Chapter 9-Diagon Alley
Not edited...
Chapter 9- Diagon Alley
The sunrise flooded onto the fields of the cluttered house of Catchpole. In the garden of the burrow an eleven year old boy was huffing and standing on his knees tired from his run. The morning was filled with birds chirping and the winds cooling the effect of the sun. The boy heard a voice call out to him.
Harry lifted his head and tried to look at the source of the voice. It came another time and Harry instantly recognised the voice.
"Coming Ginny!"
He ran to the house and stepped inside making sure to wipe his shoes first. "I'm here! What's for breakfast?" he asked. Looking around the table he realised much more time had passed then he had thought. Ginny, Molly and Arthur were sitting at the table eating pancakes and syrup. "Come on!" said Molly. "We'll be heading out to Diagon Alley today... Better eat up before I wake Ron, Percy and the Twins!" Harry objected, "But I have work today! I can't skip it!"
"Oh yes you can young boy! You are coming with us and we are spending the day at Diagon Alley. Arthur's already put in a leave for today!" said Molly. Ginny just shrugged her shoulders when Harry tuned his pleading eyes to her. Arthur avoided all contact with Harry knowing that the boy would ask him too and he was sure to cave in. Harry gave a frustrated sigh and sat down to eat. Molly used her wand and shot something towards the stairs. In a few seconds loud thumps came from the upper floors and shouts of "Muuuum!" arose. Five minutes after footsteps thundered down the stairs and came to a halt in the kitchen.
"Why'd you have to wake us up like that mum?" said Ron. Harry turned to look at him and almost spat out the water he had been drinking. Ron had a blossoming bruise right beneath his left eye. Looks as if something had hit him when he fell down waking up. Ginny snickered and tried to cover it with a cough. Harry was in the same situation. "Oh shut up you two!" said Ron.
Soon everyone was roaming in and out of the kitchen. By eleven everyone was ready for a trip to Diagon Alley. "Dumbledore sent over your key Harry! Here you are!" said Molly. "Thanks mum!" replied Harry. They decided to go by floo in which Harry put his glasses into his pockets before stepping into the fireplace. Speaking clearly he arrived at The Leaky Cauldron. The Weasleys tried to make it so that no one could figure out who Harry was. First a trip was set to Gringotts. Harry remembered the bank and was happy to see it in it's original form instead of the destroyed one...
The cart took the to the Weasley Vault where Molly scooped up some coins to use, then they went to the Potter Vault where Harry tried to inconspicuously get some money out. Getting out of the bank they split ways.
Molly, Ron and Percy went to get the books, while Arthur, Fred, George, Ginny and Harry went to get all the rest of the supplies. They decided to meet up at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions after finishing. While the boys and Ginny were searching for supplies, Arthur went to the Magical Menagerie. As Harry searched to shop for potions supplies, he was startled to see Arthur come up behind him with a cage in his hand. "This is your gift from us and Hagrid! She's a snowy owl and a beautiful one too." Harry felt tears in his eyes as he get his first pet from Arthur. "I think I'll name her... Hedwig..." The owl as if recognising it's name, opened its eyes and clicked it's beak at Harry.
"That sounds good!" said Arthur. The completed their tasks and meet up at Madam Malkin's with the others. They got their robes and uniforms. "Harry is anything left?" asked Molly.
"Yeah... I have to get a wand... If you don't mind Mum I'd rather go by myself..." asked Harry. "Ginny has to get one too... Do you mind?" frowned Molly. Harry sighed "yeah it's ok!". Harry and Ginny went to Ollivander's to get their wands. As they entered the shop a voice called out from the back "Ah! Harry Potter! I was wondering when to expect you... And Ginny Weasley! I believed you weren't going to be here till next year!". Ginny grinned "Yeah... But I got in early..." Ollivander smiled, "ah! Good! Shall we start with you then?"
"Yes we shall!"
Ginny went through 5 wands before finding her perfect match. "Look Harry! It seems like it fits me perfectly!" Harry smiled at Ginny "Seems so..." he replied. Ollivander was at the back looking for wands. Harry heard a quiet murmur of "I wonder..." and he stood ready. His wand... The beloved wand which had been snapped while fighting off Voldemort. As Ollivander returned to the front Harry was excited to see the familiar long slim box in the old man's hands. When Harry took the wand to his hand, he felt as if a part if his soul had returned.
