Chapter Twenty-Three
Started With a Lie: Chapter Twenty-Three
And so on this cold spring morning, Mark and I end up huddling in the backseat of Lee’s expensive black car. He had called someone and this mysterious man appeared with his car. Lee was impeccably rude to the man, didn’t even say thanks or nothing. We just hopped in the car.
“You could’ve at least thanked him,” I whisper to Lee. He’s squished to my right while Mark is on my left. “You’re so rude.”
Lee has an appalled look on his face. “Why should I thank him?”
“Well, if you haven’t noticed, it’s kind of, like, eight-thirty in the morning and it’s freezing. Poor guy was probably sleeping or eating breakfast with his family and you just called him out here and made him drive us to Wal-mart.”
“Again,” Lee says, “why do I have to apologize?”
I jab my elbow in his ribs. He groans to my pleasure.
“Because it’d be the human thing to do,” I tell him.
“You’re awfully abusive lately,” he says. “Winging that door out at me, breaking my ribs, etc. Maybe I should get you some help.”
I start laughing sarcastically. “You’re the one who needs help. Now, thank the kind mystery man for coming out here. I’m pretty sure he has better things to do than drive us around.” Lee says nothing for a moment and then catches me glaring at him. “Hurry up.”
Lee sighs and his eyes shift nervously. He leans forward and taps the driver. The man casts a slide glance at him as if asking what Lee needs. Lee licks his lips and sighs again. How hard is it to say a simple thank-you?
“Um,” Lee starts, “listen. T-thanks for driving us.”
The driver turns his head around completely – faster than anyone I’ve ever seen whipping their head around. I’m surprised he doesn’t have whiplash or something. The man starts coughing and looks up at Lee with confused eyes. “Uh, thank you, sir.”
“See!” I say, smiling. I had no idea Lee would actually do it. “That wasn’t that hard, now was it?” Lee looks back at me, trying not to smile but he does anyways. “You make Mama proud.”
His smile slips off his face.
Wait. Did I say something wrong?
I turn to Mark, who’s staring at Lee with concern on his face. Mark with concern on his face to Lee? What am I missing here? Lee faces away to the window, resting his cheek on the window. Did I do something wrong?
“It’s best not to talk about family around him,” Mark whispers moments later. And so the rest of the car ride continues in utter silence.
“Thanks for the ride!” I tell the driver when we pull up at the almost empty parking lot of Wal-mart. It’s a little warmer outside when I unbuckle myself and stand outside. There are about five or six cars in the parking lot and Wal-mart’s logo is lit up except for the t.
Lee and Mark start walking to the entrance at different paces. Mark is basically running to the store while Lee has his hands stuffed in his pocket and walking slowly. I catch up to him. I feel like I owe him something due to my horrible mouth in the car.
“Hey,” I say, stuffing my own hands in my pocket.
He looks like he’s breathing in the air and then turns to me. His face isn’t really telling me read him. “Hi,” Lee replies, puffs appearing when he talks.
I’m not much of a talker so we just settle with that instead of making it any more awkward and walk to the entrance in step. After we get inside, I grab a cart with Mark and start going through my mind what the fridge needs. We definitely need some milk, bread, and eggs – the usual first.
Mark and I drive the cart together while Lee trails behind.
“We’re going to need some coffee, too,” I tell Mark and he turns the cart towards the coffee section. Speaking of coffee, I should get some right now. “You get the coffee and creamer, I’ll go grab some breakfast for us.” Mark nods, grinning.
Thankfully, Wal-mart is part of a strip mall, and on the other end, there is Dunkin Donuts. I pull my coat tighter around me and step outside in the cool air. I think I have enough money for the groceries and breakfast put together. Digging into my pocket, I have about ten dollars and a couple of change left for Dunkin Donuts. It’s enough for a couple of coffees and maybe even some bagels.
I turn around. Lee is jogging up to me after walking out of the store. His cheeks are lightly red and his long legs make it so he reaches me within a quick second. He looks undeniably handsome but that’s not what’s important right now.
“What?” I ask, putting on my most non-caring face. I just want to walk inside Dunkin Donuts and melt under the heat, not stand out here in the cold.
“Where are you going?”
I roll my eyes. “I’m going to Dunkin Donuts.” I nudge my head over to the direction of the store. “Getting some coffee for us.”
“Oh,” he says, his eyes not on my face. Suddenly he steps closer and his hands are reaching up to my face. I start reddening and back away from him. “Calm down, I’m not going to choke you.” Somehow I just stop pushing him away. He could be actually about to kill me but I would let him and take him for his word.
I’m stupid like that.
