South Carolina x Alabama
Requested by Payton_Elizabeth1 gr8 plot btw
Descriptions cause why not
South Carolina - 5'1 - American - dirty blonde hair, baby blue T-shirt tucked under khaki shorts, and Keds (idrc)
Alabama - 5'2 - really American - light pink T-shirt, blue overalls, and stylish boots bro yeah
Hope they look accurate lol
Columbia, South Carolina
Third person pov
"Ok ok ok I got this"
"Yes you certainly do" North Carolina told her brother
South Carolina looked into the mirror
"Ok umm how about you do it today??"
"Oh come on, I've been hosting these meetings since Monday. It's your turn"
"Yes but, everything could go wrong if I host"
North Carolina turned her brother around so that he's facing her
"Listen everything could go wrong for everyone all the time, and yet they do it anyways. Remember when a random fire started when New York was hosting?"
New York was in the middle of a rant with New Jersey when Cali screamed
New York spun around only to be faced with flames
Mississippi quickly stood up and hoped over the podum with a fire extinguisher and extinguished the fire. Everyone was silent.
Texas panted before saying
"Who.. How.. How the fuck did that happen?.."
Arizona stood up from the corner with a lighter looking extremely annoyed
"New York your arguing with New Jersey is getting longer and stupider and you guys need to stop"
"I live next to this fucker"
"Oh shut up New Mexico I live next to him as well so it doesn't even matter"
"Nevada no one cares"
North Carolina finished with South Carolinas tie and lightly pulled his arm
"Well, come on states are waiting for you"
North & South Carolina walked out of the house and into the car
"Ok get ready your hosting this shit lil bro"
North Carolina said as she out the keys in the ignition
@ the meeting (I'm sorry I'm too lazy to write this shit)
"Ok I got this.."
South Carolina was talking to himself
"NORTH I DON'T GOT THIS" "Yes you do" North Carolina yelled from the other room
South Carolina reluctantly pushes open the door and is faced with a room full of the loud and annoying states of America. Alabama looks over at the confused South Carolinan and gives him a thumbs up as Mississippi motions him to the podium. Reluctantly South Carolina paces up to the stand and quietly organizes the papers for today's topic.
Really?? The topic is about states and "their" respective countries? Damn people must be out of conversation starters. How about the one where out president gonna kill is all of he isn't evicted soon (these are South Carolina thoughts btw)
"omg Texas that was right in my ear-"
"OK EVERYONE.. jeez people need learn some respect"
New York had his feet on his shared desk and his phone in his hands, probably texting
"Oh yeah like your one to talk New York"
"Oh but if course Penny~"
Pennsylvania's face turned red
"Don't ever say that again.. You stupid patriotic yankee"
"Son ah don't think you know what the meaning of yankee is"
"ANYWAYS GUYS" Carolina sighs
"The topic today is absolutely horrendous but were forced to do this so, today we're pairing ourselves with similar countries"
Texas spun around
"Son of a bitc-"
Illinois raised his hand
"Yes Illinois"
"So like compare countries that have a similar GDP to ours?"
"What?.." Illinois raised his eyebrow
"You just wanna be Switzerland so bad"
"No I don't, and besides your GDP is the same as Chile"
".... Sure Illinois" "Listen Indy it doesn't matter anyway"
"Oh. My. God. You two are annoying.."
"Wow I'm offended"
"Ohio he does that to everyone"
"I take it back, only you are annoying Illi"
".. Thanks"
"Actually Illinois that isn't a bad idea" South Carolina responded
great.. What now Pennsylvania..another drama act
"No bad idea-"
Mississippi and Alabama interchanged looks before facepalming
"You know Cali if you think about it-"
"Don't you dare, I am nothing like that Soviet loud mouth pipe swinging vodka drinking Russian"
"Damn.. Well you do know-"
And right after Cali yelled the entire hall a mess. Everyone was screaming, states were throwing things and even some were fighting.
North Carolina glanced over at her brother
Shit.. I'm going to choke everyone in this room
South Carolina was distressed and tried multiple times to tell everyone to calm down. No one but Alabama and Mississippi noticed this. Although everyone was about to notice soon. Carolina tried, and tried, and yet it never worked. That's it he was done. They'd pushed all his buttons..
And with that he stormed out the other doors. Everyone silently stood shocked at what just happened. Indiana came up from under his seat and exchanged looks between Illinois and Ohio.
"We should leave.."
"Agreed" "Ditto"
Alabama had a small crush on South Carolina for some time so he immediately got up and followed him, but before he could someone stopped him. It's was Mississippi
"Hey, go get em bro"
Alabama blushed but smiled
"I will"
Then he left after Carolina
- back to SC -
Because the meeting was scheduled in Columbia, South Carolina was able to very easily find his way around. Turning corners and dodging bike racks and trash cans.