"This is the one..." he said. Ollivander laid a penetrating gaze on Harry. "Miss Weasley I wish to speak to Mr. Potter alone... Could you leave us for a moment?" Ginny nodded and headed out to the rare sunshine of London. "Mr. Potter I believe I have something for you... I tried making this out of hope that one day you will truly vanquish the Dark Lord. I warn you of its powers but I can assure you if I bonds to you it shall stay with you forever" Harry nodded, confused at why he was being told this information.
Ollivander bent down and got another long thin box which made Harry shiver. "This wand I made is an almost replica of the Elder Wand... Judging by your face I believe you know what it is and how powerful it is... This wand is Ebony with twin Threstal hairs which I think makes it more powerful then the Elder Wand. This wand is dangerous. No one knows of this except you and if it bonds with you, you must save it with your life." Ollivander handed Harry the extremely powerful wand and as soon as Harry's fingers touched it, a bond was formed. Harry's soul was tied to this wand and it would stay with him till he passed it on.
"What happened?" asked Harry.
"You bonded..." came the quite obvious reply. Ollivander added "I am also making a special holder for it... I will made it a double holder so your Phoenix feather wand can be kept there too." In truth Harry was feeling fear, but he kept his face calm. "How much?"
"Oh no my dear boy! No! No! The payment you could give is by simply defeating the Dark Lord and bring us to happy times again..." Harry flushed a bit before murmuring a thanks to the old shopkeeper. He tucked the Threstal hair wand inside his bag and held the phoenix wand in his hands.
Coming outside he heard Ginny ask, "What was that all about? For a moment I couldn't see anything going on inside the shop! I hope everything is okay with your wand..."
"Yeah... Everything's fine... He just had something to tell to me..."
Ginny looked suspiciously at Harry before setting out on the road back to their family. Harry followed her quietly thinking about the Threstal wand. How did that happen? Maybe since he was already changing fate, fate was changing the original story? It sounded weird in Harry's head but it made sense to him.
They reached the shop and greeted everyone again. "Shall we have lunch now?" asked Molly.
"yeah!" a chorus of shouts arose. "What wand did you get Harry?" asked Arthur. "Holly and Phoenix feather" replied Harry. "Ollivander agreed to make me a wand holder for th-it..."
Harry needed to watch out. He had almost stumbled in that sentence. Arthur nodded and followed his wife and children out the door asking where they were going. "Harry?" asked Molly, "Come on! And do you know how to handle muggle money? We could go to a muggle place for a change..."
Harry grinned at that. "Yeah! Just leave the payment stuff to me! It's my treat and no protesting!" The family grinned and followed Harry out of The Leaky Cauldron and into a muggle restaurant. They settled onto a table and ordered enjoying the new experience. "This feels odd... I know were not used to there kinds of places so we have no idea how to behave!" commented Ron. Harry took a glance around the restaurant. It was a simple place with a buffet table and menu orders too. "Just behave like you do when you go out to a good dinner place... And don't mention the you-know-what here!"
Ron dumbly stared at Harry. "Don't you mean magic?" the whole table was filled with everyone smacking their heads. "Yes Ron. That word..." said Ginny. Everyone turned and began little conversations between them after ordering. Arthur engaged Harry and Ginny onto a conversation and asked Ginny how she found her wand to be. Ginny was animatedly enacting how things had been destroyed and how holding the wand felt. When her attention was taken by the person on the other side of her, Arthur began questioning Harry.
"What took you so long at Ollivander's?"
"I had a talk to him about something..."
"Harry do I as your father figure get a chance at knowing what you are doing? You have meetings with Dumbledore and you had a 'talk' with Ollivander. Please tell me what's going on Harry! I have the right to know if you live under my house!"
Harry nodded and said, "It's something which I can't tell... I'm sorry but I need some time..."
"At least tell me what you were going to do today instead of coming here."
"Well I can tell you only a little..." Arthur nodded desperate for some information. "Only two words- Sirius Black."
Sirius FREE? Or Sirius as a SPY? Ill write the chpter this weekend and upload around monday or tuesday...
<3 Y
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