Stay With Me
Play the OST while reading the chapter... (The Italic was a Lyrics of the song)
When you walk out of my life
I couldn't help but cry
You're leaving me behind
I listen to a music to my mp3. Finishing my homework then I heard a sound from our wardrobe.
It's Yoongi...
He wears my leather jacket and my back tight Jeans which I resemble at, it was so sexy especially when he placed on his black beanie.
"Where you guys heading?" I asked but I guess he doesn't listen to me. He just steps away to our room without noticing or responding to me. This is always our perspective...
When You walked out of that door
I just wanna scream some more
will you turn you're back around, please...
He progresses to his business, I'll go mine. He's constantly like that but I've always ignored that point he never cherishes me back.
"Hyung! " Hoseok beckoned me. "We're heading to the company..." I responded silently and they wander away unitedly, I saw Yoongi smile to Hoseok. Every time I noticed him with Hoseok. I'm not being skeptical to Hoseok not because he loves Yoongi being his boyfriend. Hoseok and Taehyung have a relationship so I don't resemble that way but if I true to my self. I feel bitterness saying I can be same as Hoseok, a sunshine that makes a downhearted mood of him, to brighten up but I have no match for him. First of all, I can't dance. Second I don't have an energetic body like him. Third I can't rap and lastly, he can make Yoongi smile. Even at lunch, he didn't prefer my cook he always contrasts it same as his mother at Busan. There are times he doesn't speak so often to unless to work. Even a simple "Hi! " nothing...
A time comes I witness Yoongi achievement when he doing great despite other members falling down but he never gave up. This is one of the sanities why I admire him... ~No! I love him most.~
One time there's a boy he possesses a chubby cheek, cute figure... I guess he's smaller than Yoongi. He introduced himself as Park Jimin. He's eye-smile make him more adorable. Then I looked at Yoongi's expression. I've never seen that expression before during the year. He approached Jimin and they giggle unitedly accompanying the others watching TV. I prepare a sandwich for them but when I witnessed, all of them eating a sandwich that Jimin make they smile and satisfying to Jimin made sandwiches especially Yoongi he don't like homemade food but he ate Jimin sandwich which is homemade also. I also see them talking and laughing. I was so delighted to comprehend them entertained each other but I believed I do not belong to them. -I'm separated...-
Time passed...
I need to concentrate on my study and those time. We're already recognizable, the more they appreciate BTS, the fewer occurrences Yoongi consider my feelings...
Taehyung doesn't want less line that's why I gave to him most of the line. It's doesn't bother.. if fans don't distinguish me so I'm an insignificant existence of BTS despite my position is visual. I maintain that image because that's only I have and the only thing I can help the group being visual. That's why I'll do lots of exercise and diet especially doing beauty care. Good thing Jimin and Jungkook always come with me.
There's an interview that held and asked which member of BTS is your crush?
I respond of course Yoongi and he only said nothing until then when Yoongi's shift he announced Jimin... My heart has a stung, it's just similar as a confession to man didn't like you. When the interview finishes I just ramble away like nothing happens. When we migrate to our new dorm, there's only 3 room which 2 room for 2 Person and the larger one for 3 persons. I secretly pray that my roommate was Yoongi. The manager assigns our room. I mentally thank him. I intimately happy move my things but as usual, his face was sullen and annoyed, as the oldest I need to compose myself and perform as a Hyung for him but does not happen despite he considering me as a Hyung, I've never erased the fact, he only treats me as his Hyung. He really likes Jimin, one time I saw him reading a fanfiction and fan-made video about their ship called Yoonmin. I search on Google and saw a different photo of him and Jimin. The fans really like them. Even our manager make them together also in sports even where they together in archery. I've always ended up in losing thinking if we lose at vixx in wrestling. Ken apologize to me after what he said, he's my friend so nothing wrong with that. The archery event the fans keep chant 'Yoonmin' which make me irritate and at the same time hurt.
Then after a month, I saw Jimin looking at his phone. I thought he's only talking selfie like always do in twitter. It's not like that, he's reading a fanfiction about Yoonmin. Jimin faces like a red tomato. I talk to him about it since he and Taehyung are my best friend in the group. He admits he relishes Yoongi since debut, he really appreciates him especially his sandwich makes him more fond towards the older. I always listen to Jimin story making more and more tormented day after day. I didn't understand myself why am I doing this-- I'm thinking myself as a masochist--
One time...
"Hyung... Can I asked a favor! " Jimin ask out on me. I kinda notice he tremble and nervous. I just discern the way bit his lips. It so adorable on him maybe this is the purpose why Yoongi likes him.
