Bryce dashed through the students as he made his way out of the school. It was the end of the day and nothing could take back what he just saw.
>F L A S H B A C K<
Bryce was on his way to Ryan's seventh period to deliver the taller males jacket he had left at his house. He was skipping past everyon until he came to the door, at first he walked in but once he seen Jonathan and Ryan causing his feet to jerk to a stop. His eyes widen when he realized what was about to happen. Ryan was backed up against a desk and Jonathan was very close which had caused his stomach to turn. Sickness had washed over him within seconds.
Jonathan pressed his lips against Ryan's and time seemed to freeze for all three. Ryan's eyes widen in shock when he seen Bryce standing at the door with a pained look on his face. Bryce's heart had broke just a little..
Bryce dropped the jacket and dashed away causing Ryan to push Jonathan off him. "Bryce!" He called but it was too late; the blonde was gone. He picked up the jacket from the floor and stared off in the direction the younger male had run off in.
>E N D<
Bryce was now panting as he ran away from the school. He didn't even bother to look back as he ran far away. Bryce ran until he made it home, he collapsed onto his knees and reached up for the knob. His vision was blurring slightly. What was happening?
Just as Bryce wrapped his fingers around the knob it jerked open and his mother stood there with wide eyes. "Bryce?...Bryce!" His mother's call was faded and he fell forward. His heartbeat echoed through his ears.
Bryce woke up and stared at the ceiling of his room; the fan spun in circles above him. His vision was still blurry but once it focused he reached up and held his head. He groaned.
Bryce immediately sat upright once he heard another males voice echo throughout his room. His eyes locked with hazel ones and he immediately felt a pain in his chest. "Ryan?" He asked, voice cracking. Ryan only flashed a small smile to the boy as he stood up.
"Bryce listen-"
"No! I don't wanna! Get out!" Bryce barked, throwing a book at him from off his nightstand. "You lied to me!"
"Bryce!" The older yelled, blocking his face from another book. "Bryce I didn't lie!"
"Yes Ryan you did! You lied to me about everything!"
"Get away!"
"Bryce I have to tell you something damn it listen to me!"
When Bryce had no more books to throw he got off the bed and backed away (in a corner) from Ryan who only lingered closer. Ryan's fingers ghost over Bryce's skin until they land on Bryce's face. "Bryce this isn't about me," he whispered, pain holding his gaze. "Your father..."
As soon as Brce got where he was coming from his eyes went wide and began to tear up. Pain hit him like a bus that time and he found it hard to breathe correctly. He held his chest as his heart began to ache.
"Bryce I'm so sorry.."
"Don't touch me!" Bryce yelled, shoving Ryan away. "You lie to me and now you think you have the nerve to come into my home and sit on my bed?! Then tell me my fathers dead?!" Bryce held the glare on Ryan who just ran a hand through his brown locks in frustration. He watched Ryan inch closer and this time he was too shaken up to even push him away. His body had began to twitch little by little. "I'm so sorry Bryce.."
Bryce broke down at Ryan's words. He wanted to believe Ryan when he said he didn't lie but when he thought about that kiss it made him angry. He knew it wasn't his fault but part of him blamed him for being stupid and speaking to him in the first place. And now his father??
What did the world want from him. As Ryan held him in his embrace Bryce finally gave in and held Ryan back as sobs escaped his lips. Tears streamed down his red cheeks and his eyes were shit tightly. "Ryan," Bryce whispered. "Yeah?" "It hurts.."
"I know.." Ryan kissed the top of his head as he whispered that back. He didn't know what to say or how to react to that. He wanted so badly to tell Bryce it'd be okay but he knew it was a lie and he knew Bryce knew it too.
"Ryan make it stop.."
His ears barley caught that but when they did he felt his heart melt at how much sadness showed. Ryan let Bryce lay on the bed with his head in the pillow and he sat beside him at first, feeling it'd be best at the moment. "Bryce after this..after today, you and I will forget we even met.." He whispered, rubbing the sobbing males back. "All I've done." His voice gave out as tears filled his eyes. "Is cause you pain.."
He laid down beside Bryce and brought the boy close to his chest. The younger male had ran out of tears and was now just shaking violently against the olders chest. Bryce let out a shaky breath and snuggled into Ryan's chest, dozing off not too long after.
Dear ¿
What makes you so special? Hmm..trick question. I think it's the fact that you remind me of someone I know..
Ryan woke up and looked down to see Bryce was still sleeping snuggled up against him. He got out of the bed slowly and stared at the sleeping male. His fingers ran over his skin and moved a blonde lock from his eyes. He smiled weakly.
It could be the fact that no matter what you're always there for me. Over're always in my mind..
"Till next time Bryce.." He whispered, letting his hand fall. Ryan went to the window and stopped; he glanced over his shoulder.
I can't help but feel like you and I have this connection. It's crazy but I feel like I can tell you anything! I gotta go now, lots of homework but I hope you understand,
Ryan made his way back and kissed Bryce on the forehead.
I think I might just love you..
HEY GUYS! So I just want you to know this chapter is for tomorrow. I will NOT be posting tomorrow or maybe Monday. But if I don't post Monday there will be another chapter after this one. I hope you all have a great day and enjoyed this chapter! {;
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