By a Thread - Whumptober 1
Event: Whumptober, Day 1
Prompt: Waking Up Restrained | Shackled | Hanging
Whumpee/Whumper of Choice: Schlatt, Evil!Wilbur, Pogtopia
"Schlatt! It's been long since we've had a chance to just hang out." The fallen president slowly began opening his eyes, the words sounding distant and oh-so-slowly coming towards him. Sharp pain in his head is what roughly pulled him out of his partly-conscious state. Processing his surroundings, he quickly panicked. Schlatt was on some sort of platform, heat rising through the metal and a lone rope hung above him. While he wasn't restrained, he might as well have been as the way down would certainly kill him in his frail state. Eyes adjusting to the darkroom, a figure became clear at the floor, standing beside a lever.
"Mr. President I know... I know you don't like things dragging on so I'll keep my point short. You've wronged me. You made my poor little brother abandon his friends and his family just survive. You STOLE his childhood from him. He has PTSD Schlatt he's traumatized. So I thought well... if you don't care about basic human things like morality and safety... then maybe you don't care about it for yourself! I mean what goes around comes around right?"
"Will... You know those we're all jokes right. I-I gave you guys content that's what you want! ...Right?"
"It's all a joke? IT'S ALL A FUCKING JOKE SCHLATT? Well no ones laughing. And I think after tonight you won't be laughing either." With a monstrous roar, the lever went down and the ground began sliding away revealing a giant tube. At the bottom of the drop was lava, steaming and crackling. Desperately trying to stay on the floor, it just kept moving back. "Remember the Schlatt that ran a scam crypto business? Remember the Schlatt that was protective of his employees? Remember the Schlatt that used to love me? I want him back, so what better way to get him back then to burn the impurities that has tainted him. I'll return in say... six? Ya six hours or so! I recommend you hold on tight." There was barely any footroom left so Schlatt had to make a leap for the rope, keeping an ironclad grip.
"See you in a bit, I hope you come out of this a better friend." The man's cries and pleds for help did nothing, Wilbur leaving and shutting the door behind him.
Meanwhile, Tommy and Techno awaited their eldest brother on the surface. Smiles across their faces as he arrived, Tommy spoke up.
"So can we go back to L'Manberg? We're free?"
"Ya... we're free. I don't think we'll have to worry about Schlatt for a long time. Ready to head home?" The duo looked at their small hut carved into a hill then back out to the war-torn forests.
"Never have wanted anything more!"
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