"Of course... My Jiminnie... What is it? " He handed a letter which makes me confused
" Hyung can you please give it to Yoongi hyung. He is your roommate and you can put that secretly..." I scrutinize the letter and the form on it. Looks like a love letter, I smile to Jimin, he's my best friend so I support him to send the letter for Yoongi.
On the next day...
"Thank you hyung!! " he hugs me while I'm making lunch. I look at his eyes, a glitter of happiness, his lips widely smile and his chubby cheek formed. He thanks me many times and volunteered to help me in the kitchen.
"Babe, what are you doing!" I glimpse a familiar sleepy figure and it's Yoongi. I'm gonna march forward to him, I restrain myself when Jimin leaps and embrace Yoongi. I sense my heart broke into pieces as my tears threatened to fell down. I excuse myself apart from them. I locked the bathroom and let my tears descend down. Asking myself,
'Why you didn't like me? '
I listened to them from outside the bathroom, partying their relationship. I just slide myself to the door weeping so hard, hiding my face behind my legs.
After work at night. Jimin always appears in our room before he sleeps to have a goodnight kiss. There times I passed them clinging and cuddle with each other which everyone sees it adorable because of the fans like that. Yoonmin ship getting more and more popular. I read one of its fanfiction. There's a story which Jimin is the protagonist and Yoongi is a bad boy which suit him, they like to each other. Well! What I expect.. --Oh! there's me...-- The antagonist of the story I attempt to annihilate Jimin because I like Yoongi.
There so many fanfics made by the fan about Yoonmin. I was pleased for their success but if I asked myself. I felt my heart pulverizing into pieces until it becomes ashes.
Yoongi asked me to become a vocal on his new song. He gonna produce, I felt all my freight and substance are gone. The best part that song is the best even though the title is Dead leaves... It's doesn't matter because the dead leaves mean falling leaves to its tree. I just like dead leaves falling, you'll end dead and worthless, as long I'm with him.
It's alright...
As long I'm with this group or as long I'm with him... It's nothing changes...
The night is the best chance to me, not just because we're sleeping...
it's because I can see his innocent sleeping face...
Stay with me
Stay with me... tonight
Those slender arms and waist. I want to cling and cuddle like what he did to Jimin.
I wanna hold you...
Those lips, I've always thought, time will come that I can taste it. Like nights, in our hotel where I viewed him and Jimin kissing in the dark alley.
I wanna kiss you...
One more time...
But there's nothing one more time, it doesn't happen... I just turn around and weep noiselessly which he unable to hear my whimper.
Yes the past is hunting me
wanted it to go away
It keeps coming back every day
How can I forget your face
Oh how I long to see your face
I cherished the day I began to pursue my dream as an idol, my parent support it. It's my first time in a big city like Seoul. We move to our dorm, it's kinda petite but of course, we're just rising. I gathered all my hyung which is; I'm the youngest and the person I first met is Rapmon hyung which is, one if the reason why I prefer Bighit over to YG and SM. He introduced all until I beheld the most divine creation of God that's Jin Hyung. The first time I lay my eyes on him. He's a gorgeous creature, I've ever seen that I named him. Witnessing him beaming it's a big thing for me but behind that smile is a great melancholy in his eyes. I've always discerned his eyes always vitreous and sparkle. I saw that pretty but that means tears. Why he's was sad. He's beautiful, so I wonder someone doesn't notify him but I was wrong I have many prove confirmation that someone keeps stinging him not physically but emotionally.
He doing his homework when he notices Yoongi hyung. He asked Yoongi hyung but he got a null reply like he doesn't exist. He peeps at the rapper fading away. I've watched him with a oppress expression. I pat his broad shoulder and turn his head on me.
"Hyung can you help me for my assignment!" I approached him revealing my bunny teeth.
"Sure Kookie! " he responded, bestowing his fake smile...
Stay with me
Stay with me for a while
I need someone to save my day
someone to make me smile...
The day passed and the member of Bangtan has a debut and also having a tired day despite that all my tiredness are diminished, every time I noticed his smile...
But the insignificant fact he's still unhappy, I asked Hoseok hyung one time, that moment he snuggles V hyung they have in a relationship.
"Hoseok Hyung.. why Jin Hyung always sad?" He was disturbed on my question but V Hyung respond my questions.
"Because of Yoongi Hyung.." He didn't hesitate to answer and Hoseok Hyung murmurs something toward him. They argue with each other if they gonna tell me or not. I excuse myself to make them conclude about the topic.
