After Everything.
Bryce made his way into the schools double doors and to the cafeteria where everyone else was waiting. He could've road the bus today because Ryan wasn't walking with him but for some reason he didn't feel like it. After all, he felt pretty safe.
Bryce entered the cafeteria to see Jonathan and Cartoonz sitting with Evan and Tyler who were chatting away to them. By the looks of it he could tell they were telling a story that must've happened recently. He hummed to himself and he made his way to the table to sit with the group of friends. "Hey guys," he greets. "What's up?"
Everyone fell silent and looked to Jonathan. Bryce had took notice of this too. At first he was uneasy because of how long he had been avoiding them because of everything.
"Hey Bryce." Luke was the first to speak, breaking the ice and tension between them. "Tyler and Evan were just telling us what happened to them yesterday."
"Yeah, we was.." Tyler cleared his throat as he nudged Evan in the elbow. Evan glanced at his friend before looking to Luke. "Yeah, well I'm hungry so I'm gonna go you coming?" Tyler nodded in response and the boys got up to leave.
"Okay," Luke stared at Jonathan. "Am I gonna have to tell him for you dude?"
Jonathan stayed silent and Bryce could tell he was debating on whether he should or just keep his mouth shut. The blonde always thought it was best the brown haired male did because of how much trouble it got him into. And this time he wasn't taking anything from his friend. "Bryce, I am sorry about the whole Ohm thing.."
Those words had made his eyes go wide with shock. Jonathan had just apologized to him over the kiss (he assumed) with Ryan. Bryce just smiled at the boy who had gotten a cold sweat. "Just don't let it happen again." Was all Bryce said and before Jonathan could speak the bell silenced him. The boys stood up and grabbed their bags before making their way to first period.
After lunch Bryce was making his way to his fifth period class which was far down the hall. But he was the first one in there. Bryce walked through the door and made his way to his assigned desk and began to put his stuff down when s sticky note caught his attention. He moved his binder aside and picked it up.
Dear McQuaid,
I know where you sit now. I hope this class goes great for you, be happy. It's almost the end of the day! {;
Bryce couldn't help but smile at the small note as he took it from the desk. His blue eyes never glanced away from the beautiful cursive writing. The bell rang and he hid the note in his palm when he seen Brock come in and take a seat in front of him. "What's that?" Brock asked, pointing to his palm where a pink edge peeked from his closed finger. "Nothing." Brock eyed Bryce but gave a cheeky grin.
He however, didn't say anything.
Bryce now was confused as to why Brock had gave him that grin but before he could ask the boy class began. The teacher stood above the class and began to teach half the stuff Bryce already knew. He sighed. As the clock ticked and the teacher talked nonsense about the subject he was teaching Bryce had found himself in his own world.
That was until his name was called.
"Hm?" Bryce hummed in response as his reacher looked at him. "They need you at the office. Go ahead and take your stuff." The teacher said for the second time then continued on his lesson. Bryce did as told and made his way to the office where his mom stood waiting for him, confusion washed over him as he approached her. "What's up?" He asked her.
She held out the house key and he immediately got where she was coming from so he took the key. He puffed out his cheeks as he made his way out the officer the bell rang and he walked on to his sixth.
"I know Bryce but I have this feeling..I don't like it! Please Bryce let me walk with you. I'm just-" Bryce cut the male off before he could even spit out the other words. "Worried?" Ryan made a face before jerking himself to a stop and grabbed the blondes wrist, catching the blonde before he could exit. "Afraid..after everything that has happened..."
"Ryan what are you afraid of?" Bryce sighed. "I'm not going anywhere."
Ryan frowned as he used his thumb to run circles on the back of Bryce's hand as his other took hold. "Afraid of you being-" he paused and looked at Bryce. The blondes blue eyes were staring at him and held a mixture of emotions he couldn't read. "Bryce I just want you to be safe." He finally spat out. It was the closest he could get to spitting out the truth and all Bryce did was smile lightly.
"Ohm if anything happens you'll be the first to know okay?"
"Okay.. Please Bryce, stay in the crowds." Ryan whispered, letting go of the blondes hand. Bryce just nodded and waved him goodbye as he stepped out the door and began making his way down the street.
Bryce was far away from the school and decided to dodge Ryan's suggestion and take a short cut. As he walked down the alley he heard something shuffle which caused him to come to a stop and peer into the dark corner. Bryce decided to play it safe and keep walking but then he was grabbed from behind and he let out a muffled scream as he began to struggle.
Lucky for him he was able to stomp on the man's toe and elbow him in the gut. Bryce went to run away but he was suddenly shoved to the ground. "Where do you think you're going, faggot?"
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