Namjoon said.
"Who? Huh? We've all been together since we got here, someone stole it!" Taehyung shouted. Yoongi got furious, it did in fact seem like someone came and stole their car. He took his phone out to call the police but his phone didn't have service, just his luck. Taehyung started storming further away, "I'm going home!" he yelled, "Something at this house is fucking with us and I don't want to stay here anymore!" Jimin ran up behind him and took his hand, "Me too, hyungs. I want to go home," he looked at both Yoongi and Namjoon.
"Get back inside, both of you, there's nothing in this house and you can't really think you're about to walk through these woods in the dark," Yoongi demanded.
"We'll be fine, our phones have flashlights," Jimin told him.
"Get back in the damn house!" Yoongi shouted, "You can't walk through these woods at night! Do you want to get mauled by an animal? Or eaten? No, probably not!"
"Yoongi hyung is right guys, a lot of weird creatures are in the woods at night, you'll get hurt if you walk in the woods in the dark," Namjoon tried to offer his hyung some backup to convince their dongsaengs to get back inside. Jimin and Taehyung looked at eachother and hesitated. Namjoon and Yoongi walked over and grabbed both of them, gesturing for them to go back inside but Taehyung backed away, "I don't like this house, hyung. Everyone keeps getting hurt."
"I get that but it's not because of a damn ghost, Tae. You're all scaring yourselves with fairytales," Namjoon tried to reassure him.
While Namjoon and Yoongi were outside trying to get the two back in the house, Jin and Hobi were dealing with trying to clean the blood pouring out of Jungkook's nose. The blood wouldn't stop coming.
"You had to have hit it on something. Unless you were like, picking it," Hobi gave Jungkook a grossed out look.
"I wasn't picking my nose! And I didn't hit it, I don't know why it's bleeding it just happened!"
"Maybe it's the air in here," Jin said. The three of them turned when they heard what sounded like footsteps upstairs. They knew the rest of the members were outside so they sat there in silence. The fear grew when the footsteps sounded like they were coming down the stairs towards them. Jungkook clung closer to Jin. They watched the staircase and could hear the footsteps getting closer, but there was obviously nobody walking down them. It went silent.
"Maybe there's something in the wall? Like a racoon or something?" Hobi turned to Jin. They looked back at the stairs, and then Jin felt Jungkook tugging on his shirt. When Jin looked at Jungkook, he was turning red. He was choking. Jungkook couldn't speak or breathe, and was holding his throat as blood continued to pour out of his nose and tears fell from his eyes.
"What the hell is going on? Why are you choking?!" Jin started panicking. Hobi noticed and started hitting Jungkook on the back, "Breathe Jungkookie!" he yelled. All three of them were terrified. Jungkook felt like someone had actual hands around his throat and he was taking his hand and trying to pry them off, but to his hyungs it looked like he was just trying to claw at his own throat. "Jungkook!" Jin screamed again. He didn't know what to do. Jungkook wasn't eating anything, he didn't understand why he couldn't breathe. The episode ended when Jungkook took in a gasp of air and started sobbing. Hobi and Jin both wrapped him in their arms, not caring to get the blood still pouring out of their maknae's nose all over themselves.
A screaming noise started echoing through the woods, and the four members outside froze and grabbed eachother.
"What the hell was that?! Was that a person?! That sounded like a woman screaming?!" Jimin cried. "It was probably an animal, now will you please get back in the damn house?! Hyung is begging you! I don't want to be mauled to death by a screaming animal!" Namjoon yelled. The four of them ran back inside and were greeted to Jungkook sobbing against Jin and Hobi.
"Now what?!" Yoongi yelled as he ran to them, "He's still bleeding?"
Hobi looked up at Yoongi with wet eyes ,"He was choking. He couldn't breathe hyung I mean he was actually choking." The rest of the members heard this and surrounded Jungkook, asking if he was okay. Namjoon stood behind Jungkook and put his hand on his back, "Choking? Why?" He asked. Jungkook looked at all of them, "Someone was choking me," he sobbed. Everyone looked around at eachother.