The kitchen where I seat at the counterpart, I watch Jin Hyung cooking which made him adorable. Until Jimin Hyung enter he presented a love letter to him. After Jimin hyung leave, I've noticed again the vitreous and sparkle eyes of him, every time that happens I felt my heart shredded into pieces. On the next day, they celebrating Yoongi and Jimin hyung relationship. I scan my eyes first on Jin Hyung but nowhere to found. I asked Jimin hyung and he said that he was in the bathroom. I decide to go to the bathroom. I listened to a whimper behind the door.
"Jin Hyung.. are you still there?" I proposed. I knock on the door twice but he the claimed.
"I'm sorry kookie... I have diarrhea today so use another bathroom." I notice it that was a lie. He never ate yet anything since yesterday afternoon.
"Do you want me to ask PD-nim, to buy you a medicine?" I suggested but I heard Namjoon Hyung footstep behind me.
"Is Jin Hyung alright?" He asked on concern face.
"He's having diarrhea--" he interjects me.
"No... I'm asking his feelings it is alright?" Namjoon word makes me anxious and, I answer it in absolute complete silent and peculiar walls within us because of Jin Hyung atmosphere.
I saw him making a sandwich, he tries to hide and I decide to steal it in front of him but attempt to take it. He keeps stating -it's not good-, unlike Jimin sandwich. That's the purpose why he's only making a sandwich on his own. I took a bite and the taste is overwhelming.
"Hyung. Your dishes are always excellent. Whatever it was, I wish I could find a magic drink can convert you into a girl so I can make you as my girlfriend." I said jokingly.
"Oh.. That's great. Are you having another crush Kookie! " he asked without a glance at me.
"Well... I have one it's from Blackpink, her name is Jisoo-noona." He derps eloquence on me which finding attractive on him.
"You really like a girl older than you!"
"Because I hate younger than me, I want to be a baby for them. You know a person who's always taking care of me and cuddle me every day.!" he laughs loudly sound like a windshield glass laugh.
"Why Jisoo, let me guess... She's the visual of Blackpink!" I nodded. Actually everytime I look Jisoo-noona picture. I'm seeing Jin Hyung as a girl because they look like siblings. I try to steal the sandwich to the Tupperware and immediately run. He chased until we reach the couch. I ate the sandwich in one bite. Jin was so furious and the same time laughing like we're playing. He pinned on the couch, he pinches my nipple like he always did. My nipples were sensitive that's why a single touch make me tickles. "Hyung... Stop! " he never stop tickles me, I flip our position now. I'm in a top, I catch his wrist and pinned him. Then I realized that our face inch apart to each other. We stare into each other's eyes. While Jin Hyung got Shock and try processing, what's happening. I smelled his strawberry flavor lip balm. It so intoxicated. Those sinful lips inviting me like a demon telling you to commit sin. I was going to kiss him when we heard a throat clearing sound from another side.
"Yoongichi.," Jin said half-whispers.
I follow his gaze and saw Yoongi hyung having a slice-like-a knife like a glimpse at us.
"Hyung you should behave like your age! " he said coldly and we both stood up.
"Miahne Yoongichi.." Jin Hyung stated in deep downer tone. I glared on him when he walks away.
"Hyung!!"I roared angrily. I know he hears me. "You are the one, who acts as your age. You always beat your hands on Jimin Hyung!!.!" I heard one time he struck Jimin hyung as he wept all night in our shared room.
"It's none of your business brats!" he said sheepishly. I attacked him with a punch on his face. Jin Hyung tries to separate us, he calls out Namjoon hyung and the others to separate us.
"Your bullshit... " I said furiously in anger. Jimin hyung tries to help him to stand up but he shoves away his hand. All of us are silent in those situations even manager just shook in this situation. Until Yoongi Hyung trigger pain in his stomach.
"Yoongichi... Manager Hyung calls the ambulance!!" Jin Hyung said I look at Jimin Hyung froze on both Yoongi Hyung and Jin Hyung. "Joonie take Jiminie to his room. Hoseok gets a warm compress to sustain the pain... Yoongichi holds on the ambulance will be coming. Tae, Kookie help me to put him on the couch. " Jin Hyung instructed, we all follow. He and others follow him to the hospital while I and Jimin hyung left. Namjoon Hyung buys food for us. I've only looked at the ceiling reminiscent of all happened suddenly I heard a moan from Namjoon hyung room, it is just my mindset that Namjoon Hyung watches porn but.. why he put on high volume, recognized the moans, it certainly from Jimin hyung. I secretly woke up, as I reach to Namjoon Hyung and V Hyung share room. I put my ear on the door.
