Chapter 16
The next few weeks have been hectic. It's like school had finally, actually started up. I had tutoring, and Calum had futball, which made him extra busy and between band practices and dates with me, I was worried that he'd start feeling overwhelmed and back off entirely from either me or the band. I've been unintentionally backing off a bit from him, for fear of him backing away from the band. We're standing in the school hallway, talking about our after school plans. Calum shifts his sports bag on his shoulder. "So you guys will be there?"
Michael, Luke, Ashton, and Eliza all chorus off different "yes" answers. I waited until all of them stop talking rapidly overtop each other. When their noise finally subsided, or at least lost Calum's attention. I walk up beside him, and kiss him before saying, "Of course I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it."
He wraps an arm around my waist, and I couldn't be more comfortable. He interrupts their conversation to address the whole group, "Okay, the game starts in an hour, so make sure you're here in time. Unless you wanna watch the warm-ups?" He smiles, while everyone else laughs. "Yeah, I figured you'd all respond like that. But if you guys go to that smoothie shop, make sure to bring me back something! I'm serious." We all laugh as he kisses my cheek before heading off to his game.
We all holler goodbyes at him from the other side of the hallway as he keeps going. Ashton turns around and starts walking to the exit, expecting us to follow him, and says, "Soooo smoothie shack it is?" We all walk quickly to keep up with him, before walking across the street to the smoothie shack.
We all order smoothies and sit down at a large corner table. I pull out m homework to get some of it done, but most of the others decide not to. Luckily, they don't tease me about it. Most days, they would, especially Luke, but he seems a little preoccupied lately. It's okay though, he's probably just stressed about our choir project. We don't have partners, and we're supposed to write and compose a song. I feel like the class is just disguised as a choir class and is actually something a lot more intense. I've found the project fairly easy, though.
5 minutes before the game is supposed to start, I order Calum a smoothie to take to him. After I'm handed his smoothie, I walk back to the group that is by the door ready to go. We walk over to the field, and immediately find Calum's wandering gaze, looking for us probably. When he sees us, his face lights up. We all wave like crazy people as he jogs over to us.
"Here's your smoothie, Cal" He smiles at me as he takes it.
"I'm so glad you guys actually came. You know, Lili, Eliza, before you two were around the boys never came to my games." Calum says to us before laughing at the boys trying to make excuses.
As Calum is sipping his smoothie, someone who seems to be his coach hollers our way, "Hood, get over here now! We've got a game to play!" Calum giggles before waving to us and running off.
We take that as our cue to find a place to sit. Throughout the game our group could be heard screaming various things to Calum. Anytime he wasn't in the immediate area of where the ball was being played and he heard us, he'd smile at us and sometimes waved.
The boys won, 3-2, and the second the game was over they started jumping around, chest bumping, and screaming. Obviously this game meant a lot to them. After the boys had calmed down, and we had calmed down, Calum came over and riled us all up again. The boys were slapping his back and hugging him.
Michael's screaming is definitely the loudest, but I can somehow still hear when Ashton says, "You guys played so well! How did we never come to one of these games, that was great!" He laughs before the rest of us start laughing with him.
"Okay, but did you all see when Calum made that goal. It was amazing! He was so far away but it still goes in! It was crazy!" Luke says to a very bashful Calum.
Michael looks to Calum before saying, "I guess, we never realized how cool these games were and how good you are! It's safe to say now we'll be at as many games as possible." Which starts another round of laughter.
Calum the Bashful speaks next, "Alright guys, it was awesome seeing you guys out there in the stands."
Eliza looks at her phone before looking slightly panicked. "Guys, I have to go. Like 5 minutes ago."
It's now that I realize Luke's arm has been around Eliza's shoulder for who knows how long. He says, "I'll take you home? Mom lent me the car for today. It'll get you home quicker." Eliza nods and the two say their goodbyes before heading to his car.
After they leave, Michael and Ashton check the time, "I've got to go too, Simmons packed on a ton of homework tonight, but it was a great game, mate." Michael says before Ashton agrees and they grab their bags.
When they're out of earshot, Calum closes our empty circle that has become a two person conversation. "So you don't have a ride, but I know you have Simmons too, so do you have to do all the homework now?"
I smile cheekily at him. "Nope, I did it before the game. Mostly because I knew it'd stress me out, but I'm extra glad I've already done it now."
Calum pulls me in close before kissing me. "So that means you're free."
"Mhm" I lean into him as our lips meet.
Instead of him looking mischievous, he has this puppy dog smile. "So I can teach you how to play futball?" He looks so hopeful, I can't let him down.
"Yeah, okay."
He grabs our bags and puts them together near the benches. He's standing in front of the goal as he kicks the ball to me. I use the top of my foot to kick it back to him. He immediately stops the ball to show me that I was kicking it wrong.
"You're supposed to kick it like this, from the side." He kicks it to me from the side and when I get it I kick it like he did. His face lights up like a Christmas tree, when he saw that I kicked it like he said.
After about an hour of kicking it back and forth and running back and forth. The sky has been progressively getting darker. So if I said, that it started raining out of nowhere, I'd be lying. I guess we both just assumed that we'd be able to get out of there, but I definitely didn't think about it.
It doesn't start sprinkling first, it starts pouring. He runs to me with the ball in his hand. "Come on we got to go!" He grabs my hand and brings me to where our bags are. We grab our bags and run to the smoothie shack. I text Luke before we sit down.
It started raining here, so when you come to pick me up come by the smoothie shack.
Calum sits at a booth near the corner, and after sending it I follow him to the table. I take out my books to see how wet they were, and to do the last of my homework. After seeing that my books weren't too wet, I look to Calum and say, "And that's how this becomes a study date."
He laughs and grabs my non dominant hand with his, so we could study too. We're both soaked with water, so after I finish my minimal homework, I let go of his hand and walk up to the front and order two teas. I sit back at the table because the woman says they'll bring it to us. I reach back across the table to hold his hand, but before I grab his hand I change my mind. Before I stand up, I say to his weird but hurt look, "I wanna sit next to you. Stand up so I can sit on the inside?"
He smiles and gets up to let me slide in. Once he sits back down, I rest my head on his shoulder, and ended up falling asleep before the lady could bring our tea.
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