"Who was choking you?" Jimin glanced back and forth between Jin and Hobi.
"Nobody. I mean physically nobody was choking me but I felt hands around my throat and I couldn't breathe," Jungkook cried.
"Did you eat something you're allergic to?" Namjoon asked. Jungkook shook his head no.
"He's not even allergic to anything, and he wasn't eating anything," Hobi informed the leader.
"I want to go home now please," Jungkook begged.
"About that. Our car is missing," Taehyung said. Jin stood up, "What?!" He yelled. He ran outside and saw the car missing, "Someone stole our car?! How did we not hear that?!" Jin's face was beat red, so were his ears. Yoongi walked over and grabbed his arm, "Calm down, hyung. We'll find it."
"Don't tell me to calm down! We're in the middle of nowhere with no car!? Jungkook was just choking to death what if we had to go to the hospital or something?!" Jin yelled. The members knew Jin was right, it was a really bad situation. There wasn't much they could do right now. They didn't have phone service because some bad weather had rolled in. Hopefully service would be back in the morning. Jin ran back in and sat next to Jungkook. The maknae had calmed down a little and his nose had stopped bleeding.
"What a shitty night," Namjoon said, he had stayed standing behind Jungkook and was rubbing his back.
"We're trying to tell you this house is haunted , but nobody will believe us!" Jimin crossed his arms and turned to the older members, "Hyungs bedroom door locked on it's own. Pots flew out and hit Namjoonie and maknae in the face. Our car is missing. Maknae got a bloody nose and started choking. You're really going to sit here and say this is all just bad luck? You guys seriously don't think something is at work here?"
"And the weird footsteps on the stairs," Hobi added. Jimin looked at him, "Footsteps on the stairs?" Jimin threw his arms up, "I rest my case! There's a ghost here! And it's trying to hurt us!"
"Hobi please don't say they're winning you over with the ghosts," Yoongi asked.
"I'm not. I'm just saying Jimin has a point, it's weird. And we heard footsteps coming down the stairs right before maknae felt like someone was choking him," Hobi tensed up. Part of him realized maybe he was starting to believe his maknae's. Everything was too weird. Jin sighed and walked to the kitchen to grab sodas for everyone. Hobi was still sitting next to Jungkook when he noticed his stomach was starting to hurt now. It was burning, kind of like how Jimin's was. He got off the couch and walked into the kitchen to help his hyung carry soda, but he couldn't ignore how badly his skin was stinging. He lifted his shirt to reveal the same exact line of scratches Jimin had gotten on his stomach earlier. Hobi quickly pulled his shirt back down and felt a rush of anxiety. He tugged on Jin's shirt sleeve, "Hyung," he whispered.
"Hmm?" Jin didn't look at him, he was preoccupied opening the soda boxes.
"What if they're telling the truth?"
"Please don't, Hobi."
"Hyung look," Hobi lifted his shirt to show Jin the scratches on his stomach. They looked identical to Jimin's and were in the exact same spot. Jin furrowed his brows, "What happened?"
"Nothing, hyung," Hobi whispered, "That's what freaks me out. I was just sitting there and felt them. Nobody scratched me and no, I didn't walk in to anything. What if something is in this house? I know earlier I said they were trying to prank us but they're not faking their injuries or their fear, hyung. I'm getting scared. Something was choking Jungkookie."
Jin sighed, he honestly didn't know how to respond, "Fine. Say there's a ghost here. What do we do about it? Nothing. There is nothing we can do. It's not like we can leave right now, the car is missing. I don't know what to tell you, I'm sorry you're scared. Hyung is here to protect you though, if something else were to happen." Their conversation was interrupted by the microwave beginning to beep loudly a million times a second. Jin ran to it and started pressing buttons but the beeping would not stop. Eventually Yoongi ran over and unplugged it, but it kept beeping, "How the hell?" Yoongi said as he held the plug in his hand.
Namjoon came over, "Maybe it also has batteries? "
"It's the ghost," Hobi said out loud.
"Not you too!" Yoongi yelled.
