Chapter 8
"Lili, these are my friends, Michael, Calum, and Ashton." He pointed to each one as he said their name. The boys all waved at me when he said their name.
"Can I hug you?" The one with red hair asks. I look at Luke not knowing what to say, but he was no help.
"O-okay." He didn't barrel towards me thankfully, but he came forward and hugged me tightly. It was actually a nice hug. I was thinking it would be awkward.
Once he released me, he took a few steps back to where he was before. Meanwhile, the black haired one, (Calum?) looks like he's in shock.
The blonde one, Michael...? No Ashton. He looked to be having a conversation with Luke. "This is Lili? Like the Lili?" Luke was nodding trying to get him to understand. He looked completely shocked.
Finally I spoke up, "H-Hi um, it was uh nice to m-meet you guys. S-sorry for stuttering." At first, they all were surprised that I spoke, but as I kept speaking I couldn't exactly tell what their reactions were as my head was hanging lower and lower. I was so embarrassed I was unable to keep eye contact with any of them.
The black haired one, Calum, came up to me and hugged me. He whispered something in my ear that almost made me cry. He said, "I'm so glad you're okay, Lili Bean." He called me Bean. I barely remembered what it meant. It took me a second, but I loved food. I loved it so much when I was younger. Just a little while before I was kidnapped, I was at the playground playing with Calum and Luke. We had just met at the playground, but we were nearly best friends after knowing each other for five minutes. We ran around the jungle gym playing tag, and he pushed me on the swings. Cutting our time short, Mom shouted to Luke and me, "Luke! Lili! We have to go so I can make dinner, tonight is black beans, Lili's favorite!" I was thrilled, so thrilled I almost didn't notice that Calum was snickering. When walked towards mom with Luke, Calum yelled, "See you sometime soon, Lili BEAN!" I didn't know if I was supposed to be offended or not, so I chose not. I thought it was funny. I had totally forgotten that before Calum had used the nickname.
I pulled back from the hug with the biggest smile. Calum had a big smile on his face too. The boys were supportive, at least more than I thought they'd be, but none of them really knew how to respond. The slightly awkward silence that had been created was extinguished when Luke's phone rang. Mom had called Luke to tell him to bring me to the office.
"I'll meet up with you guys later. I have to take Lili to the office to deliver her to mom." He laughs and waves as the boys walk back inside the building and we walk towards the office. It wasn't very far, but I could tell how big the campus was as we walked to the office.
It wasn't a long walk, not even five minutes. Once we walked into the office, Mom waved Luke off with a wave, I hugged him and Mom and I walked back to the principal's office.
"Alright, Lillian. I need you to take a couple of tests so we know where to place you. We're going to have you take a Placement Test and an IQ Test." I nodded as he handed me one of the test booklets. "I'm going to have you take the Placement Test first so we can..." I accidentally zoned out as he explained why I was taking it and why it was first. I didn't actually care, I really just wanted to take the tests and get them over with. I had a feeling they were going to make me feel stupid.
"Mrs. Hemmings, you can wait in the lobby if you'd like, but you don't have to. We already have all the information that we need from you, but you are allowed to stay." Mom nodded and looked to me. Did she want me to ask her to stay? Or did she want me to tell her it was okay to go? I already didn't know the answer and I hadn't even started the test.
I shrugged and Mom took that as her sign to leave. "Lilliana, you're time starts now." He says and hands me a pencil. He walks out of his office too. I'm guessing to give me space and silence to take the test. I looked at the clock, the time read 7:30. I had until 9:00 to finish or do as much as I could.
The time really flew, but that did not mean I was having fun. I was struggling, but by the time I finished it was only 8:45. I stared at the random motivational posters for like three minutes, but I got really bored. I got up with my paper packet and walked out to the front where the secretary was. "Uh. M-ma'am?" I waited for her to look at me or notice me. "W-where's the principle? I um, finished a few minutes a-ago." She smiled, and took the test packet.
"He told me if you finished early to take the packet and give you the IQ Test. This Test is much smaller, which means you'll have less time, but it should be easier. You have until 10:00. Go ahead and head back to his office to start.
I head back, and get started. It was so hard to stay focused. I caught myself zoning out nearly ever ten minutes. I finished by 9:45, and walk out to the front to give the secretary the packet.
I sat in the front lobby chairs, until the principle has the results and calls me back to his office. "I am sending this all in an email to your mother, so don't feel pressured to remember it all." He pauses to sip his water. "Alright, you have a very high IQ. It's 132, which is considered a gifted level IQ. Which means, I am putting you in the classes you would be in if you hadn't missed that much school. But because of your Placement Test, I'm requiring you to have a lot of extra tutoring, though. Before we have you chose your schedule we want you to sit on some classes. You'll sit in with Luke's classes. Starting with his lunch period, which starts in five minutes. Here's your locker number and code so you can't put your stuff there before you get to lunch. And so Luke knows I'm going to call him in so he'll know. Okay?" He handed me a piece of paper with the information he said. I nodded, digesting the information he had piled on me. He walked me out to the front. As I walked out of the door, I heard the secretary calling for Luke out of class through the intercom system through the classrooms.
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