~Author's Note
This story has a lot of reference to to the first story, so please if you don't even want to read the whole first story again, at least just was the chapter, for those who still decided to read the story without reading book1. It's chapter 22. Thanks 💋
***Monday, next week***
Cameron and I haven't talked since Friday. It's killing me that he's upset all because of Jack. Cameron has never been such the jealous type. I texted him non-stop, and nothing. No calls, texts, or even a note on my locker.
"Cam!" I said running to him, hoping that seeing me will brighten his mood. "I have my test today, and if I pass, I'll have you to thank."
He didn't say anything, as if I was completely invisible.
"I'm sorry Madison, I didn't get any sleep at all this weekend."
"Well seeing you never texted me, I wonder what made you so busy." I said sighing.
"Madison, I had to help my mom clean the garage. She took my phone the minute I got home from your house on Friday. She said me going the weekend without my phone will change my view on life."
"Oh, well did it change?"
"I realized that the sky was blue and the grass was green." He said sarcastically.
"I missed you." I said giving him a hug.
"I missed you too sweetheart. Good luck on your test, you'll do great. By the way, my mom wants you at our house for dinner."
"Okay, should be fun." I've never had a long conversation with Mrs. Dallas, so this should be an interesting dinner. After with months, we should finally do something.
I turned in my test faster than the rest. It was kinda hard, but studying with Cameron did help a little.
As usual, I saw Tess cheating on her test, looking so lost. She began to cheat on Jack's test, which frustrated him a lot.
"Just slide it over." Tess said as softly as she could.
"No, I studied hard for this." It almost hurt me seeing Tess be so low, but also a great guy like Jack go to waste. He deserved better than Tess, that's for sure.
He turned in his test, pretty fast too, giving me that look, of disappointment.
"How's the debate team and newspaper going?" Cameron said sitting down at the table. "You rarely talk about it anymore." He said holding my hand.
"Yeah, thing is, with everything that's happened lately at home, I just try to make time for it now. That's all I could say." Joining the debate team was a good call for me to do, but I've been so distracted lately, I can barely focus.
"But guess what guys?" Carter said, breaking the silence. "Since Matt's homeschooled now, and in New York City, he said he'd make a surprise visit to come visit us for the week! He's coming by tomorrow!" Carter said ecstatic. You could tell how much he missed Matt just by the look on his face. "But don't worry, I'm the new independent Carter, and he'll be staying with his cousins anyway." Said Carter. But we all knew he was screaming inside for his best friend.
"Yes! I missed Matt so much, he's the funniest guy I've ever met."
"Wait dude, did you just say a surprise visit?" Nash said, breaking the table's joy.
"Oh, my bad. Y'all were supposed to know." He said looking the other way.
"So he staying with his cousins?" Cameron said curiously.
"Yeah, he said he has some family members around here, and that he's staying for maybe a week or so. "
Matt being back is definitely what I needed. Though I spent most of my time with Nash and Cameron, Matt was the one who usually brightened my day with his humor, no wonder he's in New York City.
**after school**
I was meeting Cameron later for dinner with his mother and frankly, I'm a bit nervous. I can't look at Mrs. Dallas, without thinking about Cameron's father. They both don't like to bring him up, but knowing me, I'll accidentally bring it up, humiliate myself, and just make my bond with Mrs. Dallas awkward. So I guess my plan is to keep a sock in my mouth.
Stupid Madison, you're gonna have to eat.
Cameron left after school to prepare dinner with his mom, while I had to lock up the debate team's room. Walking to my locker, I was stopped by my history teacher. He looked very cheery, and it creeped me out just a little bit.
"Miss Walters, mind if I see you for just a minute" He said gesturing him to come in the classroom. Jack was in here as well. Jack looked the complete opposite from what my teacher looked like.
"Now Madison, you finished your test very fast today, and with that, you also had the highest grade, a 97%, the highest grade any student has ever gotten on a test for this chapter. I am very impressed."
"Thank you, Mr. Dalton, but is that all you called me here for? You could have told me this tomorrow in class?" Not that I wanted the recognition in front of anyone, but today wasn't my day to stay after school for even two seconds.
"Actually no, I don't mean to put Mr. Gilinsky's information out there, but he scored the lowest grade, a 29%." Mr. Dalton said, sighing in Jack's view.
"Mr. Dalton, I did study really hard, I honestly did, and not to mention, Tess even tried to cheat off of me." Jack said defensive.
