Thanks Adele and Sam Smith for waking me up way too early on a Friday morning. Since Cameron and I are over, I have no reason to dress up, since I was doing it for him. It's just Friday.
I've never been in this position before; what do couples normally do when they break up? Do they give back all their stuff? Do they keep their distance from each other? I'm so new to this.
Mom made breakfast. I guess now that Mom and Dad are engaged, I will have to get used to this.
"Good morning, Maddie. Did you sleep well?"
"No, Mom. Not really."
"Well, maybe school will brighten your day. You've always loved school."
"Yeah, I did." I said under my breath.
"So, when is Cameron picking you up?"
"Oh, Cameron." I remembered. "I'm gonna walk today." I only ate half my breakfast, but I couldn't afford to be late if I was practically running to school. My ride was originally Dad, but that was before Cameron and I began dating, which gave my dad the excuse to change his shift hours around. But now, it's time to run.
Halfway out the door, I saw Jack and Matt-they were here to pick me up?
"Jack, Matt, why are you here?" I said, pretending to be clueless.
"We're taking you to school." Jack said smiling.
"Really?" I said smiling.
"Yeah, and I'm here so he doesn't wreck my car. Until then, you're back to using your dad's old truck." Matt said putting his sunglasses on.
"Okay, deal. C'mon Madison, get in."
I didn't regret this.
Either the school knew about the breakup, or everyone was acting really weird. Everyone was just staring at Jack and me. Unless Jack tweeted or something, no one was supposed to know about the breakup.
"Thanks a lot Jack." Tess said walking up to us. "How dare you dump me for this defenseless twig!" She said yelling at him."
"Yeah, been there, done that." Macy said, backing her up. "Carter was such a loser." She said rolling her eyes.
"Would you calm down? You're causing a scene, and this has nothing to do with Madison." Jack said pushing her away.
She gave me an evil eye, and slowly walked away with Macy. Way to stir a crowd, Tess.
"Go on." Jack said to our crowd. "There's nothing to see."
"Thanks for driving me Jack; and Matt," I said, remembering he was still in his car. ***"I guess I'll see you around.
"Sure thing Mads." He said starting the car. "I just can't believe you and Cameron are over. You two were too in sync. You two were like relationship goals, but now it's over. The world--"
"I get it. Bye Matt." I said waving goodbye. The fact that he made me feel terrible for letting Jack kiss me, he didn't feel the need to blame his cousin for kissing me anyway. But hey, I guess it was family over best friend, and Jack comes before Cameron.
As I was walking to class, I saw Cameron running up to me. Talk about awkward. What was he gonna say? What do I even say to him?
"Hey Madison."
"Oh, hey, Cameron." I said. Awkward.
"I wanted to pick you up today for school, but I was running late. By the time I got there, your mom said you ran?"
"I actually got a ride, but thanks." I said walking away.
"-Wait, Madison. You do know that if you ever need a ride-"
"It's okay, Cameron. Don't need to feel sorry for me. I'm doing just fine." I said walking away.
"Well then, I guess I'll see you around?"
"Yeah, sure." I don't know if I needed him more, or he needed me, but I think for now, I'm gonna be just fine.
Now for the part of my day that was gonna make me feel more awkward: lunch.
I usually sat with Cameron and the guys, but Matt, who was the one guy who knew me better than even Cameron sometimes was gone. As for Nash, we have our ups and downs. And Carter, well, he'll just piggyback off of whatever anyone says. Looks like I'm back to my "table-for-one" days.
"Madison!" Cameron said, calling my name. He was gesturing for me to sit with him and the guys. But on the other hand, Jack was doing the same-for me to sit with him and his friends. From the corner of my eye, I could see Tess and Macy staring me down, probably to see which decision I would make.
But right now-like Gabriella Montez said: "I gotta go my own way". I sat at a table of complete loners. It was the one table at school where all the people who didn't have friends to sit with, would sit. And now, I've added myself to the equation. Besides, it's not like I'm sitting by myself. Although, surrounded by all these unknowns, I feel completely alone.
"Madison?" I heard from behind me. It was Jack. "If you're not gonna come to the Jack, then I'm bringing the Jack to you." He said jokingly.
"You didn't have to do this, Jack."
"I wanted to. We're still on for after school right?"