"We've lost him," Jin joked. Hobi pouted and joined his maknae's back in the living room. He was starting to understand their frustration. After the beeping finally stopped everyone was sitting around the fireplace again with their sodas. It was quiet, everyone was tired and in a bad mood. Yoongi perked up when he heard footsteps upstairs, "Shh..guys do you hear that?" They all listened for a second and Jungkook and Hobi instantly panicked. It was the same footsteps they'd heard the first time, and they were making their way down the stairs. Jungkook ran to the front door, "Come on we need to leave!"
"And go where?" Namjoon asked.
"Anywhere but in here! That's the same noise we heard before I got choked! It's happening again!" Jungkook wanted to escape so badly.
"Jungkook-ah you'll be fi-" Yoongi couldn't finish his sentence because he started choking. He felt someone gripping his throat, but nobody had his hands around his neck. He started grabbing at his throat as now he was the one turning red and tears were being forced out of his eyes.
"HYUNG!" Jungkook screamed and ran over, everyone surrounded him. Hobi started hitting him on the back to try and help. "Leave him alone!!" Taehyung screamed into the air, "Let my hyung go!" Yoongi gripped the front of Namjoon's shirt, he was panicking. Jimin looked around and thought of an idea, he ran into the kitchen and poured salt on his hand, then ran back into the living room and wrapped his hand loosely around Yoongi's neck.
His hyung could breathe again. He took in deep breaths and clutched his chest. He thought it was going to explode.
"What the hell did you just do Jimin?" Namjoon asked.
"Salt repels ghosts," he replied, "Hyungie are you okay?" Jimin asked Yoongi. Yoongi grabbed Jimin and pulled him into a hug, "I'm sorry, " he cried, "I believe you now." Everyone was thrown off by that statement. Yoongi was the one who believed the least in the supernatural. After seeing and hearing Yoongi go through that, Namjoon and Jin were starting to have a change of heart as well.
Namjoon turned to his maknae's. "Alright. Let's say there is a ...ghost...here...what the hell do we do so that doesn't happen again?"
"We need salt, hyung!" Jungkook jumped up off the couch.
"What are we supposed to do with it, though?" Jin asked. He was hugging Yoongi who was still trying to catch his breath.
"All the movies I've ever seen people just make a circle and sit in it," Hobi added. Jungkook went into the kitchen to grab the salt, but as he tried to reach for it another pot flew off the shelf, the curve of it smacked into his chest, "Ow," he whimpered as he backed away from the kitchen.
"Maknae!" Namjoon cried, running towards him, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," Jungkook pouted. He stepped back into the kitchen to reach for the salt but he felt something grab his ankle and drag him backwards. Namjoon tried to grab Jungkook but missed, everyone watched their maknae literally be dragged by nothing across the floor and slammed into the front door.
Taehyung and Hobi ran to him, "Holy..shit..." Hobi knelt down and tilted Jungkook's head up. He had a bleeding cut on his hand. Jungkook started crying and curled up into a ball, "I want to go. I want to go," he repeated. Taehyung wrapped him in a hug. Namjoon was absolutely speechless. Jungkook just got ...dragged...across the whole house. He felt his heart start racing when he finally admitted something he'd never believed in.
The house is haunted. There's a ghost here. And it wants to hurt us.
"I think we should all try to grab the salt at the same time," Jimin suggested.
"Not you three," Yoongi spoke up for the first time, pointing to Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook, "You three stay back and let hyungs do it." Yoongi got up and gestured for Hobi and Jin to follow. They met Namjoon at the edge of the kitchen.
"On the count of three just run for it. One..two..three!" The three of them all ran for the salt. Pots and pans started flying everywhere and hitting them. Jin got tripped and was thrown into one of the cabinets. Namjoon was able to grab it and run back, grabbing Jin and dragging him away. The supernatural force followed them into the living room. Screams started coming from inside the fire they had started in the fire place. Jungkook and Taehyung were both on the ground curled up together covering their ears. They were terrified. Jimin had his arms around both of them. Cushions started flying off the couch and hitting the maknae's.
