Indiana x Ohio
- ok ok so in this the USA has fallen apart and the states are now independent countries. There is chaos is everywhere. Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio have signed a neutral treaty saying that they will only be neutral, yet all three of them have beefed up their armies and are ready if someone else were to attack. Currently Carolina (because they United) and Virgina are invading West Virginia, and Ohio had broken the treaty along with Indiana though Illinois decides to stay neutral. Carolina and Virgina have now fully annexed West Virginia and are in sight of lake Erie. With every day Indiana keeps on getting more and more worried and starts sending more troops (he's only sent about 5,000), but Ohio continues to say they'll be fine. And I'm guessing you can see the problem -
Also I think I'm going to explain what they look like. Btw they're both male (u know it gay af boyyyy)
Indiana - 5'1 Native American - light brown short hair, dark gray sweater (wears it all the time), casual light blue jeans, tbh idrc about the shoes
Ohio - 5'1 (slightly shorter tho) African American - dark brown hair, white tank top (or wife beater for anyone from the US lol), likkeeeee bag-ish like pants that are gray, and probably Jordans
January 4th 2030, Toledo Ohio, 2:27 am
No ones pov
"Virgina is planning another invasion at Massillon"
"We don't know yet"
"Hmm.. Virgina is getting awfully close to Cleveland" Ohio replied
Indiana looks up from a map before speaking
"Immediately order sector 6 of my troops to the nearby town of Mansfield"
"Yes sir"
The general leaves the building
"Indiana you don't need to-"
"Ohio, like you said Virgina is getting very close to Cleveland. It's time we start lanching more offenses"
"True but I don't think that's necessary-"
"Oh bullshit"
"Ohio how long are we gonna sit here and let Virgina take your land!?"
"Indiana I've told you I have this under control, let me just send my own troops"
"But mine are ready, and they're on standby?"
"Come on I'll be fine"
"But for how long!?"
Ohio went silent
"My men are ready to fight.. There's no arguing about it"
"Indiana I have a plan launching an offensive right now may not be the best idea"
"You've been saying that since this stupid war for West Virgina began!!"
"We're losing!! Why can't you see that!?"
Once again Ohio fell silent before saying
"Why are you so concerned?"
"What do you mean?"
Indiana looks at Ohio questioningly
"You constantly think that everyday I'm going to die"
Indiana begins yelling as he starts to cry
Indiana briefly paused
"If you die I'll be alone.."
"You have Illinois-"
"But I don't love him!!"
Indiana quickly covered his mouth while Ohio froze. Indiana grabbed his ax (yes he had an ax.. for safety reasons?) and left.
Ohio sat down and stares into the ceiling
"He loves me?.."
January 5th 2030, Marion Ohio, 9:54 am
Indiana stared into the distance as the grey skies continued the stay. Then he felt his thigh vibrate. Indiana took his phone from his pocket and looked at the contact name
He pressed answer and put the phone up to his ear
"Hey Indiana"
Ohio sighs over the phone
"W-we.. we need to talk"
Indiana paused
"Well where are you"
"I'm in the town of Marion, the people here seem to be to be done just fine even in the hardships of war"
"Heh yeah.. well I'll be there shortly"
"Like at 10?"
"If I'm lucky it'll be by 10:30"
"That's fine by me"
"Alright well see ya then.."
And with that Ohio hung up. Indiana rests his head against the chipped wood of the building behind him while he closes his eyes. He picks up his ax and gets up to talk to the locals. A young lady walks past struggling to carry food rations for what he guesses is soliders. She looks to be about 23, with a pink tank top and small shorts on. Indiana turned around to help her
"Excuse me, you like some help"
The young woman turns to Indiana and happily accepts his offer
"Yes, thank you"
"It's my pleasure mam"
Indiana swings his ax over his back and lifted the box
"Where were you taking this to anyways? Mrs.."
"Mrs Gardener, and I was taking this to my husband. He's in the army"
Something was off putting about this woman, but Indiana couldn't put his finger to it so he shrugged it off.
The feeling still lingered
- time skip brought to you by it's 12:21 am fuck off -
Eventually they reached her house
"Please why don't you come in, you helped me carry this after all"
Indiana looked at his phone 10:02
"Well..I should be-"
"Oh please it wouldn't be polite of me to let you wait out there"
Indiana sighed giving in
"Alright but only for a little bit.."