"Joonie.. please harder.."
"Jiminie.. your moan. Jungkook may be heard us."
"He's asleep, he never bother.. Joonie.. there's hit me there..ahh!"
I silently walk back to my room. I slept, keeping what happened to the next room.
A few hours later.
Jimin hyung came to the room like nothing happen. He took my plates, I ate while ago. I call him and waited to for me.
"Hyung, I heard you and rapmon hyu--"he cut me.
"Are you gonna scold us or told to PD-nim, our secret!!??" he asked coldly, waiting for my response.
"Hyung your cheating Yoongi hyung," I reply low down tone.
"I'm not the one who first cheat. Joonie caught Yoongi, he steals a kiss from Jin Hyung, at first I didn't believe him until he shows me the security camera of the dorm in the living room. We keep our relationship despite I'm betraying behind my back. Jungkook. " he grips my shoulder and process what he's saying. " You like Jin Hyung right?" I nodded. "Make him happy!" I woke up and run toward the hospital. I will make Jin Hyung happy.
I arrive at the hospital where Yoongi hyung room. I open the door and saw Jin Hyung stand up, glace on me with a widen eyes.
"Kookie! " he calls my name.
"I want to say something to you! " Yoongi Hyung grab his wrist.
"I also want to say something to you hyung." Yoongi hyung said.
"Where you guys going? " he asked me which I see it's annoying but the truth is.. I'm scared.
I'm not scared of him. I don't understand why I don't like him. For me, he's unreachable although I have more achievement than him in term of music. In another thing his higher in everything. I've always amazing him about small things. I don't want to show it, especially to him because I'm scared...
"Hyung! " I snapped when Hoseok calls me. "Did you hate Jin Hyung?!" I bit only lips to his question, even I have a higher IQ than Namjoon I can't answer his question. I shook my head without letting any word. "So why you didn't respond in him when he asked you? "
"Are you interrogating me? " I asked in a furious tone.
"No.. I'm just asking?" he depends after that, we're quite throughout the journey.
"Hyung! Why Jin Hyung sad? " I heard jungkook asking the vhope couple. I know Taehyung hate me because I've always ignored Jin Hyung which he's best friends since trainee days. There a times Vhope couple quarrel about me and Jin Hyung but I can't take out the fact that...
They think I hate Jin Hyung.
I was happy when Jimin came to our band. He's dancer same as Hoseok, he has a cute eye smile which I find adorable. I've always thought that can I be his boyfriend. Although he like Jungkook very much made me jealous. I didn't care but Jungkook. He always eyes on Jin. I didn't understand why he looks to Jin like that.
When the manager assigns our room. I kinda annoyed because I've been the roommate to Jin Hyung which I hate so much because I think he's gonna scold me for being sleepy and being too much organized.
Time passed it's never that way. He always turns off my laptop whenever I slept on it. He skipped practice to taking care of me because Jimin needs to go for practice to able to make new choreography for our song. He never asked for anything, he always gave his few lines to other members, That's why I produce dead leaves for him. He really appreciates it because he always mentioned it in all our interviews even at our concert. I've always overwhelmed by his hard work. I've always told him don't overdue from work because he has to study. He told me if BTS gonna disband his father take him to become CEO of Kim Corp. He doesn't want to become CEO, he wants to be an actor. Sometimes he wishes that he accepts SM offer to him. Maybe if that happens he will become a member of k-Exo and become an artist too like Kyunsoo and the other member of exo who has already a movie. He's a big help to our dream no one knows but I heard one time. When he talked to his parents.
"Mom... If this not success. I will pull out my investment to Bighit. Eomma just gives me one more chance to prove to you. I can be famous on my own... Yes, Eomma... That's not true... I'm happy here... Everyone loves me... Yes... Not to worry eomma... I just gave my money for this month... But eomma keep it... Please... Kamsa.. Eomma. Tell to appa... I love him.. " he sighs. "I can do it... I know this is hard but I can endure it... "
I like his smile and determination, I guess being with him is not bad. I'm gonna enter our room when he opens my laptop and put a piece of paper within. I hid myself in the bathroom as he covers himself to bed sheets, I read the letter. A pink paper with heart decoration... I guess this a love letter.
Oh.. How I long your embrace Your longest time will you be mine...
I heard again the song on his smartphone but he's already sleeping. I read the message on the phone.