"Protect them!" Yelled Yoongi. Namjoon took the salt and quikly poured it out around the three, making the circle big enough for all seven of them to fit. Once they finished the hyungs curled up in the circle too and hugged the three youngest.
"Are you guys okay?" Jin turned to the maknae's. Jimin nodded but Taehyung and Jungkook were still cowering in fear. Jin grabbed them and Taehyung started crying, "Tae it's okay. It's just me. You're safe now." Taehyung looked up at his hyungs and he also got Jungkook's attention telling him they were okay.
"So now what? How does this work? We just sit here all night? Can they break the salt? Can stuff still be thrown at us?" Namjoon had a million questions. He had no knowledge of this concept. Thankfully the three youngest had all the answers. Granted it was mostly stuff they saw in movies, but Yoongi also had some input. He's read a lot about the paranormal in books, just never beleived any of it until now.
"What the hell kind of ghost can do shit like this?" Jin asked.
"A poltergeist," cried Jungkook. He was shaking. Jin was hugging him trying to keep him calm.
"Will it go away on it's own?" Hobi asked.
"Sometimes they do, sometimes they dont'," Yoongi said. Taehyung and Jimin started crying too.
"Hey, no no," Namjoon started, "We'll be okay. Hyung has the salt now, remember?" Yoongi leaned over and wiped the tear dripping from the bottom of Taehyung's chin. Hobi leaned over and wiped Jimin's.
"Get in the middle of us," Namjoon told the three youngest. The three scooted into the middle and were then surrounded by a circle formed by their hyungs, who were themselves circled by salt.
"You're safe now," Yoongi reassured them. They sat like that for hours. Every now and then screaming would come back out from the fire in the fireplace, but the fire had died. The microwave would beep on and off even though it was unplugged. Random things continued to fly around the kitchen. Whenever something like that would happen Jin would tell everyone to close their eyes and count out loud. When they were done counting, usually the chaos would be over.
As soon as the sun started to rise, everyone's first instinct was to run out the front door as fast as possible. However, they were all afraid of leaving the circle.
"I say we just book it to the door at the same time," Namjoon suggested.
"What about all our stuff?" Jin asked.
"Forget the stuff! Get me the hell out!" Hobi yelled. Yoongi looked back towards the kitchen and pouted at all his tangerines that had been thrown all over the floor by the ghost, he reached his hand out pretending to reach for them.
"I'll buy you more," Hobi offered.
"Once we're outside and away from this damn house we'll call someone. We might have to walk a bit if we can't find service, but at least it's light out now," Yoongi said. Everyone held hands and stood up, they started counting together. They made a run for the door, thankfully it wasn't all that far from them, only a few feet. But they knew that was plenty of distance for someone to be grabbed and dragged across a room. Their maknae knew all too well. They made a run for it and shoved eachother out the front door. Taehyung felt something grab his ankle and trip him and he fell face first down the front stairs. He quickly got up with the help of the others and gestured that he was fine, he just scraped his arm a little bit. That was the least of his worries right now.
"The car!!" Namjoon screamed. Their car was back in the driveway.
"Who the hell steals a car and then returns it?! Not that I'm complaining! Drive me the hell away from here!" Hobi ran straight for it. They all hopped in and locked the doors. Jin took the drivers seat and wasted no time speeding down that dirt road as fast as he could.
"We're free. Head count, are we all alive?" Namjoon asked. Everyone said their name out loud to confirm they were all there. When the adrenaline subsided , the scrape on Taehyung's arm was starting to hurt him. Jin brought them to a convenience store to buy a new first aide kit and he tended to Taheyungs wound. On their way home, Jungkook tapped Jin on the shoulder, "Hyung?"
"I'm sticking to what I said before. Next time let someone else pick where we stay," Jungkook was being completely serious.
"Hey hyungs," Jimin started. The older members turned to him, "Do you want to hear a ghost story?" Everyone started playfully hitting Jimin.
Nobody wanted to hear a ghost story.
[The End]
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