Chapter 5
Eren's P.O.V.
It's been at least a full four weeks since I told Hanji about my little crush on Levi, and thankfully she hasn't said least I don't think she has. We were currently at the mall...just me and Levi....Dear Lord save me. I didn't have a problem with going outside the house now since all my wounds are healed and my bruises are gone. I haven't heard anything about or from my father since I left, I don't think my being gone has affected him in anyway. I remember the day I told Levi everything, it was at least two weeks after I moved in with them and he sat me down on the bed and made me tell him everything. He locked the door and said that if I didn't tell him he'd just not give me milk until I spoke. Now I used to get fed once a week when I lived with my father (the old geezer just gave me bread and water), but with Levi and Mom I got fed everyday. And when they first gave me milk I didn't want it just because it looked weird to me. I mean, what kind of drink is white?! It's unnatural! But after I was force fed it, I fell in love with it. So lunch passed and Levi drank milk in front of me, dinner passed and Levi drank milk in front of me, it was almost time for me to go to bed, but I can't fall asleep unless I have a glass of warm milk to drink. I was at my snapping point and I finally cracked. I spilled and told him everything, even things that I don't think he needed to when my sister once told me I have the dick the size of my own pinky finger. In hind sight I shouldn't haven't told him that, because he pulled down my underwear and looked at me there, He said I was small but cute. I knew Levi was gay, he told me that shortly after he called my dick cute, it made sense to me after all.
"Eren!" He pinched my nose.
"Ouchie~ Levi why'd you pinch my nose?!"
"Because I've been trying to grab your attention for six minutes and you've been spaced out."
"Oh I'm sorry, what did you ask?"
"I asked if you want to see that new horror movie, Light's Out. If your too scared then we-"
"Let's do it!" I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest. I hated it when he thought I couldn't handle things.
"Your not to scared?" He raised an eyebrow. Oh I wasn't scared, I was (excuse my language)fucking terrified! That movie brought my fears to life, darkness and ghosts!
" scared? Your too funny." I was literally trembling in my shoes.
"Your mortally terrified huh? Well I've been waiting to see it, I can drop you off home and come back."
"No! I-I'll go, j-just if I get s-scared can I h-hold your a-arm? Please?"
"Sure thing brat." He kissed my cheek. "What was that for?!" My entire was burning up and my ears felt hot.
"It's a promise, if you get scared I'll do you one better than letting you just hold my arms. I'll hug you and cover your ears and eyes okay?"
"Thanks Levi!" We then made our way to the movie theater on the other side of the mall.
By the time we got to the snacks booth I was royally pissed, they didn't sell milk. Levi was just laughing at me bought me something called sprite. I refused to drink anything but water and milk at Levi's house, and with my father I just got dirty water. We got seats that were near the edge, since it was a ramp going to the seats all the way in back, he cut off where two chairs sat next to each other with a table in front of them. Since I had idea how movie theaters work I just took the seat that was leaning against the wall and Levi plopped down next to me. We sat in silence until Levi asked me for my phone. I gave him, not wanting him to have a ticked off expression the whole time. He turned my phone on and went into my gallery, my blood ran cold. So maybe when I turned 14 I decided to take a few pictures of myself, just a bit different than your average selfie. He clicked on the file that said "S.E" It stood for Sexy Eren. Don't ask me why I had them, I told myself to delete them... but I never got around to it. I reached out to grab my phone but he jerked his hand back. No! No, please don't look! I reached out one more time before he pushed me away with his other hand and his mouth dropped open. He didn't give me back my phone, he just kept scrolling through the rest of the pictures. There was at least 50 of them. He turned the phone towards me and showed me the one picture he stopped on. I was bent over, my butt to the screen, I had two fingers in myself and my other hand was taking the picture. A deep blush covered my face and I was trembling. A chuckle resounded from his throat and he turned my phone off, shoving it in his pocket and smirking like the devil himself.
The movie was over, I couldn't focus on it so I didn't need Levi covering my eyes. I told him I was going to the bathroom, he only gave me a "sure" and waited for me on a nearby bench. I did my business and was about to wash my hands when I heard the laughing. I went stiff, I couldn't move and my eyes were wide as the laughing came closer and closer. I kept my head down and hoped he wouldn't see me. Hope wasn't very kind.
"Hello boyo, how are things?" He found me. "I'd like to see your face." Father... "Turn around." Something's off, his voice isn't cold and hard. It's soft and warm. "I'm asking nicely. Please turn around." I slowly turned to face him, my head down. "That's better. Now look up I won't hurt you." I lifted my head hesitantly and waited for him to say "psyche", and punch me. He didn't. "Surprised?" I nodded slowly. "So am I, I guess those people at the crazy house (that's what people call mental institutes where I'm from.) weren't lying about those calming drugs." I tried to back away and he placed his hand on my head, he ruffled my hair, the same way he used to before Mom died... "Well I best be heading back, my hawk doesn't want me gone to long out of his sight." He pointed behind him at the door and I saw a man with a plain white t-shirt and blue jeans. "I'll see you around, maybe come visit me." He slipped something in my pocket and patted my head before walking away with the man.
