13. Always trying to get you to stay.
"DARE," SHE SAID FROM HER SPOT ON the living room floor. She lay flat on her back, her arms and legs scissoring out like she was creating snow angels on the carpet.
We had meandered out to the living room after, maybe, shot number four or five, deciding to play a game of Truth or Dare. Mostly we'd been doing silly dares that involved embarrassing the other as much as we possibly could.
"Hmmm," I mumbled, pretending to think. "What else can I make Teddy do tonight?"
Truthfully, I wanted to dare her to do something that would show me more of her body, of the curves she seemed to grow in the few months she'd been away at college. I mean, fuck, what was she doing over there that had turned my pretty friend into this beautiful thing? Let's face it, she was hot. Like really fucking hot. And I was dying to see what was underneath that baggy hoodie.
"I dare you to dance Coyote Ugly style on the counter in the kitchen."
Sober Teddy would never willingly dance in public, let alone on top of a counter. This was how I knew she was drunk because she jumped onto her feet without hesitation. As she walked through the dining room to the kitchen, she lifted the hoodie up and over her head, tossing it to the floor. Underneath was a form-fitting tank top. The burgundy straps of her bra were twisted with the thin straps of the white tank top. This only made me want to see what was underneath the tank top, too.
I cheered as she climbed onto the counter, rushing over so as not to miss the show. With no music, she looked pretty silly shaking her hips and sinking down to a crouch before popping back up again. But, fuck, was I enjoying the show anyway. I continued to cheer, encouraging the shenanigans, 100% supportive of my own personal show.
When she wobbled on the counter, I gripped my hands on her calves to steady her. "Ok, crazy girl. Maybe let's get you down, yeah?" I lifted her by the waist and set her on the floor in front of me. "Thanks for the show, though. Made my whole night. You could always fall back on stripping if you can't figure out a career after college. I'd shove dollars in your crevices."
"Crevices? Really, J?" She shoved her hands into my chest, causing me to lose my balance and almost tumble onto the floor.
"What? We all have crevices, Chipmunk." I smirked at the disgust on her face.
"Don't call them crevices. That's so gross."
"Fine. Tits. Slits. I'd stuff bills into those. On you. At a strip club."
"Shut up, dickhead. You're being stupid."
I followed her back into the living room, where we both fell onto our butts by the bottle of tequila. She refilled the glasses, handing me one. "Maybe less obnoxious dares from now on," she said before taking all the alcohol in one shot, barely flinching from the burn now.
"Fine. It's your turn to ask me. And I pick truth."
"Truth, huh?" She tapped her finger against her chin, thinking. "Hmmmm. Why didn't we meet up before now? We've both been home for a week or so, right? So why did we have to randomly run into each other?"
Blowing out a breath, I fell back onto the carpet, dragging a hand up and down my stomach. "Fuck, Teddy. I don't know. I meant to call you. Or knock on your mom's door. Drag you out to shoot some hoops. But it just never happened, I guess." I turn my head to the side to look at her. "Why didn't you seek me out?"
"Same, I guess. I don't know. We never had to work at it before, you know? Our friendship. We always just found each other. It felt weird having to invite you to do something. That's never been us." She laid down beside me and rolled over onto her side to face me. "Let's be better about it, though, ok? I don't like not being us anymore."
I traced a finger down her nose and around the edges of her mouth. "Agreed. You're my person, Teddy." When she tried to bite my finger, I pulled it away and turned away from her. "Ok, your turn. Truth or dare."
Sighing, she rolled onto her back. "Truth, I guess."
"Why aren't you seeing anyone at college? I bet the guys are chasing after you." I sneaked a peek at her after I asked the question.
She flung an arm over her face and groaned. "College guys are the worst, J. The actual worst."
Propping myself up on my elbow, I looked down at her, a sudden burst of protectiveness flaring through me. "What do you mean, Teddy? What happened? Did someone hurt you? Do I need to go there and kick someone's ass?"
She waved me off. "No, no. Stop. It's not like that. They just have one thing in mind, if you know what I mean. And when they realize I'm not like that, they conveniently disappear."
