Ryan woke up to a empty bed and the coldness of the room made him feel almost naked. It was six something in the morning and his hazel eyes was searching for the man he loved only to be left disappointed. Wrecker pulled himself out of bed and made his way to the fridge where a orange sticky note hung in an almost aching manner, he grabbed it.
Smitty came and got me at six and I didn't want to wake you up. See you at school!
Lots of love, Bryce.
Ryan grinned at the last part of that as he sat it down on the table and peered into the fridge to get something to eat. If he had to admit he was a bit suprised by the fact that the younger man left him a note or even said what he did at the last part. "Oh Bryce.." He whispered to himself as a chuckle escaped his lip. God how he loved saying that name..
Ryan groaned as he leaned back into his chair. He had Columbia one class and he was seriously thinking of asking her to get whatever Bryce couldn't carry out of his apartment and bringing it over to his place so no one would get it when the man decided to put it up for sell. Just the thought of Bryce going back there made him shutter.
No way he'd allow it.
Ryan got him a cup of coffee and sighed aloud as he looked at the folders on his table, Bryce must've gotten them out for him before he left. His fingers traced over the edge until they paused at the dividing point where he could open it and peek through. Names and profiles of students was all he seen and on top was no other than Smitty which made him furrow his brow as he nearly scrolled at the paper before him; just the name was enough to make him jealous. He wondered what Bryce and Smitty were doing at the moment..they had time to spare that's for sure.
•Downtown Coffeehouse.
Bryce hummed to Smitty as he pulled his lips away from the red straw that had been placed inside his shake. Smitty was messing around with his food as his eyes seemed dazed almost as if in a trance. "You okay?" Bryce asked after swallowing the liquid he let float around in his mouth. Smitty looked up to him and moved his hand to his straw where he spun it in circles, "Yeah, I mean..Bryce do you think everything will be okay with you and Ryan? I mean I honestly could care less about him but.." Smitty's tone held concern and it made Bryce feel bad for being the reason his friend worried like he did. "Yeah! I'll be fine. I just..need to find out whoever is doing this as fast as I can.."
"I just..I don't think you should mess with it Bryce. I mean seeing as to what that person did it seemed they knew you pretty well and such. I mean it's only four years Bryce, you can pull through without being with him for that long right?"
There was a pause as Bryce looked away from his friends gaze. "Smitty I've already waited that long.." His whisper was hushed and barley reached his friends ear, it wasn't a suprise to Smitty. Mostly because Smitty just so happened to be associated with Evan who knew all about the whole thing and told him when he had asked about the two men. "Okay." His reply was short and made Bryce feel like there was no point in him even asking the question.
Bryce glanced at the time and pulled himself from the table as he put his messenger bag on and fixed his pants. "Hey um, would you mind driving me by my old apartment? I just want to get a couple things out before I got to class.." He motioned his hands as he spoke and Smitty nodded, pulling himself from the seat. "Yeah, we may be a little late but.."
Bryce walked up the stairs with Smitty close behind him. The two boys were silent as they walked down the empty hallway but then Bryce bumped into Columbia who was tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Hey Columbia." Bryce nearly smiled but the startled girl jumped and dropped her camera along with her photos. "Oh hey! scared me.." She looked away from the male to the floor and immediately bent down to get the photos. "I thought you lived with Ryan?" She whispered. "I do. Here let me-" "No! I um..I got it.."
Bryce raised an eyebrow at the girl as she hurriedly picked up the photos and tucked them into her backpocket. "It was nice seeing you again Bryce.. I have to go but I hope to see you around." Columbia walked past Smitty who waited before looking down at the photo he had been hiding behind him. "Oh my god..Bryce, look!"
Bryce took the photo from the other male who was holding it out. His blue eyes widen at what he seen, him and Ryan were in the bed togeather and from the looks of it the photo had just been taken last night. "Columbia..?" Bryce looked up to where the girl had walked down the hallway and disappeared down the stairs. "How could she?"
Smitty hugged his smaller friend who was still shocked at what had happened. To him it still didn't make sense, as to why someone he tried to help would lie to his face and make herself seem so innocent. Even now she seemed to be playing the nice guy card. Bryce clenched his fist as his grip tightened on his friends brown coat.
Wait till Ryan hears about this.
Hey guys it's Cottonie here and I've got a really sweet question for you all. Do you believe it was all her? Or is there something more? Comment and let me know guy! Sorry for the chapter being short but as always, stay cottonie cute and love ya!
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