Chapter 2
Chapter 2
I wake up to the sound of beeping. Panic immediately begins to take over my senses. I very vaguely remember a place like this, I broke my arm when I was nine, and they took me to a place like this.
I try to calm myself as the monitor is going crazy with the beeping. I hear the door fling open and what appears to be a doctor or nurse, but I really can't pay too much attention to that, because my cheek feels numb, but not the okay kind of numb. The kind when you're foot falls asleep and you're trying to wake it up, and it feels prickly.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" Their voice is very soft like they're trying not to spook me. Which is valid, I'm pretty much terrified of everything right now.
"M-my cheek h-h-hurts," I can't even look at them when I say this. I look down at the bed that I'm laying in. They are a mix of white and off-white blankets. I think they thought I was cold, so they gave me quite a few of them.
Everything in here is so bright; I'm pretty sure I'm constantly squinting. it's not like a yellow-y light either, it's a white colored light, which I guess makes it brighter.
"That is to be expected, one of your cheekbones was broken because of how hard you were slapped. You were passed out for just a little bit over twelve hours,"
I reach my hand up to try to touch my cheek, but about an inch away from where it should be. I feel it. It's swollen a lot, I wonder how they were able to tell it was broken.
"The swelling should go down eventually." I only nod in response, unable to talk easily because of all the pain in my face.
I look up and see a man with black hair, it would be generous to say he's balding. He has a large hook-like nose, which is his most dominant feature. He has his eyebrows arched like he's suprised, but his eyes look concerned.
I probably look really crazy right now. Really long, and gross hair, a puffed up bruised cheek, and I'm probably super smelly and dirty too. Suddenly feeling very self conscious, I look back down.
"When you're ready, there are some people who need to talk to you," he tells me.
I feel really stupid, but I still just nod. He probably thinks I'm a really stupid kid. I do kinda have a right to be, I was kidnapped around the age of ten. So I'm as educated as a 10 year old.
I take a few minutes to steady myself, as much as I can, and collect my thoughts. When I feel like I'm ready to talk, I push the nurse call button. I think a minute or two as the guy makes his way in.
He rushes in, and looks a bit concerned when he asks, "Is everything alright?"
I look him in the eye, and tell him as confidently as possible, "I'm ready to talk."
His expression becomes solemn as he nods, and briskly walks back the way he came.
While waiting, my mind wanders back to my life before. One memory in particular, it's just a small memory of my brother laughing. His crystal blue eyes crinkle and his pearly teeth are visible as a cute chirpy laugh flowed from him. The scene that my mind automatically wanders to whenever I feel lost. His laugh reminds me of why I'm still holding on.
A man walks in, blonde hair and a humble demeanor. He walks in to the room quietly, and he nods at me when we make eye contact. He sits down in a chair across from the bed, and folds his hands on his lap. "Hey, I'm with the team trying to get you back to your family. We know who you are, and have contacted your family."
I am so surprised and happy that I start to cry. Of course, this makes the guy feel like he did something wrong. "I'm just so happy that I get to be with my family again. I actually don't remember much, could you tell me what you know?"
"Oh, yes of course. Alright, you are 16 years old and you're name is Lillian Reese Hemmings. You lived in Australia with your family with two older brothers, Jack and Ben, and one twin brother, Luke. You also grew up with your father, Andrew, and also with your mother, Liz. Currently we are in the United States, so it will take them a few hours to get here, but they are on their way. I imagine it will be quite overwhelming compared to what you're used to. So i suggest you rest and prepare yourself for a very happy life."
This information is all so overwhelming. They're is so much I didn't remember. The man gets up and walks out, leaving me with my head and all this new information to process. My thoughts are interrupted by the realization of what I look like and smell like.
I don't want to look like this when my family gets here. I don't want to smell bad when they finally see me again, when I finally see them again. I decide that I have some time, and I want to process all the information the man gave me before I worry about my looks.
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