"Teddy," I said her name in exasperation. "Those fuckers are jackoffs anyway. Fuck 'em."
She sat up, situating her legs in a criss-cross. "Next. Your turn. Truth or dare."
"Fine. I'll let you change the subject. For now. Truth." I mimicked her, crossing my legs like a preschooler at circle time.
"Why'd you decide to work here? At your family farm? I always assumed you'd go off to college, get your degree, and find a job away from here. I mean, that was the plan, right? You always made it seem like you hated working here, like you couldn't wait to get away."
"No, Teddy. That was you. You were always the one that wanted to get away. I've always been trying to find ways to get you to stay."
She studied me for a minute, and I wondered what was running through her brain. Normally I could read her thoughts, but either the time apart had changed that, or she had gotten better at disguising her facial expressions. When it seemed like she wasn't going to respond, I decided to move the game along. "Truth or dare?"
"Truth, I guess. I don't think I could survive another dare."
Huffing out a laugh, I asked the first question that popped into my brain. "Do you remember your first kiss?"
With wide eyes, she stared at me, mouth falling open. "Yes, J. I remember my first kiss."
We've never discussed the night I pulled her behind my house when we were 15 and I gave her her first kiss. I'd thought about it often, though. I'd wondered what it would have been like if I'd given her her second kiss and her third kiss and so many other firsts and seconds and thirds.
When I tried to ask a follow-up question, she quickly stopped me. "Nu uh, J. You asked your question. Now it's your turn. Truth or dare?"
"Have you really always been trying to get me to stay?"
"Yeah, Teddy. Every time you'd come back to your mom's after a weekend at your dad's, you always talked about moving away. How you couldn't wait to get away from the small-town gossip, how your dad's shit always had a way of following you. You hated going there. You hated being the daughter of the town drunk." I regretted the words the instant they left my mouth, and judging by the hurt look that crossed her face, she wanted to smack me.
"Shit, Teddy. I didn't mean it like that." I reached across us to grab her hand, but she yanked it away.
"No, no, you're right. He is the town drunk, and I have always hated the way everyone talked behind my back." She butterflied her legs, fluttering them a few times in an awkward stretch. "Anywho...your turn to ask me."
Since she dodged my line of questioning on the last Truth she picked, I was betting she'd pick Dare this time, and I was right. "I dare you to kiss me."
Her response was immediate. "No."
She stared at me like I was an idiot. "Don't you remember what you said the night Kelly kissed me during that stupid game of Spin the Bottle?"
Groaning, I fell back against the carpet. I did remember what I said all those years ago, but I didn't appreciate the reminder that the idea of kissing my best friend was a bad idea. In my intoxicated state, it sounded like a good idea. Like a really good fucking idea.
"You said friends don't kiss because things get messy," she said in a harsh tone. "Don't you remember that, J?"
"Fine." I rolled onto my side, my elbow propped on the floor, resting my head in my hand. "But if you refuse a dare, then you have to do a truth?"
With a sharp shake of her head, she refused. "Nope. I'm done with the game. The end."
"There's only one way to settle it then."
"And what's that? Or should I be afraid to ask?"
I sat up and scooted my butt across the carpet until I was directly in front of her. Before she could back away, I grabbed her knees to hold her in place. "With a thumb war. Obviously."
She gasped out a chuckle as if the idea surprised and amused her. "Ok, Jensen. A thumb war it is."
We locked our hands together, and I called out, "One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war."
Our thumbs danced around each other's, trying to avoid being pinned down. When it was taking too long to pull out a victory, I pulled Teddy toward me as I fell to my back on the floor. She toppled over, her hands falling to my chest to stop from falling completely on top of me, and I grabbed her thighs, forcing her to straddle me.
"Truth or dare?" I asked, peering up at her.
Her hair had fallen forward and was framing her face. I swiped it behind her back, leaving my hands to rest on her shoulders. The moment felt heavy, tense, both of us rasping out quick breaths. When she tried to get off me, I sat up, grabbing her waist to steady her position. Her hands gripped my shoulders, our bodies inches apart.