"What just happened?" I stumbled out of the bathroom and left my brain on autopilot. Levi and I weren't talking so It made it even easier to feel numb inside. Dad's in a house? Someone found him, and could be looking for me. Have they found me yet? Are they one their already? Is Mom safe? Are they gonna hurt Levi? Questions swam through my head as I sat on the couch. If I had been paying attention I would have seen Hanji storm into the house and slam Levi's door shut. I went into the kitchen, drank a glass of milk and turned on the T.V. I wasn't even there for five minutes before I heard Hanji squealing.
"GET UP HERE OR I'LL MAKE SURE YOU NEVER HAVE MILK AGAIN!" I went up about half of the stairs before Levi yelled again.
I didn't move, I was so confused and still in a daze. Hanji ran out of the room and Levi was chasing behind her. She lunged for me, I stepped out of the way as she tumbled down the steps and ran right back up coming straight for me. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Since I knew Levi had the keys to every door in the house I managed to squeeze into the cabinet under the sink and stacked up a bunch of crap to cover me. I then made myself as small as possible. Seconds Later I heard the door open and Levi and Hanji barged into the room.
"Eren?! Where the fuck are you?!" He was mad, I'm definitely not coming out.
"Are you sure Eren took those pictures? I mean yeah it's easily identified as him, but some them look like it's hard to take a picture from that angle. But video was obviously self-taken."
"I regret showing you anything. He moved the shower curtain and looked around, he finally got to the cabinet and opened it up, I shrank back and held my breath. They even found the video?! I had taken a video of myself masturbating and I had been fingering myself at the same time. I kept going until I came and ended it after that. I felt mortified and wanted nothing but to never be seen again. He closed the cabinet after a few seconds and left the bathroom, I let out the breath I was holding and relaxed a bit. Maybe if I stay here for about an hour they'll forget and I can go into our room and fall asleep. By then they should not even remember as to why they were yelling for me. Yeah, an hour sounds good, well then...let's play some waiting games.
Levi's P.O.V.
It's been half an hour since Eren disappeared and I still haven't found him, Hanji was still laying around and eating our fucking leftovers, I was looking forward to eating that eggroll. I actaully saw im hiding behind all that shit in the cabinet but I didn't tell Hanji, I wanted to tell him about it myself. I regret calling her while Eren was in the bathroom. I never thought Eren would be the type to take nudes on himself and to touch himself in that way.
I still had his phone in my pocket and decided to show them to her, after we both watched the video she squealed and we started the shouting match that led to the disappearance of Eren Yeager. Hanji had told me he had a crush on me, it was also the reason I told her to never touch Eren again, he'd told her after she forced it out of him by jerking him of to whatever thoughts of me he had. Sure I was flattered that he liked me, I liked him as well but I couldn't tell him. Yeah I may be the tough guy at my school since I'm a jock and popular, but that doesn't mean I'm Mr. Romantic.
"Hey Levi, why'd you want Eren's phone to begin with?"
"I wanted to see what kind of music he listens to. I was gonna get him a storage chip with some songs he might like. By the way, send all those pictures and that video to me."
"Oh...and what might you do with those video's hmmm?" A faint pink fell on my cheeks and I just waved her off.
"What do you think I'm gonna do with them?"
"Jack off."
"Then your right."
"I knew it, anyway I'm off." She walked out the door. As soon as she left I was already on my way to the bathroom and flung open the doors to the cabinet. Eren yelped and gasped.
"Umm...I can see...erm.."
"I know you heard me yelling and I'm sorry but I wanna ask you something."
"Okay..." He came out of the cabinet and fixed the stuff he messed up. I picked him up and threw him on the bed.
"This is my question."
"Wha-Ah!" I kissed his lips hungrily and stuck my tongue in his mouth, he kissed me back and soon lost to my more dominant tongue. I slid my hands down and lifted his shirt up, I pinched his nipple and he arched his back. "Levi! Wait...ngh~" He muffled his voice into pillow, I took it and threw it somewhere along with the one I use to sleep.
"Now you can't hide~" I purred into his ear. I took of his pants and kissed him through his underwear, a small wet spot was visible and I wanted to get him dirty. I'll just make him cum in his boxers. I slid my hand through the small flap it had and stroked him. He moaned and tried to push my hand away.
"Levi~ I'm sensitive there, I cum easy!" I moved my hand even faster as he writhed beneath me, his body shook with pleasure. "I'm gonna cum...s-stop i-it! Ahh~ LeviLeviLevi!" He cried my name as he reached his peak. "AHHH!" He finally came and the small spot on his boxers became a large one as cum filled them. I pulled my hand out and licked the cum of my fingers, watching him the whole time. A deep blush decorated his face and he just gaped at me. "You licked it?"
"Yeah, it tasted good~" He shivered and I picked him and carried him to the bathroom. "Here, I'll clean you up and get you some clean boxers and a shirt to sleep in."
"Okay." I wiped him down and left to grab a shirt and clean underwear. Once he had those on I changed and we both got into bed. I pressed the A.C. remote and held him close. "Levi...what are we?"
"We can be boyfriends if you'd like?"
"Can I sleep on it and tell you tomorrow? I'm not trying to dodge the question, I've just had a lot on my mind."
"Of course. Then let's go to bed." I kissed his lips gently and he timidly kissed my cheek.
"Night Levi." He curled into me and laid his head on my chest.
"Night Eren." I wrapped my arms around his waist.
Later that night Mom came into my room and took pictures of us...damn woman I'll get revenge.
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