The Note.
Bryce closed his locker door and smiled to Jonathan who was waiting for Evan to get finished with his class so he could tell him about what had happened. Bryce knew Jonathan loved Evan but he wished he'd lay off because he was getting Evan into a bunch of crap with Sydney. It was a shame that the boy even tried.
Bryce walked pass Jonathan and pulled up his backpack as he headed to fourth period where he would have to sit through a long ramble from his Geometry teacher who was always talking about something. He didn't really mind though because end in the end he still passed.
On his way to the classroom someone bumped his shoulder causing him to glance back to a tall brunette who was looking back with a wide grin on his features as he listened to his friends talk. Bryce wasn't sure what happened in that moment but whatever it was made his stomach knot a little as he stared into hazel eyes from afar. He ended up running into someone causing him to apologize and when he looked back the boy only gave a shake to his head as a laugh escape his lips.
Bryce went red with embarrassment.
As Bryce approached his classroom he ran a hand through his blonde locks as his heart beat through his chest, he didn't know why that boy had just caused him to do what nor did he understand why he was shaking lightly. He swallowed and sat down beside a girl with short cotton pink hair and stared at the board.
It wasn't long before the bell rang and everyone began to find their seats and the teacher walked to the front of the room, starting their lesson. The man began to speak about something that Bryce could care less about until it caught his attention..
"So like some people have different sexual wants. Like some like the same sex, others the opposite, and some can't decide. Or they like both. Just like this line here, it is different and depending on how you approach it's difficult." The teacher explained, pointing on the board. This topic made Bryce uneasy as people began to move their gazes towards him and only him. Everyone knew he was gay but for some reason people chose to pick on him for it.
It was always him. Whenever Jonathan came out gay it was no big deal because he was best friends with Evan, one of the coolest men at this dump. When Brock and Scottie came out it was okay because they also were great friends with Evan. It just so happened to be Bryce who seemed easy to target.
Before Bryce met Jonathan he would get bullied and have to take a med-kit to school just so he could tend to his wounds. It became an everyday thing for him but when Jonathan and his new friends came along it changed. Maybe it was because of his popularity or the fact that he was a cool guy to be around. Bryce didn't really know himself.
He watched as the clock struck the final minute and the bell dismissed causing everyone to pack up their things and leave the room. All but Bryce who was going up to his teacher for some help. As his teacher began to help him he could hear someone enter the room causing him to glance up and see the man on the gray hoodie setting his bag in a seat.
His face redden.
"Thanks, I appreciate it." Bryce hurried, snatching his paper from the teacher who just nodded. When the teacher seen the male he looked right at Bryce and gave a cocky smirk. "Hey Ryan nice job on that test." He said, grinning at his student. Ryan only glanced from his things with a half smile and his eyes immediately locked with Bryce causing his grin to widen.
Bryce hurried out the door and escaped the classroom filling with men and women of upper classes. He glanced back but looked forward to make sure he wasn't about to make a scene again. 'Okay I need to not crash into someone again.' He thought to himself as he shook his head to clear the embarrassment creeping up like a snake. As he made his way down the hall he met up with Jonathan before they headed to their classroom.
The bell rang and everyone stood up to go to lunch. With Jonathan by his side the two made their way to the cafeteria talking about golf. "So you gonna go against me next time?" Bryce asked, grinning from ear to ear. Jonathan made a sour face and replied, "Hell no! You know all tha tricks man!"
Bryce couldn't help but laugh at his friends reply. They walked into the cafeteria and got in line to get their food.
Lunch today consists of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, with a choice of fruit, and milk. If Bryce was honest, this meal wasn't his favorite. He hated school lunches with a passion but he was really hungry so wasting it wasn't a option. He began to munch on his sandwich as he listened in on Cartoonz and Delirious' conversion. "Hey dude why ta fock is that dude o'ere staring at ye Bryce?" David said, glaring at the man across the table.
Hazel eyes locked with blue ones when Bryce looked over to see who he was talking about. It was the man named Ryan. "I-I don know." Bryce choked out as he looked away from the brunette. David just smirked and elbowed him in the arm lightly. "Oh he likes ye." He wiggled his eyebrows as those words slipped from his lips.
Bryce shook his head with a wild grin, "No he don't.."
"Oh hell I know who that is," Cartoonz said, glancing at Ryan. His gaze sending a shockingly strong glare to the man nibbling on his sandwich while staring at Bryce.
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