My eyes kept bobbing from her eyes to her mouth. She bit at her lip nervously. I tracked the movement with a groan. My hands moved down to her hips, gripping tightly. After pausing to gauge her reaction, I scooted her closer, letting her feel my erection.
"Truth or dare," I repeated my question.
Her eyes moved from my eyes to my mouth and back again, indecision clear on her face. The moment the word "dare" slipped from her lips, my mouth was on hers. Light close-mouth kisses quickly turned to harder, sloppier ones, my lips crushing into hers. I licked the seam of her lips in permission, and she jabbed her palms into my chest, trying to push me away.
"Jensen. Wait," she mumbled into my mouth. "Wait, J."
I pulled away reluctantly, breathing hard, my hand moving up her back to grip her neck under her hair. With questioning eyes and heavy breathing, I waited. No words were spoken. Heated moments passed. I brought my hand around the front of her neck, gripping lightly, my thumb rubbing along her pulse point. She rocked into me in response, causing my eyes to close and the grip on her neck to tighten. When my eyes reopened, the hunger was written plainly across my face.
"Teddy." I paused, swiping a thumb over her neck. I could feel her swallow, and then she rocked into me again. "Are we done?"
"Done what?"
My other hand gripped her hip, rocking her against me again, coveting the feel of her rubbing against my hard cock. My hand on her neck moved up, cupping her chin, my thumb running over her bottom lip. She licked where I traced it.
"Teddy." My voice was gravelly.
"Yes." That's all I needed to hear; and in seconds my lips were on hers again. No pretense this time. All want and need showed in the way I kissed her, my roaming hands speaking for me.
This time when I asked permission with my tongue, she opened and allowed me in, deepening the already heated kiss.
My hands wandered under her tank top, feeling my way up her flat stomach to the tits I'd been gawking at all night. I squeezed them over her bra before flicking her hard nipples with my thumbs.
"Can I?" I asked as I tugged at the hem of her shirt. She nodded. I pulled her shirt off, tossing it across the room, my eyes going straight to her cleavage. I bent down to plant kisses in the valley between her breasts.
"Can I?" I repeated the question, this time referring to her bra. She nodded again. I wasted no time removing the bra, my mouth instantly falling to her tits.
They weren't overly large, just enough to fit in my large palms, but the pink nipples atop the fullness of her tits were like the cherries atop a sundae.
I pulled a nipple between my teeth, and she gasped, involuntarily rocking against my erection. Gripping her round ass in my hands, I guided her rocking, encouraging the movements with grunts against her boobs.
"Fuck, Teddy. Your tits are my new favorite thing."
Planting her hands on either side of my face, she forcefully removed me from her breasts. After kissing me swiftly on the lips once, twice, three times, she moved her hands under my shirt. The cold of her skin against my stomach sent shivers dancing through me and she smiled.
"Can I?" she asked, repeating the dance until I was shirtless, too. She surveyed me, running a single finger down my chest and over my abs, causing my dick to stir under her. "I think somebody likes this game." Her tone was teasing, flirtatious.
"Somebody likes it a lot," I agreed gruffly, smashing my lips to hers.
Caught up in the kiss, we tumbled to the floor, a frenzy of hands and lips on each other. I paused in my exploration long enough to take a breath, her chest rising and falling rapidly.
"Fuck, Teddy. When did you get so hot? Have you always been this hot and I just didn't notice? I'm a fucking idiot."
Before she could respond, I dusted kisses along her neck, alternating between light nips with my teeth and licks of my tongue, until I came to her ear. I nibbled her earlobe before whispering, "I want you, Teddy."
When she didn't respond, I abandoned my exploration to look at her. The color on her face had paled and her eyes were squeezed shut. Cupping my hands around her cheeks, I brushed a soft kiss over her lips. "Teddy," I whispered. "What's wrong? Are you ok?"
Not bothering to explain, she shoved me off her and darted down the hall. I heard the bathroom door slam right before the sound of retching filled the apartment.
Shit, maybe tequila wasn't such a good idea after all.
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