Chapter 4-Hands on clocks
Chapter 4- Hands on Clocks
When they finally sat on the table, Harry noticed that Mr Weasley was still missing. "Mum where's Mr Weasley?" asked Harry. "Well while you three were out, he flooed and said that he would be a bit late today. Harry dear, he still doesn't know that you will be staying with us from now on." Harry nodded and said "I hope he doesn't mind me staying here with you..." Molly scoffed at that and replied "Why would he? It's just a matter of fact that you will be staying with us!" Harry smiled and sat down in between Ron and Ginny. Ginny had now stopped her mad blushing but there was still a small reddish tinge to her cheeks. 'Beautiful' thought Harry. Just a few more years and she would be the immeasurably amazing. Their dinner was served and Molly sat there with an empty plate saying she would wait for Mr Weasley to come. The boys and girl talked about what they had done the whole day. Harry told Ginny all about the shop. "It's amazing and tiny but with such incredible stuff!" he said while adding in his mind ' It's a perfect place to get you things on special occasions.'
The twins talked about their experiments, "We have plenty of ideas, but we can bet you no one will take us seriously..." To which Molly replied "Oh no you don't! Even if they do you are forbidden to do so! It's not a proper career choice!" Ginny explained to Harry "The twins are the school pranksters. They do all they pranks of the school and they get into so much trouble but everyone loves them."
"I can see why" said Harry with a grin.
Then there was a sudden knock at the door and Mr Weasley stepped in. "Hello everyo-" his sentence was cut short as he registered the unknown boy sitting with his children. Little did he know after some time that boy would be considered a part of his family too. "Oh... Who's this? A friend of yours from the village?"
Harry got up and walked over to Mr Weasley. "Hello Mr Weasley. My name is Harry Potter." The look on his face was priceless. "H-H-Harry P-P-Potter?" he asked echoing his son. "Yes sir."
"Umm what are you doing here son?"
"I hope you don't mind Mr Weasley. Dumbledore finds that the family I was left with, or my aunt and uncle, were unfit to take care of me. So he asked mum if I could stay here with you..." Arthur was touched by the young man calling his wife mother already. To him the boy seemed to have a maturity he had never seen in a person with such a young age. "When obviously you are welcome! We have plenty of space for another soul in this house. Do you have you room set up? Would you like a new one, or you could use Bill's or Charlie's? Or share with someone... But that would be a bit uncomfortable, wouldn't it?" Harry stopped his ramblings and said "Thank You very much for letting me stay and no I'm perfectly fine staying with Ron in his room!"
"Call me dad if you want to Harry. If you are sure with it then good." he replied beaming. "Molly can I get some of those bread rolls? I'm famished!" "Thank you dad."
The Weasley's were happy to have such a wonderful boy come and live with them. In one day Molly had seen no fuss or trouble and Arthur had seen some sort of knowingness in the boy's eyes. He was mature and he had a good heart. They were pleased that their children had already accepted him and had welcomed him like one of their own.
Harry was happy to be connected to the Weasleys so early. They were just like they were before - or perhaps, in his other life - when he was a part of this family already. Now, just a few years early - but early never the more - he was sitting with them enjoying the evening.
After dinner got over, the children helped their mother to clean up the counter and the plates were set to clean themselves by a flick of Molly's wand. The tables were cleaned and the children were sent up to do whatever they wanted before lights out and Arthur was put to work on a chore Molly had wanted to so since to afternoon.
Harry, Ron, the twins and Ginny all headed up and upon a large debate they decided to sit in Ron's and Harry's room for some time. They had no idea what to talk about since a lot of talking had been done today, so try decided to play some rounds of exploding snap. Harry was sure not to slip again today, so he asked "How do you play this thing? Is it like UNO? Or some other card game like Go fish?" Then the twins answered him, "Harry my boy," started Fred.
"You have absolutely-" continued George.
"No idea on what-"
"You have been-"
"Missing all these years" finish Fred again. Harry grinned. The twins were found to be exceedingly creepy when they finished sentences like that if it was someone who didn't know them. But Harry on the other hand had missed their antics and found it comforting. He asked them "Then why don't you explain to me how to play?" The twins did so.