Lee steps close again and I mean really close. Like I can feel his cold breath against my nose (due to my short height, I might add). He brings his hands up again and touches my scarf. His eyes are unreadable but are a dark shade of blue. He stares at my eyes and then lowers his gaze. Lee readjusts my scarf so it’s properly covering my neck. At the last moment, he covers my lips with the scarf too. Like he can’t stand them.
“You’re—” he coughs, clearing his husky voice, “—going to catch a cold. At least wear your scarf properly.”
I nod silently, my cheeks red and it’s not from the cold. Did we just have a moment? Why does he make me feel all warm and mushy on the inside? I need to stop. I’m only going to get hurt again.
Hurt flashes his eyes as I turn away from him.
I have breakfast to get.
My stomach rumbles at the thought and I walk to Dunkin Donuts. I hear the small clacks of Lee following me close behind. Food over boys any day.
Inside the store, it smells like coffee beans and sugary treats. There are basically no people there except for a couple of cops grabbing the morning donut and coffee. Just like I thought, it’s warm and I can feel the ice peeling of my skin. A young boy, maybe younger than me, is at the counter. He looks around sixteen. It reminds me that I have to go to work later on and I frown.
“Hi,” I say to the young boy and read his nametag, which reads Ben. “Hi Ben. Could you fix me up with three coffees and maybe two chocolate donuts?”
He seems to snap out of his sleepy daze. I’d probably be like that too if I had to work this early in the morning. I get that it isn’t like 3 a.m. in the morning but around here, it’s early in my book.
“Sure,” Ben replies quickly, tapping some buttons in the cashier and adding all my purchases up. “That’ll be eleven dollars and ninety-nine cents.”
I dig up my money again. I have about ten dollars and eighty cents. Frowning, I turn around at Lee who’s busy looking around. It’s like he’s never been outside the office before. “Lee!” I call. He turns and walks over to me.
“I need a dollar.”
“A dollar?”
“Yeah, I’m short,” I explain. Lee stares at me like I’m crazy. It’s not like I’m asking him for a thousand dollars. I mean it took a lot to even ask him for help. If anything, I don’t want to look weak and poor to Lee.
“It’s okay, I got it,” Lee suddenly says. What? Is he actually going to help me? He pulls out his credit card and hands it to Ben, also sending him a glare while he’s at it. I’m still shocked he’s actually helping me.
“Uh, thank you?” I say quietly and he just shoots me a small smile.
Ben hands us our receipt and goes to make our coffees. It’s just Lee and I at the front counter and it’s quiet. To strike up a conversation, I ask him, “So why do you always look around so much? I noticed you doing that in Wal-mart and now here. It’s like you’ve never been outside.”
“Well, it certainly was the first time going into Wal-mart.”
My mouth opens wide. “What? Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I’m usually at the office and I have chefs giving me food and I have maids that come in once a week to get me groceries. I don’t really do it myself.”
I scoff. Rich people. “Well isn’t that easy for you.”
Lee chuckles softly. “Yeah, it is.” And then he stops and the crinkles by his eyes disappear and suddenly it’s that jolt electricity moment again; like the moment outside of Wal-mart. It’s only us. Just us. There’s no Ben, no coffee, no store – just us. His blue eyes are watching me. It’s perfect and—
“Here are your orders.” Ben appears again, with three coffees in a holder and a bag with our donuts. He stares up, shifting his eyes at Lee and I, like he came at the wrong moment.
I snap away from Lee and take the bag and holder.
“Thanks, Ben,” I grin.
Ben nods and smiles back and I turn around, Lee by my side instead of behind me. What was that? Why was it suddenly so strange? I avoid Lee’s eyes and stare at my shoes as I move towards the exit.
Suddenly, the doors open to the Dunkin Donuts entrance and there’s Mark… with the cart full of food. What is he doing? He pushes the cart inside and my eyes are wide. There’s cereal and junk food and sweets in the cart. There’s so much it’s all about to almost overflow and topple out. I rush to the cart and catch a bag of chips that were about to fall.
“What the hell, Mark?” I say, still staring at all the food. “Where did you get all this? Did you buy all this? And why are you in here with the cart?”
He’s grinning stupidly.
“Well, I couldn’t resist. This is the most fun I’ve had in days. You should’ve seen the look on the cashier’s face. She was so surprised!” Mark exclaims, his eyes lighting up. He catches my worried face. “Don’t worry, I paid for all of it so you don’t have to worry,” he adds.
I hit his arm. “Mark! You stupid idiot. Where are going to put all this and what’re we going to do with all of this food?”
Mark continues grinning. “We’re going to eat it, of course.” He has the mind of a six year old. “Loosen up, Ivory. It’s fine!”
Lee makes his first statement in all of this. “Um, how about we sort this outside, okay?” His eyes flicker to the cops staring at us, and Ben, whose eyes are wide. I hadn’t noticed them before.