"Well hard to believe when she scored a much higher grade than you." He said disappointed. "Anyways, Madison," He said, back in my direction, "I wanted to know if you could be Jack's tutor?"
"His tutor?" There's a shock.
"Yes, him being a new student, and probably not understanding the curriculum, I was hoping you would be a great fit as help." Mr. Dalton said, bringing back the cheery smile.
"Well, we are pretty good friends." Jack said adding. "It wouldn't bite, right Madison?"
"Well," I paused, trying to soak all of this in. Cameron already wants me far from Jack, and now I'm the answer to his prayers. "Sure, I'd love to help a fellow classmate."
Just when my mom was hoping there was nothing gonna go on between Jack and me.
Cameron is gonna have a cow.
About fifteen minutes later, my lovely chat with Mr. Dalton and Jack was over, and I have no idea how I'm supposed to tell Cameron.
"Explain to me how you got the lowest score in class?" I said to Jack confused, leaving Mr. Dalton's class.
"I guess I got really distracted, but I promise you Madison, I studied extremely hard for the test. I don't know what happened. I guess I'm not the best test taker. I'm sorry if I'm being a burden."
"No, Jack is fine. I want to help. Besides, it's only Tuesdays and Thursdays for one hour, so that gives you the other days of the week to study extremely harder without me there. You'll be fine."
"Thanks, but telling my mother will probably be the hardest thing yet. You know how hard it is to tell devastating news to someone you love?"
"Sadly, I do."
Madison's now my tutor and I don't know whether to be happy, or disappointed. ***Sure, a disappointed because I'll probably be grounded for a month or two because of my grades; but happy, because I'm spending even more time with her, twice a week. I guess I got Madison to thank for being the easiest distraction yet. Her beautiful head, just makes me lose my train of thought. ***I'm kinda starting to think I failed on purpose.
I was at Tess's house. Thinking about Madison too much made me want to have a make-out session with Tess. I'm still with Tess, and thinking about Madison would be cheating right?
"Why don't we take a break, Jack; by the way, your breath smells like cinnamon." She said getting off my lap.
"Thanks babe." I said smirking.
"I hate cinnamon."
"I can't believe I scored higher than you, it was a good idea not to cheat off of you."
"You cheated off of someone who sleeps the entire class and you both still managed to score higher than me." It's not fair that Tess can always get her way. But hey, she's Tess.
"What can I say, you're dating a winner." Tess said, getting back on my lap. "You should seriously do something about your breath though.
It's bad enough I was already ten minutes late, but the longer I took to get ready, the more nervous I became. This could be the night that ruins everything, my relationship, or my life period.
Though, I'll admit, I do exaggerate a little.
"Have fun at Cameron's house." Mom said walking into my room.
"Thanks Mom, I'll be home before ten."
"Okay honey, just enjoy yourself."
"I will. What are your plans for tonight? You and Dad doing anything special tonight?"
"No, I told you that your father and I are cooperating at the moment. ***I'm just here to help, Madison." Mom said, but yet, last time I came home late, Mom was snuggled into Dad in an intense make-out session.
"Whatever you say, Mother."
Now I was an hour late, poor Mrs. Dallas. I can only imagine what she's thinking about me. This isn't a first impression, but an important night.
"Mrs. Dallas, I apologize for my the timing of my arrival, time flew by so fast, and then I couldn't find anything to wear-"
"Madison it's is okay. You're fine. To be honest, we just prepared the meal, we had no idea what to make." Mrs. Dallas said interrupting me. "Well come in, get comfortable, you're no stranger here."
I walked in and I didn't think Cameron's house could get any cleaner. The air smelled like lilacs, there were additional portrays and paintings of the wall, and the food smelled so delicious I wanted to just dive right into them.
"Madison, it's so nice to meet you!" A girl said, hugging me. "Cameron talks nonstop about you on the phone."
"Sierra, chill." Cameron said blushing. He was embarrassed but I thought it was kind of cute.
"So you're the famous Sierra, wow, it's amazing. ***I look at your pictures anytime I visit, but seeing you in person is such a warmer feeling. You're so gorgeous, and do you do with your hair?" I said getting a bit too personal.
"I have this amazing new stylist. She's probably one of the best in the biz--"
"Okay, we can continue this fun after dinner." Mrs. Dallas said, walking to the table.
This shall be a fun night.