Soon they were through six rounds and as a card exploded into Ron's face, Molly came in through the door. She saw her son’s blackened face and give a sigh. She was holding a tray in her hands which had some mugs in it. “Here you go dears. Just thought that you all would like some hot chocolate even if its summer… That’s why I didn’t warm it too much…” She waved her wand and an extra bed for harry appeared. Then she turned to the boy and said “Harry dear when you are done could you come down to the kitchen for a while?” Harry nodded as they all took their own cups and as soon as Molly left with the tray, the twins asked “Oye! What did you do in your first day here that she’s calling you down?” Harry shrugged. “Nothing…” he said.
Ginny came to the rescue and said “What if it’s for some GOOD reason that mum wants to see him. It’s not always that mum calls someone down to shout at them.” The twins just stick their tongues out childishly and they all finished their warm chocolate quietly. Ron washed his face and Harry picked up all the mugs for him to carry down. As he made a move to go downstairs, he saw that none of the Weasleys had gotten up to go with him. “Aren’t you all coming?” he asked.
“No… Should we?” asked Ginny.
“Yeah… I mean it’s not going to be anything bad. You all could just pretend that you’ve come down to put your mugs.” They slowly got up and went over to him. “Are you sure?” asked Ginny again. “Yes, now come on!”
They trudged down the stairs and went into the kitchen. Molly and Arthur were sitting there waiting for Harry. When they saw all their children coming down the stairs, Molly got up and took the cups from the. “I honestly never expected you to bring the cups down, but thank you.” She said as she set them in the sink. Arthur got up and went to Harry. “Harry, we own a special clock. Every member of the family is a part of that clock and it’s kind of like a safety thing. It’s for everyone to know what you are doing. Just generalized things. Like travelling, working, at school, studying etc. Since you are now a part of this family, it is our job to look out for you.” Harry was mentally grinning. He knew exactly what Arthur was talking about. The Weasley clock. Harry was turned around to face to clock behind him while the rest of his new family watched him for his reaction
“This, Harry, is the Weasley clock. Each person has its own hand and it acts as a pointer to whatever that person is doing. Today, I added your hand to the clock.”
Harry was now fully grinning. He couldn’t stop it. This was one gesture he could never top. He turned around and gave a very surprised Mr Weasley a hug. For a few moments he didn’t receive one back, but Arthur being the big hearted kind man who knew what the boy had been through, hugged him back. Harry broke away from him and hugged Mrs Weasley too. Turn by turn he hugged everyone there in the kitchen saving Ron and Ginny for last. He hugged Ron and when he hugged Ginny, it was a wonderful soaring feeling in him. Like he was flying in the sky. He was holding his beloved in his arms again. But this was the past.
He quickly let go of her and was pleased to see he had made her blush again.
“Thank you so much! You all have no idea what this means to me! Thank you for accepting me and treating me like I’m normal and not your servant boy. Thank you!” said Harry.
“Oh Harry dear! It’s no big deal! We have a big enough house and more importantly a big enough heart! Where else would you have gone if you didn’t come here with us! You couldn’t be anywhere else! You fit perfectly in with us and we already think of you as a part of the family! Don’t we?’ she asked to her family who agreed with her.
“Thanks mum.” Harry said. “Thank you very much.”
“Now come on boys! Go to sleep!” she said.
‘Aw mum! It’s only ten thirty at night!” whined Ron.
“Well Professor Dumbledore is going to come tomorrow morning with your letters and he needs to talk to Harry. You all better go to sleep now!” she said.
“Yes mum” they all groaned as they went up to their respective rooms. Harry was bid by the twins as they went into their room saying “G’nite Potter!” and “Cya Harry!”
Then Ginny wished him good night too as she went into her room. When the got to their room, Harry realised how truly tired he was. As soon as his head hit the pillow he mumbled a good night to Ron and drifted off to sleep. This was the best sleep he had had since a long time….
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