The Parting.
Bryce held his breath as he hugged his mother who was sobbing lightly. He let it out and watched as fog released but vanished a few seconds later. It was January now and he was heading to college where he could get a degree and prove his mother well. She pulled away and looked to her son with a small smile, her hand holding his left cheek. "Your father would be so proud Bryce. You're all grown up.." Her voice had cracked and it broke his heart to witness it.
He pulled her hand from his face and smiled as he held it between his palm. "I'll come see you after I graduate okay? So I can tell you I've actually done it." Bryce watched his mother smile faintly at his words. To him they were nothing but to her they were everything and that's exactly why he said it. "Be safe dear, I love you."
"I love you too mom."
Bryce got into his car and began to drive away from the house when his phone rang. He took a glance at it once he was at the red light to see his girlfriend was calling but he made no attempt to get it. Bryce didn't even know why he was still with her because she only was with him for his cash and he knew it. But he never said a word to her. They never kissed or even had a real conversation.
From her it was always,
"Does this make me look fat?"
"Can I borrow this and that?"
"Babe, do you think I'm pretty?"
"I'm going out be back in a few."
And there was never an end to those lines. She was like a broken record playing the same tune every single day. Not even caring what was going on unless it costed her or involved her.
Bryce finally gave in and picked up the phone with a sigh, "Hello?" He waited for a reply. The woman on the other side just whispered to someone before answering. "Hello?"
"What's up?"
"What's up with you?? Why did you not answer sooner? Who you with? Where you at?"
He rolled his eyes at that and pulled into the gas station. "Um, I'm not with anyone Trish. I told you I was going to college today and that's where I'm heading. I didn't answer you because I was pulling into a gas station." Part of it was a lie; he didn't answer because of this exact reason.
"Mhm, I'll miss you."
"Bet you will." He muttered out, listening to her make a whisper to the other person beside her. Bryce hung up on her and turned off his phone as he walked into the gas station and headed to the back where he seen a girl with long braided pink hair. Her icy green eyes made him realize exactly who she was and he was trying to avoid her with everything but the green eyed girl had noticed him and knew exactly who he was with a glimpse. "Bryce??" She asked, blinking twice.
Bryce nervously smiled back at her. "Heyy you." He said, forcefully. The girl just smiled at him and looked away to the drink she was holding as she cleared her throat. "What're you doing here?" Bryce barley caught what she had asked him but he responded, "Heading to college. You?" Columbia glanced up at him and made a face. "Same."
Both stayed silent.
"Um, I guess I'll see you there?" Columbia asked awkwardly as she raised a brow. Bryce just slightly nodded and watched her walk off from him. His gloved hand darted up to the purple crystal necklace hanging from his neck and he frowned as memories shot through his head like a bullet.
Bryce shook it off and went to go pay for what he got so he wouldn't be late to college.
Bryce pulled in at the college and looked around the snowy field, students walked around, and some even played in the snow like children. He couldn't help but smile as he thought of the new start he'd have now that his past was behind him and his future beyond him. Bryce didn't know what college had in store but hopefully it had nothing bad like High School did.
As Bryce entered the building he signed in and was given the papers for which classes were which and where he'd go. Of course Bryce figured it would be different but he did after all refuse to share personal information. Bryce went down town and found an apartment so he didn't have to share with some random stranger every day. So as Bryce began to settle into his apartment he checked his envelope and counted each dollar he had before hiding it away so of someone robbed him he wouldn't have to worry about them getting to it.
Bryce settled down into his apartment bed and looked around the area. It wasn't the best thing but it was by far cheaper than anything. The view he had was nice and the only down side of the apartment room he got was no heater which he expected something to be off. So Bryce wrote down to stop by the store an get one on his phone reminder and fell then he plugged it up and went to take a shower.
After the shower he walked into the kitchen and let out a scream when he noticed a gray cat sitting on the counter, it's rare blue eyes staring straight through him. He fell back and hit the floor with a loud thud. His blue eyes darted to the cat who hissed at him before jumping out the apartment window and onto the fire escape. Bryce muttered something under his breath and closed the window so it couldn't come back in. He rubbed his face and made his way to his bedroom, hoping for a silent environment.
Boy was he wrong.
Just as he was about to go to bed the sound of moans escaped into the air and his eyes shot open. He could already tell how rough this was going to be.
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