Chapter 3-Of Wind Chimes
Hey guys! Enjoy!
Chapter 4-Of Wind Chimes
Ron stared at Harry. His face was in shock and Ginny's face was confused. "How do you know Ginny?" asked Ron. Harry realised his mistake and laughed nervously. "Well your mom told me about you guys as her six sons and one daughter Ginny." he made up quickly. Ron shrugged like the thick headed boy he was and dropped the subject. Ginny looked at Harry and her face dawned in recognition. Her face turned almost as red as her fiery hair and she mumbled a bye before shutting the door.
“What's up with her?" asked Ron as they moved up to his or now theirs room. Harry just chuckled. This time he wasn't going to wait for his unknowing yet now knowing self to realise how amazing she was. Not in their sixth year but defiantly more earlier than that. As Harry entered his new room he saw clutters of random things everywhere. Everything was put at random places and there was no order to the room. Ron grinned sheepishly and said "Sorry for the mess... I'm always like this but I'll clean up."
"It's okay" said Harry, “To me it feels natural and homely... It's fin if you don't clean it." Ron sighed in relief and sat down on his bed. They sat there talking about the wizarding world. Harry asked questions about things he already knew keeping in mind that he was supposed to be new at everything. Ron told him about Hogwarts and his family. Soon it was time for lunch and Molly or 'Mum' dame and called them down. Ginny and the twins were already sitting on the large table.
There he saw his least favourite Weasley sitting with his back to him. The twins having seen Harry and Ron greeted them and Ginny turned red again. Percy turned around and his jaw dropped. "A-A-Are you r-r-really H-H-Harry P-P-potter?!" he asked stuttering. Harry laughed and said yes. Percy was shocked and returned around to face the table again. Harry and Ron sat next to each other and Molly passed them a plate. “Thanks mum!" they said simultaneously. Molly smiled as Harry called her mum. They ate their food in peace with Ginny's face never turning normal. Then the boys all except Percy headed out to the village.
For the first time in all these years Harry had never gone down to the village of Ottery Street, Catchpole. It was like an ordinary muggle village with normal little shops and restaurants and stalls. The boys moved around for some time when they saw a hidden shop there. It was hidden in the crevices of a tiny ally. The Weasley boys had never seen the shop in their whole time here. Intrigued they decided to go in and see what it was. The shop was tiny and it was named A Tiny Piece of Home. It was a small place with tinkering things like wind chimes and clocks and lamps etc. They roamed in the shop and Harry saw a wind chime which instantly reminded him of Ginny.
It was quint with tiny balls on it and a cat too. It had her stunning chocolate eyes and his green emeralds as the balls. It was pretty and Harry thought it may give her a hint that she was pretty to him. Harry borrowed some money from Ron and bought the wind chime. When Ron asked him, Harry straightly replied that it was for his sister. "Why?" asked Ron suspiciously. "Because I like it and it reminds me of your sister." he replied. Ron still looked suspicious but he gave the money to him. Harry had to repeat the answers to the twins who didn't mind it that he bought something for their baby sister. When they got home it was already evening.
Harry was glad that the Weasley's already accepted him into their family. They didn't treat him like 'The Chosen One' and just like a normal eleven year old boy. He was fully thankful for that. When they stepped in, Molly immediately attacked them. "Where were you!", "Why did it take so long!!”
"Are you hungry?" Harry felt a sudden rush of love for her. She showed the love of a mother for a person she had only come to know this morning. Harry grinned and said "We just found a new shop and it consumed our time. No mum I'm not hungry! I'd rather wait for dinner when Mr Weasley comes home." Molly glowed when he called her mum again and said "Arthur will be home soon dear. Till then why don't you go and wash up. I'll start on some food."
As they boys went up they were sure to make as much noise as possible on Percy's landing. He stuck his head out irritated and then remembered who was now living with them. When they reached Ginny's room Harry remembered the wind chime he had got for her. "Hey guys I'm going to give Ginny the wind chime I got for her." Ron was doubtful and the twins looked as if they didn't care. They went on ahead to their respective rooms and Harry was left alone. He gave a knock on Ginny's door and waited patiently for her to open. She opened her door and blushed as she found Harry standing there. Harry felt the sudden urge to kiss her right there. She looked so innocent and just like the Ginny he had first fallen in love with but younger.
She stared with her doe eyes back into Harry's forest green eyes. Harry smiled and she smiled timidly back at him. Then Harry asked "May I come in?"
"Yeah sure" she said with another blush. Harry stepped into her room and looked around. It was small but bright. It had cream walls with one silver wall which had grey decorations on them. It was fairly plain but there was no a girlish hint to it. She was a tomboy through to through like Harry remembered her to be. He brought the gift out and gave it to her. "This reminded me of you so I'd exuded to get it for you. I don't know why but I thought you would like it. I really hope you do." Ginny opened the bag and brought out the wind chime.
She gasped as she saw it and smiled a great big smile. "Oh Harry thank you so much! I really do love it! I really, really, really love it! How did you know I like cats?" she asked. "Just a random guess" he said with a wink. She blushed and took the wind chime to her window and hung it up there. It started to chime due to the small breeze coming through the window. Harry noticed that she had her eyes closed to the breeze and was enjoying the coolness of it on the heat of the day which was finally settling. She looked like an angel to him. But no. A few more years then he would take that step forward. Right now he wanted to just be her best friend. There would be time with her as more later.
Ginny suddenly turned back to Harry and said “Hey! Let’s just sit and talk! I’m pretty sure that Ron will be busy and the twins too. Percy is out of the question. So would you mind?” Her eyes had a glint in them and she was smiling the first smile at Harry which wasn’t shy or small. Harry was glad to get past that part and he said “Sure.”
They both sat and talked about random things. Ginny learnt all about Harry and Harry remembered all about Ginny. They talked about themselves and the things they liked and disliked. They talked about their problems and beliefs and everything. For Harry it was like being in the war again in a safe place just talking to the girl he loved and for Ginny it was the road to discovery of how much more was behind that face of the so called “Chosen One”. Soon it was night time and they heard a loud voice in the kitchen. Ron was shouting around saying “Mum! I can’t find Harry anywhere! Where is he! Is he captured?” then Molly’s voice rang throughout the house, “Oh for heaven’s sake Ron did you see everywhere?”
“Umm, maybe not Ginny’s room but why would he be there?” Anger flashed in Ginny’s eyes and before Harry knew it she had climbed down the stairs and had already started shouting at Ron. When he got down, he heard Ginny say “Just because I’m a GIRL doesn’t mean that Harry’s not allowed to be my friend. You just don’t know what to say you idiot! You are so thick headed!” Harry suppressed a grin and stepped into the kitchen. Ginny was like a mini form of her mum. Ron was cowering in a corner and Ginny was above him despite him being taller than her. Harry couldn’t help it and he laughed “You know mate she’s right. I actually WAS in her room…”
“B-B-But what were you doing THERE!”
“Why? Isn’t he allowed to talk to me?” answered Ginny. “But why would he want to!” asked Ron.
“Because she’s my friend! Why can’t I!” said Harry. Mum was just looking amusingly at her thick son when she said “Do whatever you want, but be ready for supper in ten minutes.”
Those ten minutes were the best Harry had in the whole day. It was just something hilarious to see Ginny chasing Ron around the garden and Ron barely being able to escape.
Hey guys i hope you like this one! i wrote it in my iPod cuz i didn't have the laptop.... :/ Hope you really do like! Just pease give me one vote and one comment and i'll START writing the new chap ASAP! But PLEASE DO!!!!!
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