After the tryouts, I went over to Cam's; because ever since Carter got a girlfriend, it's been less of what Cam and I want, and more about what Carter wants. Carter was originally the quiet, shy, and extremely witty one of the group, and now that he's met Macy, he's been acting funny. I think Macy is running off on him, and it's not a good look. Though if Carter could see how much time he's wasting on her, the world would fall back in place.
"Good afternoon Mrs. Dallas, is Cameron here?" I said, as she opened the door. I always loved greeting Mrs. Dallas.
"Why Madison, I haven't seen you in such a long while, you look very good. The boys are all downstairs; you can come right in. Do you want a snack, or something to eat?"
"No, I'm fine, thank you Mrs. Dallas." I always loved Mrs. Dallas, not because she treated me like her perfect daughter-in-law (even though I'm not, yet) but because she was like a mother figure to me. Not that I don't have a mother, but mine is just out of whack right now. Plus, she trusts me alone with Cameron, I don't know any mother who would approve of that.
The guys were all in Cam's basement, playing some video game, while Carter was sitting on the couch texting no other than Macy. Their relationship disgust me.
"Hey guys." I said plopping on the couch.
"Sup babe, did you want to play next round?" Cam said passing me Carter's controller.
"No, just came to visit, and to tell Carter, that Macy made the cheerleading team." I said watching Carter's facial expression change completely.
"What? Seriously, she made the team? Why didn't she tell me?" Carter said, jumping up and down on the couch, making me bounce a little too.
"I don't know, but I'm guessing she wanted to surprise you, so please don't tell her I said anything."
"No prob Mads. I mean, she told me about how obnoxious Tess's behavior was, and how Jack was indirectly hitting on you, but she nothing about how she did with her tryouts." Carter said, resuming his texting.
"What did Carter say Madison?" Cameron said, pausing the game. Crap, the truth came out.
"Madison, you can't keep a lie from me and you know it. Was that guy Jack was there, and did he flirt with you?"
"Cam, it wasn't that serious, he just told me that I would make a great cheerleader, and I was a good friend to Macy, nothing big."
"Madison, flirting is still flirting, whether he compliments your shoelaces, or says you're gorgeous; either way, I don't like the idea of him being around you when I'm not there." Cameron and I never had relationship problems.
Him and his friends being the most popular guys in school and me being his girl, made it automatically known that no one touches or messes with us. No girl has ever flirted with Cameron since Brooklynn left, and no guy has ever flirted with me, until now.
"Babe, I'm sorry about Jack, and I'm sorry I didn't say anything to stop him; but he's new to the school, he doesn't know anyone, and the guy honestly has zero potential, because if he had potential, he wouldn't be dating Tess Ford. Cameron, you know I love you, and I know I love you. Do you not trust me?"
"I trust you 100%. I just don't trust him, and because he's still unknown, he could take an advantage of that. Madison, you don't know what he's capable of. I just want my girlfriend safe." He said, kissing my forehead.
"Okay, if it helps, I can talk to him about knowing his boundaries; it's the least I can do to fix the situation I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry too. I was just a little jealous, and should've never been so upset with you, just make you sure he doesn't do anything to hurt you, or I'll have to whip out my can of butt-kicking." Cameron said, believing his joke was insanely funny. Meanwhile, Nash and Carter are just looking at him like he's a lune. "Just make sure you talk to him after school tomorrow." Cam said, continuing the game.
"Anyways, I think I should go, I gotta head home for dinner. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said, giving Cam a kiss goodbye, Nash a fist bump, and leaving Carter to continue his texting, as he's so head over heels for her. Approaching the front door, Mrs. Dallas stopped me.
"You're leaving already?"
"Yeah, my dad's making dinner, can't miss that."
"Oh, well then I was gonna pack you something to take home, but if you're leaving, that is fine. Tell your father I said hi."
"Will do Mrs., Dallas. Thanks for everything."
"How's your mother? Is she still around?" Mrs. Dallas said
"Yeah, she's actually closer than I thought.
I rushed home as quickly as I could. Dad was making oven-baked Greek potatoes, there was no way I was missing that.
"Dad! Did I miss it? Did you eat for two? Are the potatoes gone?" I said dashing my things on the floor, running to the kitchen.
"Of course not. We'd never eat without you, Madison."
"C'mon honey, let's eat while it's still hot." Mom said grabbing a seat.
"Hold up, why are you still here-
"Madison?" Dad said interrupting me, "That's no way to talk to your mother like that."
"Dad, months ago, we weren't talking to her. Why are you still here? You're just making it confusing for everyone, especially me." I knew Dad wouldn't have my back on this, because I'm sure Mom already poisoned him with kisses and being the superior one, just because she's a mother (and let's just establish that mothers are more powerful than fathers).
I ran upstairs before Mom could lay one finger on my shoulder, with that sweet-talking condescending voice of hers.
My room looked like she's been in it, once I opened it. Every part of the room look 'mom-ified'. My laptop was on my desk, rather than my nightstand; my stuffed animals was on the shelf, rather than my bed, and my comforters was changed completely, from blue to green.
"Sweetie?" Mom said, walking in cautiously. "Can we talk?"
"Why were you in my room?" I said, demanding an answer.
"Sweetie, this is serious-"
"Why were you in my room? That's what's serious right now." I asked again, louder.
"Your room looked out of place, so I cleaned, organized, dusted-"
"No one gave you the okay to do that? My room was perfectly fine."
"Madison, I was just cleaning up the place, like always." She said, softening her voice.
"What's 'like always'? Years ago, when you weren't divorced, and was actually living here? Because that stopped, and so did us." I said re-organizing my room, turning my back to her.
"Madison, I know you're mad at me, and you're confused about the situation with me and your father, but if you'll let give me a chance to explain-"
"What I would like, is for you to explain why you went a-wall right after Mason? Dad and I was here for you and all you did was ignore our calls, visits, and everything else. ***You even quit your news channel job; how could I forgive you when you blocked out your only daughter, who looked up to you?"
"Madison, I'm sorry. For now, we can start over, and I can explain everything"
"Get out of my room." I said opening the door, as she walked after it. I'm gonna need a lot more than I'm sorry to fix all of this.
~Author's" Note
Is it too much drama for a third chapter?
It was pretty short.
For anyone who read the first fanfiction, I changed The last chapter, in which Madison's point of view is now a journal entry, which is the last time she wrote in her diary. You can reread it if youd like
Carter and Maggie's relationship is in real life is really confusing to me.
Please read "And She Fell for Love" if you'd like as well.
Question 3: If you were president, what would you put into order? I'd make sure bullying is taken to a serious matter, because I think that's a serious issue.
Thanks for reading. ♡
Don't mind "***", that just means I might edit that sentence later or so.
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