Chapter 11
"See you around, Shortcake." Eliza was talking to me in between classes.
Before she could walk too far off, I yelled, "Wait!" I jog towards her after getting her attention. "Would you wanna come over and have a movie night? Maybe like a girls night or something?" I giggle a bit at the "girls night" thing.
"Yeah, that sounds really cool, but I want to pick the movie. So I'll give you my number, you text me the time and your address and I'll bring the movie." She waited for me to give some kind of confirmation to the plan. I nod and she writes her number on a piece of paper.
I make a mental note about asking to use Luke's phone to text her, because I didn't have one. I walk quickly to my next class in fear of being late. Right before the bell rings, I slide into my desk next to Luke. He gives me a questioning look, but now we're in class, so he can't ask.
School is slow and so is tutoring after school. I think I'm getting more caught up though. I actually find myself understanding things in class. Which, is good even though it takes so much extra work.
Before the tutor had gotten to the house, I asked to borrow Luke's phone and he just shrugged. The boys were all over so I don't think he really cared. He didn't even ask why; he just handed me his phone. I took it back upstairs, and typed in the number Eliza gave me.
Hey, this is Lili. I'm using Luke's phone, because I don't have one but I'm linking the address from google maps. And 7:30 works for me.
I sent it then sent the link, and I noticed the number turned into a contact. So Luke already had Eliza's number. They were friends once, that's probably why. I had already asked mom and dad if it was okay for me to invite Eliza over. They were both trying to hide their shock that I had already made a friend that wasn't one of Luke's. So they were both very excited at the idea, but I didn't want them to be weird about it or overbearing so I made them promise to let me try to host by myself.
After tutoring, it was only 7:00 so I had to anxiously await her arrival for 30 minutes, but luckily she showed up by 7:10. I heard the doorbell ring, and I hopped up and jogged for the door. I took a few deep breaths before opening the door. She was wearing sweatpants with an All Time Low band tee. I invited her in and brought her to the living room.
"So I wasn't sure if you got cold easily like I do, but in case you do I brought out 4 blankets. Two for both of us." I smiled nervously.
"Aw thanks, Shortcake." She smiled before plopping down on the couch and grabbing the movie out of her backpack. She handed me a movie named Coco. I put it in the DVD player.
"Do you want popcorn or like a drink or something?" I ask, just now thinking she might want something.
She shook her head and said, "No thanks, I'm good for now."
I sighed in relief, and the movie started. The movie was beautiful, it was actually a sing-a-long so we spent the whole movie trying to sing the songs in both English and Spanish. By the end, we were leaning on each other, with the four blankets on both of us, and we were sobbing. I mean, there's crying at a movie, and then there's sobbing. The waterworks were going. Neither of us really cared that we were especially because the other was also crying uncontrollably.
"Do you wanna sing the Un Poco Loco song again?" She asks me with tears still running down her face.
I nodded and reminded the movie to the right time. We sat there in the same spot just cry singing the lyrics as they were highlighted in the screen.
"YOU MAKE ME UN POCO LOCO!!!!" We sing together, and wipe our last few tears.
I sat up and looked towards her, "I had so much fun singing and watching Coco with you." I laughed as she nodded.
"Yeah this was way too much fun. The only thing that could make this better is food."
"Oh! Michael, Calum, Ashton, and Luke are all upstairs. I bet they want food too. They might even be about to eat it." My face lights up with an idea.
"Oh cool!" I nod and get up.
"You can look through the movies to see if there's another you wanna watch. I'm gonna go see what the boys are getting for food." She nods and gets up to look through the movie rack as I walk towards Luke's room.
I knock before hearing some grouching and the door flies open. "Mo- Oh, hey Lili. I thought you were mom checking in on us for like the thirtieth time." We both laugh knowing how mom was.
"Hey, so I was wondering what you were all doing for food?" I smile especially bright and innocent at the end. Luke laughs.
Ashton speaks because Luke was being slow. "We called for pizza, and ordered extra because we figured you wanted some." He bares his teeth in what looks to be a smile, but I'm not super sure. He bursts into giggles barely a second later.
"Oh thanks! Holler when the pizza's here." I smile and walk back to Eliza who has already picked another movie.
"Boys ordered pizza that'll be here soon. That good with you?" I ask as I fall into the couch.
"Yeah, that sounds great."
About halfway into the next movie, the pizza arrives, and the movie is paused for all of us crowding the dining room table to get a few slices. Calum got me a plate and a few slices while I was pausing the movie and turning off the tv.
He hands me the plate as I take a seat across from him at the table. "Thanks, Cal."
As everyone finished their pizza they disappeared to the area in the house they came from, until it was just me Cal, and Eliza.
Eliza stands up abruptly, and says, "Hey Lil, I'm gonna go back to the living room and set the tv back up. But I won't turn it back on till you get back." She smiles and winks at me, then walks away quickly.
When she was out of earshot, Calum reaches for my empty plate and says, "Do you want any more?"
I look at him and try to remember what he said. "I um, no thanks. I'm so full." I laugh and hold my stomach.
He laughs and walks toward the kitchen with both of our plates. I remember we have ice cream in the freezer, and follow him into the kitchen.
When he sees me in the kitchen I whisper, "There's ice cream in the freezer, but Luke doesn't know so shush." I laugh and hold my finger up to my mouth.
Calum pouts and says, "Can I have some?" And then he gives the puppy dog eyes, I didn't know he wanted ice cream so bad. I laugh and nod.
"Yeah grab two bowls and spoons from the cabinet." I grab the carton from the freezer and pop the lid off. I give us both a heaping portion of ice cream. Both bowls were nearly overflowing with ice cream. I turn around to tell Calum the ice cream was ready, but I didn't realize how small the distance between us was. I could feel his warm breath on my neck and found myself getting extremely nervous.
He whispered, "Now that's how much ice cream should always be served." His voice was low and I was finding it hard to focus on what he was actually saying.
As much as I wanted to live in this moment, I turned around to grab my ice cream. Calum stood right behind me and reached around me as I could almost feel how close he was to me.
I turn around and sit on the counter to eat the ice cream. Calum stays where he was behind me and whispers before taking his first bite of ice cream. "Would you want to grab ice cream with me this Saturday, tomorrow at noon, maybe?"
I smiled as I swallowed the ice cream in my mouth. I whispered back, "More ice cream? I can't think of anything better to do than get more ice cream, and- and to get it with you."
Calum smiled with his cheeky confident smile and whispers, "Then it's a date."
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