@lifesucks: "people don't cry because they're weak, it's because they've been strong for too long"
I think I just figured out who @lifesucks is. Since she says that Kaylee kissed me infront of her and Emma was there, it must've been her. I mean there were other people there too, but at least now the possibility of Emma being @lifesucks is possible.
I may have been talking to my crush all this time and I never knew it.
I feel something weird happening. I start smiling and feel like jumping. I was feeling happy. I thought I forgot what it felt like.
I know everything about her from her favorite color to where she shops and dines.
All this time I was trying to get Emma to fall for me because I was already falling for her, when she was trying to do the same thing.
I want to find a way to talk to her, actually, I need to. Every time I try to start a decent one-human-to-the-other Kaylee has to interfere.
I need to breakup with her, she is killing me. She is the main reason for my depression and unhappiness.
Emma was sunshine; Kaylee was one of the darkest caves most people would try to avoid. Emma was beautiful from the inside and outside; Kaylee was pretty on the outside. Emma was loving; Kaylee was loved.
It hurts a lot, just knowing that I dont have a chance with her.
The next day
"Slut," I hear someone shout. People whisper into eachother's ears probably spreading rumors.
probably? They were definitely spreading rumors.
I push the crowd aside only to see Emma's face clutched in her hands, whimpering. The faster she ran, the quicker the tears cascaded down her flushed and bruised cheeks.
Kaylee stands next to the most popular boy in school, Josh. They were laughing so hard I thought they might explode.It takes me a few seconds to process what the hell just happened. Then, I finally understand.
"Troy, calm down," Eric shouts while he walks past me.
"He fucking hurt her," I answer back. Eric stares at me for a second then freezes in his spot. "What do you even mean by that?" He shouts at me. "He hurt Emma and he doesn't have the right to do that. I won't let him." I turn around and walk away
I push the crowd aside and see Josh laughing, and Kaylee supporting him. "Troy, ma man, what's wrong? Isn't this shit funny?" Josh laughs.
"Funny? Not as funny as my hands around your throat," I wrap my fingers around his throat and I don't let go. His face turns red and his smile starts fading away. I feel his heavy breathing, I see his face turning red. He was screaming for air. The light in his eyes almost fade away, but before they do, I feel someone punch me in the face. I fall backwards and I loose my grip.
I feel blood leaking out of my lips and my left eye starts swelling. I realize that Kaylee was the one who punched me, since she's the one with the swollen, bleeding knuckles."Get off him", she shouts and pulls Josh into her arms. I look at her. I secretly wonder what type of satan has possessed her.
I wanted to tell her it's over between us, but I don't have time, I had to find Emma.
I run through the hallways screaming her name, until I hear someone silently crying. I follow the sound until it leads me to the handicapped bathroom. "Emma? Are you in there", I ask, softly.
"What do you want? You don't need to tell me how much of a failure I am, I already know," she answers. "Can't you just let me in? I promise, I don't bite," I could feel her smiling from behind that door. I feel her shuffling in the bathroom, but before she unlocks the door, she hesitates and starts questioning me, "Who are you?," her voice is hushed. "Just let me in, please," she unlocks the door a few inches, just to check that it's not Kaylee or Josh, then she opens the door, wide enough for me to enter. She looks at me from head to toes and mumbles, "Troy?" Her eyes fill with tears and she collapses into my arms.
I feel the warmth of her body against mine. I wrap my arms around her and tell her it's ok. I never wanted to let go of her now.
I knew how it felt like to be rejected by everyone. Iv'e experienced it many times. I push her away and look into her eyes. They're filled with tears.
With all this imperfection, I still love her. I hug her again, tighter this time. Making sure she doesn't slip away, making sure that no one hurts her anymore.
She lets go of me and stares at me for a few seconds. Her face showed worry and I could tell that she never got any sleep from those black-under eyes.
"I'm so sorry for not being there for you," I say, "I understand if you don't want to forgive me, because, I mean, I wouldn't forgive me too, if I were you." I see a small grin making its way up her face. "I was never mad at you," she says. Then she lays her head against my chest a hugs my. I push her off and I wipe her tears off then I wrap her in my hands.
I didn't intend on letting go of her anytime soon
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