Old shop.. Fancy restaurant.. Small local store.. a bar..
The Whig, a bar run by the locals whose actual bar hours range from 4pm to 2am. South Carolina walks in unaware the someone was pursuing him. Alabama was somehow able follow South Carolina, yet stay fair distance from him. Inside the establishment were few tables sparsed out across a narrow-ish section. On one side a spiral staircase, on to other a bar table with many lights hanging directly above it in a rectangular form. Behind the table were many bar tabs with different types of alcohol, he knew all of them. Carolina checked the time before walking up to the bar table.
5pm.. already?
He ordered whatever people from South Carolina order..idk Alabama wasn't paying attention.
I can't believe we pushed him this far.. Those dumbasses, I'm gonna help North Carolina choke everyone. I look around for South Carolina and sure enough he's already half-wit drunk. So I decided to take a seat at a table a few seats away. After about 2 minutes of watching South Carolina nothing really "eventful" happened, but I still wanted to wait. However that was until a woman started walking up to Carolina. Oh good no don't sit next to- him. I didn't really have a problem with it until she started getting close. I clenched my fists against the table as the woman attempts to flirt with Carolina. I mean it's horrible, but he's drunk he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between flirting or talking. The woman had thick dark brown hair that was put up in a bun and a terrible sense of fashion. Like really honey? Neon? Bitch does it look like the 1920's? Ok anyways. I pink neon crop top along with jean styled shorts.
She's starting to get too grabby..touch his shoulder one more time
- ok I'm sorry I like third person way to much -
Alabama starts getting irritated, yet because he's a few tables behind them the woman doesn't notice anything. South Carolina may be drink, but he's not looking for a one night stand.
I wanna move.. I wanna tell her I'm not interested.. but I can't, my body just tells me this is what I want
Between the few flirtatious lines, they weren't talking to much. She was just touching him.
"Wow you look strong~"
"Uh huh.."
Maybe this is best for him... We were the ones that pissed him off and besides he would love me anyways
Alabama thought
Alabama was about to get up and leave until he heard
"How about we go back to my place~"
Oh hell no
She wasn't taking South Carolina anywhere. No not if Alabama had anything to say about it. He briskly walked up to them. Making sure he looked like hadn't been watching them the entire time
"Hey Scott there you are"
(Scott is South Carolinas human name, because I like it)
The woman turned around to face Alabama and glared at him
"And who are you" she said in a nasty tone
"None of your business, Scott come on"
Alabama began to help him up
"Oh... Uh huh.."
Before they could get far the woman pulled on South Carolinas arm pulling him back
"From what I know people should be talking to strangers"
Alabama simply smirked
"And from what I know anyone who isn't over the age of thirty would be wearing an ugly ass neon pink crop top along with the dumbest pair of shorts"
The woman let go of South Carolinas arm and stood there speechless
"Sorry, I just fucking hate your fashion sense"
Her face turned red as she began to tell
"Pink is a very popular colour, and for you information it's not pink it's sammon"
"Hold on! Lemme stop you there. Listen, save this for someone who cares"
And with that they walked out of the bar. Alabama walked Carolina to his car and drove off to a nearby park.
"Mmhm your heading to Memorial Park.. there's a small bridge there heh.."
South Carolina spoke as some of his words slurred
"Yes there is"
Eventually they reached Hampton street. Both states hopped out of the car and started walking into the small Park. Because there was what Alabama calls a perfect ratio between trees and open space, the moon shown through the trees right onto the tiny river below the bridge.
"Alabama.. Ugh I'm sorry I had to drag you out her-"
"Hold up. Before you even finish that thought. I'm the one who made the decision to come out here. To follow you through Columbia, and get the sluty woman away from you. I mean uhhh"
But this time before Alabama could finish South Carolina placed his lips onto his and they shared a tender kiss under the moonlight. They both pulled back after a few minutes. South Carolina covered his mouth and Alabama just stood there, looking over a the tiny river.
".. Hell yeah, first fucking kiss"
"Ally really?"
Alabama looked away flustered. They stood looking into the distance for a couple of minutes before they heard yelling.
"South! South is that you!"
South Carolina spun around to see his sister and Mississippi running towards them.
South Carolina ran up to his sister and hunger her tightly while Mississippi caught up and punched Alabama him in the side.
"Shut up, it's 1:15am dipshit"
"Well anyways, how'd it go?"
"W-well got my first real kiss-"
"HA! no seriously what happened?"
"Not funny"
- 1901 words I'm screaming omg -
Also I I had to search this shit up bro
You know the bar I used is literally right next to the state house
And the park is over there on Hampton & Washington St
The red thing the bar lol
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