Park Chim Chim :
Hyung thank you very much for sending my letter. I'm sorry to have bothersome to you. Don't worry hyung. I will treat you after a comeback. I love you hyung. <3
Received: 2:45
As I read the text message I puzzled out Jimin really like me. I really flatter of this. I really like Jimin since he came from our dorm. He's cute, sweet and kind. I really wish that he like me. I guess God granted my wish. I snapped when I heard Jin Hyung murmur on his dream.
"Why am I in love alone, why am I hurting alone
Why do I keep needing you when I know."
I frowned at him. Is he hurt or something. I try to approach him until he murmurs again.
"Why is it you? Why did it have to be you?
Why can't I leave you?" he said he roll the other side which he facing me. I saw a dry tear on his cheek. I felt tugged on my heart seeing him like this.
"Hyung... " I whisper. "I don't know why are you saying this." I try to put his cover to him when someone calls him. I answer it immediately since in all of us Jin Hyung is the more workload than us. He's studying, doing chores especially cooking, dance practice and also taking a vocal lesson. I'm gonna talk when someone speaks to the line.
"Hyung... I guess. " I look to his phone.
Park Chimchim ♥♥
"I forgot something to tell you that-" I cut him.
"Follow me, at the rooftop Jiminie!" I said and hang off his phone. I make sure I deleted his message and the phone calls.
At rooftop. He's sitting at the top where there a balcony gazing the stars he's so precious I wish I wasn't wrong that he likes me. That night, it's one of my happiness in my life. After he confesses his true feeling, of course, we talk anything all night. I was so happy to be a person who really likes you and he likes you back but why I felt something missing, I don't understand why. I remembered Jin Hyung murmur and write it on my laptop. I was in our working place in the dorm when Rapmon approaches me.
"Bro... How's our new song?" he asked,
"I just add some new lyrics." he looks at it and a smile of satisfaction to him.
"It's perfect but I thought you're in love but why you write a one-sided love lyrics?" I frowned at him.
"I just hear this from Jin Hyung murmur last night but the best part Me and Jimin are official." He Just smiles a little and nod. He took my place while I'm headed to the kitchen. I saw My Mochi and Jin Hyung cooking. I've noticed Jin Hyung smile when I call out babe but Jimin runs and hugs me. He bitterly smiles until everyone approaches us. Jimin was so happy about our relationship. My eyes look everywhere to Jin Hyung but he's gone. Yoonmin ship became famous sometimes the company wants us together which we don't need to hide our relationship but why my heartfelt this is wrong or why there's not a right. I try to approach the vhope couple which they playing to each other. Then I heard Jungkook's voice.
He's really a curious kid but despite that, I really appreciate that but not in Jin Hyung. I've kinda felt possessiveness towards him. Until the point that I've become obsessed within. While I'm still in a relationship with Jimin. One time Jimin become more and more jealous of everyone who approaches me. Time and time he always angry at me from something. Jin Hyung always calms when he asked about the situation. I really guilty to make my decision. One time when I saw Jin Hyung sleeping on the couch which his head bent his neck and face was too exposed... I put his image doll on the side and took a picture with it. I secretly laugh off what I saw.
He's really handsome no... He's beautiful a natural beauty and also a higher self-esteem. Unlike Jimin when we go out from a date he took an hour before he finished. He didn't have confidence in himself, unlike Jin Hyung. I suddenly kiss his cheek but his head turns and accidentally kiss his lips. The fans said what's the taste of his plump lips. You'll gonna know when you taste it. It's so good, his plum lips were so soft, I want to bite it but I don't want to wake him up. I decide to take him to our share room. After what happen Jimin slapped me and at the same time broke up with me, we didn't tell anyone especially the staff and the members but why I didn't feel regret about this. Until I saw Jin and Jungkook playing around, suddenly Jungkook try to steal a kiss from Jin Hyung. In my rage, I approached and scold them and ended in a fight. He doesn't know the situation. I mentally thankful for what happened at least I can be with Jin Hyung. I woke up from my anesthesia, I felt kinda heavy but there's heaviness on my right side. I knew u was in a hospital and I remember my stomach hurt after Jungkook hit me. I roam the hospital room and notice and hands grip against mine. I smile, it was Jin Hyung. I ruffle his hair and it was so soft. He woke up smiling at me.
"Yoongichi, your awake... Are you alright now?." he gave me that nickname. I annoy when someone said that but if that came from him, music to my ears. I nodded, replying the greatest smile can make you healed and fell like a new person again. Then Jungkook suddenly came to ruin our moments. I won't let this kid ruin my moves. So I grab immediately his wrist.
"I'm going to going something too. "
I try to rewrite this story... I wish you'll love it. Don't forget to vote and comment
Reign in life.
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