"Oh Madison, you cannot imagine how hard it was finding the perfect meal for our guest; we didn't know what your likes were, dislikes were, if you had any allergies, or if you were vegetarian!" Mrs. Dallas said, as I could see they put a lot I thought into this dinner.
"Trust me, Mom, she's no vegetarian. You should see her devour a hamburger." Cameron said joking."
"Thank you Mrs. Dallas, but you didn't have to go all-out for me. We could've just ordered pizza and it would've made my night just fine."
Though this did look pretty good; baked ziti, Swedish meatballs, and peanut butter and jelly?
"Mrs. Dallas, this taste amazing." I said after swallowing the baked ziti. I had to remember I wasn't at home, or with some friends; don't want her to think I am animal.
"You can ignore the peanut butter and jelly. I don't know why Cameron still put it on this table after I refused so."
"It's the first food Madison and I ever ate together, on the first day we met. How could I not?" Cameron, said so sweetly.
"You remembered?" I said looking into his eyes.
"Yeah, even your lame peanut and jelly joke. He said laughing.
"Although I was hoping you wouldn't remember that." I said under my breath.
It was pretty challenging keeping my cool and not kissing Cameron from across the table. I was right next to Sierra, and Mrs. Dallas and Cameron were right on the other side; I refuse to give a bad impression.
"Madison, anytime soon that I could meet your parents?" Mrs. Dallas said, intrigued.
"Well, my dad's a busy dad, as for my mother, I don't know what going on with her." The room got pretty quiet after that. Did I say something? "I mean, she's on a break from her job, so I guess she has time." I tried to add.
The room was still silent. Was I not supposed to answer the question, or just nod and sip my lemonade?
"Does your mom still keep in touch with that guy?" Sierra said, almost in a furious way, but she had a sweet girly voice so it was hard to tell.
"Sierra, not now." Mrs. Dallas said.
"Sierra, what are you doing?"
"What do you mean, 'What am I doing'? Her mom was practically engaged to Mason, and I'm the only one not furious?" Sierra said, now yelling. It scared me just a little bit. "How about you just run along back home, and kiss your new stepdad goodnight, hopefully he doesn't try to kill you in your sleep!" She said throwing me outside.
"Sierra!" Cameron said yelling, but it was too late, she slammed the door right in my face. I never even tried a Swedish meatball.
What just happened?
I decided to walk home, it couldn't be any worse than it already was tonight. I tried my very best not to bring up Cameron's father, but it happened anyway. I didn't even care that the night was ruined, or that my room was a mess, I just wanted to sleep all this pain and discomfort away.
"Honey," Mom said, coming in my room.
"Mom, can we talk about this tomorrow? Please for goodness sake." I said, face down in my pillow.
"Sure because Cameron is downstairs."
I ran downstairs, opening the door to Cameron, and to-go boxes.
"First, I bought you and your parents some food." He said, handing me the to-go boxes "And second, I'm really sorry about Sierra. ***Believe it or not she has anger issues, especially when my dad pops in the equation."
"It's always the pretty ones." I said to myself.
"Madison, I'm really sorry. Not about Sierra, but us. I just came seem to get a perfect date or just one day with you where it can go just swimmingly."
"Cameron, I'm fine. I wanted date to go well as well, but it backfired. Tell your mother I'm truly sorry."
"Anything for you babe. Tell your mom to enjoy the dinner." He said kissing my forehead. "Get some rest."
She ruined the night Mom! Ground her 'til she's married!" I said furious.
"Cameron, how many times do I have to say I'm sorry? Mom never told me what happened afterwards."
"Whether she did, or not you can't just tell at her like that, she's very fragile and sensitive, and had nothing I do with it."
"Cameron, again, I'm sorry."
"I won't forgive you for this, I don't know why I even invited you."
With everything Madison goes through, she doesn't deserve any of this.
~Author's Note
Probably one of my longest chapters, yay!
I read a comment a while ago from the first story, and it was mainly about how different my fanfictions are from the others, and it really made me think, because every Magcon fanfiction I've read, it was mainly about going to magcon, and falling in love with the guys. But for mine, it's about a girl falling in life with a guy who's anything but famous, more down to earth I would call it.
I find it funny that I use the Magcon boys real nane and as for anyone who wasn't in Magcon I created a made-up name; just coincidently Madison is played by Madison Beer.
Question: When you were a kid, what was your dream job? I wanted to be a teacher, but that's a phase every kid goes through.
But thanks for reading . it means a lot. ♡
Anyone who reads my author notes clearly rocks 💋✊
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