"Yeah, it'll be weird hanging out together outside of school and your house though."
"Yeah, I know. And not to sound like a complete dork, but I invited Matt." He said blushing.
"Matt? Awe, you were nervous to be out with me alone?" I said smiling.
"That, and if I use his car, he has to be there as well. He loves that thing. And, I couldn't take you out on our first date in my dad's old truck."
"First date?" I said gasping.
"Unless you don't want it to be a first date? Then it's completely fine-we're just going out to eat as friends."
"You know what, a date sounds great. I'd love that." I could see Cameron from the corner of my eye.
And suddenly, one of my favorite songs popped into my head:
"I never meant to break your heart, but sometimes things just fall apart"...
***after school***
Ever since lunch, I couldn't stop blushing. I don't know, it's a weird feeling with Jack.
"Madison?" I heard from behind. If I had a nickel for Everytime I heard my name today-
It was Cameron.
"Hey Cam." I said awkward.
"Hey, I got a text from Matt. He told me Jack kissed you." He said upset.
"Yeah, he did." I said putting my head down.
"And you were probably gonna tell me, but, I didn't give you a chance. I'm so sorry Madison. I let my jealousy get to me again. It was probably half a second, and he did it so fast and out of shock-"
"Yeah, he did." I said nonchalant.
"I'm so sorry Madison." He said hugging me, but I didn't hug back. "Do you forgive me Mads?"
"Of course. Why would I stay mad?"
"Cool. So, do you wanna do something later?"
"No thanks." I said walking away.
"Wait, I don't understand-are we back together? Or-
"I actually, have plans." I said walking away.
"With Jack?" He said soft.
"Bye Cameron."
And the song reappeared into my head: "I never meant to break your heart, but sometimes things just fall apart"...
Jack took me out for smoothies-how cute. We both shared a strawberry smoothie, while "Third-Wheeling" Matt bought his own smoothie and sat in the booth right next to us.
"How's this for a first date?" Jack said.
"I gotta say, it's probably tops my last first date."
"Which was probably your only first date--but what was it like?"
"We went to the movies, and after that was pretty... hectic." Although I want some space from Cam, there was no way I could tell Jack, his foe, what happened that night with him.
"Well, then looks like I won." He said sipping more of the smoothie.
"Won what." I said, smiling.
"Are we done here?" Matt said, chiming in. "This third-wheeling thing isn't my forte."
"Yeah bro, you're right, here." Jack said tossing him a camera.
"What's this for?"
***"You're the third-wheel. It's your job to take pictures." He said laughing.
"I gotta say, Jack. I am having a fun night with you."
"Same. We should do this again another time."
"And all the pictures Matt took was terrible!" I said continuing our conversation as he walked me to my front door.
"Yeah, he's rather the model, than the photographer."
"C'mon!" Matt said beeping his horn. "I've got a television to watch!"
"Don't worry, you can get back home to "Looney Tunes" in a second. Anyways, Madison. I'm glad you have fun."
"Yeah, I did. And thanks for-" He swooped in and kissed me, shutting me up in ways all girls adored.
"Goodnight Madison."
"Uhm, goodnight." I said blushing.
Walking into the house, I had to make sure there was no one in sight, so I can fan-girl like crazy.
"Wow." I said blushing.
"Who was the boy?" Mom said from behind the curtain.
"Mom, what are you doing?"
"Who was the guy? It sure didn't look like Cameron."
***"It wasn't. It was Jack, the guy I've been tutoring."
"Uhm, okay. Well, what happened to Cam?"
"He dumped me, Mom. I don't want to talk about it. "We're just taking some time apart. A long time apart."
***"Well okay, well if you ever need to talk, I'm here. But just so you know, you're more than lucky to have a guy like Cameron."
"Okay Mom." I said walking upstairs. "Like I'd ever take advice from a woman who couldn't keep her man when she had him the first time." I said under my breath.
~Author's Note
Finally, I updated on schedule. Thanks for waiting so long, I appreciate it. If you noticed the R5 quote, it's because I love R5! And as much as I'm trying to like Madison Beer, she and Jack are just the cutest couple! I'll try to post videos of their relationship here and there. Thanks for reading.
#QOTC! Who's your favorite Disney Princess. I love Rapunzel from Tangled.
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