Once inside the woman say down and asked if Indiana wanted wanted anything, though he politely declined
"Oh! I forgot to ask your name"
Indiana sat there deciding his next words before saying
"It's a little difficult to pronounce, but it's Isaac Ahaloke"
"I'll just call you Isaac"
The room became silent and that strange feeling Indiana had before came back. He hesitated before asking
"Not to be rude, but may I ask what your husband fights with"
The lady paused contemplating her next words
"If it's between you and me.. my husband and I are military spies from Virgina to collect Intel on plans from soliders or generals to Ohio and Indiana"
There it is
The unpleasant feeling finally reveled itself
It felt like a slap to the face
And I just fucking waltzed in..
Indiana did his best to keep his cool after hearing what the woman said
"I-isnt that dangerous?.." he asked
"Well of course it is"
"But my mission is done"
Those words struck Indiana with so much fear that he grabbed his ax and attempted to head for the door. But a much taller man that he can only assume was her husband came up from behind him
"It's rude to leave without a proper goodbye"
Indiana bolted to the door quickly opening it and running into the streets
Indiana panicked as he ran faster, but somehow the man caught up with him and grabbed his arm and covered his mouth
"You're gonna tell us everything you know"
Indiana tried to move his arms but he couldn't
So.. this is it
Indiana thought to himself until
He heard gunshots
"What the hell-"
But the man was stopped by a gun pointed at his head
"Put him down now"
The man put Indiana down
"Look I don't want no troub-"
"SHUT IT" Ohio yelled
Indiana grabbed his ax and hurled it into the mans leg
"AAHHHH- ugh! You little shit! You'll pay for this!!"
"Let's go"
Indiana and Ohio raced to Ohio's car. They both got in and started to drive away. After a few minutes of silence Ohio spoke up
"What was that?"
"It was military spies from Virgina trying to collect Intel from one of us.. I guess Virgina told them my description or they wouldn't have known who I was"
Ohio sighed
"That mother fucker.. once this is over I'll beat him so fucking hard.."
"Yeah sure.."
Ohio looked over at Indiana. Tears were streaming down his face
"Indiana look I know the war isn't looking good, but you need to trust me"
Indiana stayed silent
Ohio sighed again before smirking
"Did you really think I'd go into a war without a Trump Card?"
"Maryland and Delaware"
"They've been preparing there militaries and are now ready to begin attacking Carolina and Virgina.
Indiana immediately stopped crying
"So you let yourself become the bait and wait for their arrival"
Indiana gasped
"That's why you didn't send my troops! So you could make it look like we were unprepared and not ready, yet when Maryland and Delaware launch their attacks"
"They'll be fighting a way on both fronts while we continue to have the upper hand"
"So why didn't you tell me?.."
"I was afraid that if I told you, you would want to change the plans"
"I mean after all seeing the person you love continually getting hurt everyday isn't exactly my cup of tea. So I decided not to tell you, and I'm sorry"
"But if you told me you were gonna be the bait for an invasion I would've been just as mad at you"
"Because.. I love you too"
Indiana was overjoyed
"I-i..I love you, you idiot"
January 6th 2030, Columbus Ohio, 12:46 am
The crowd of soliders cheer as they prepare for war against Virgina and Carolina
"Ohio you ready?"
"Hell yeah"
*Over radio*
"Fuck yeah let's get this started"
"Maryland please.. Ohio, Indiana I'm approaching Carolina"
"Same here Delaware, Virgina's gonna get it"
- back to Ohio -
"Alright let's get this started"
October 29th 2030, Richmond Virgina, 11:14 am
"Virgina do you surrender?"
"Well.. then have fun being annexed"
"No it's what he deserves, unfortunately"
"heh yeah we did it"
B o n u s b e c a u s e w h y n o t
Indiana: *calls someone*
Ohio: who are you calling-
Illinois: what
Indiana: we just fucking won the war, give me Chicago
Ohio: omg-
Indiana: simple, Ohio isn't a complete idiot
Illinois: NO NO NO NO NO-
Indiana: give it up
Ohio: oMG-
1693 words guys omfg I'm so happy T-T yessss
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