I smile nervously and say, “We mean no trouble,” before I push the cart backwards with Mark and step into the parking lot. “You are still in trouble, mister,” I tell Mark who just starts smiling and actually skips to the car. The driver is still inside, taking a nap.
Lee taps against the driver’s window. “Hey, open up the trunk,” he orders the drive that jolts awake and nods.
Mark and Lee, who finally work together, place the groceries in the trunk. I’m surprised they all even fit. While they do that, I step inside the car, glad for it’s heat. Shortly after, they both step in the car. I pass Mark his coffee and then Lee’s. I gasp when there’s whip cream in my cup. Smiling, I drink and grab a chocolate donut. There are only two – one for Mark and one for me.
“Why’d that guy only give you whip cream?” Lee asks, irritation bleeding in his words. What? Did he like whip cream too? Too bad, because I have no plan of sharing,I think sourly. “And where’s my donut?”
I stuff the donut in my mouth and mumble, “I don’t know.”
He scoffs, crosses his arms, and faces away from me like a little kid.
And that’s why I only got Mark and I donuts.
“Hey, Ivory,” Mark calls. I turn to him. “Thanks for getting me breakfast.” At least someone knows how to be thankful. I nod because my mouth is full and I don’t want to look like a pig. “Hey, you have some chocolate on your face.”
I feel Lee turn slightly.
Mark reaches his hand to my face and wipes my bottom lip with his thumb. I don’t know if it was me or if it was my imagination but it felt like he did it awfully slow. On purpose. He brings his thumb up to his lips and licks the chocolate off.
“Ew, Mark!” I exclaim and giggle. I giggle? What the hell?
He laughs and continues stuffing his own face with the chocolate donut and sips his coffee in between. I do the same and quickly glance at Lee through the side of my eyes. His jaw is clenched and his cheeks are lightly red. He’s angry. Anyone can tell.
I ignore him though because the donut and coffee are so good.
At home, we unpack and store all the foods that Mark blindly bought. It takes about twenty minutes and ten trips back and forth from the car to the house to get everything – even with three people helping. Madam Jin wakes up when I shut the door while carrying the last egg carton from the car.
“Oh, morning, Madam Jin!” I chirp when she walks into the living room.
“Good morning, Ivory,” she replies. Sadly, she’s back into her work clothes. In her hands, she holds the clothes I lent her with the slippers. “Thank you for taking good care of me. Best day off I had.”
I grin. “No problem. Would you like some breakfast?”
Madam Jin smiles back. “Well you did promise me gourmet food.”
I nod and bring the eggs to the kitchen, where I place them in the fridge. Lee is leaning by the sink, just staring off into space. He looks casual but it’s kind of strange that he’s just randomly standing there in the kitchen, not doing anything. “Um, where’s Mark?” I ask.
He turns his head and instantly he’s mad. “Shower.”
Oh, so we’re sticking to angry one-word answers? Well, if Lee wants to play this game, then game on. “Okay,” I say silently.
I don’t know what to make Madam Jin. What kind of breakfast is gourmet food? Mom usually did all the cooking, and I did the cleaning. There’s a pang in my heart thinking about her, that she’s not here with me right now. And the fact that she might never be again.
Pushing the struggle away, I think to all the cookbooks Mom usually has out when she’s cooking. Maybe I can find a fancy looking breakfast in there that’s also healthy. I quietly shove Lee out of the way, which almost sends him toppling over, but I don’t care. He was standing near the cabinets where the cookbooks are. I open the cabinet above my head and there is a stack of books on the first shelf. I pick out the most eye grabbing and close the cabinet.
“What’re you doing?” Lee asks curious, staring at me like a little boy would to when they’re wondering what their mother is doing.
“What does it look like I’m doing?”
“Thinking it’s a good day to cozy up and read?” He smirks.
“Nice guess,” I say, playing along. “But no. I need to make Madam Jin some gourmet breakfast and if you’re not going to help, you can leave now. Thank you very much.” My eyes go back to the cookbook as I scan the table of contents looking for anything that has breakfast or fancy but easy to make.
Lee doesn’t leave. “Maybe I can help you.”
“I highly doubt that,” I tell him. Walking to another cabinet, I pull out an apron and get the knives, spices, and everything I might need out.
“I know more about gourmet food than you,” he says.
“Well, sorry I didn’t grow up with everything in the palm of my hands.” The words slip out before I can stop them and when I catch Lee’s eyes, I wish I could just crawl into a hole and die. There’s anger but mostly hurt in his eyes and I hate to see Lee – who’s annoying and strong – look so vulnerable.
“Well, remind me next time to help you. Jeez,” Lee says, running a hand through his hair as if it’ll distress him. He starts walking to leave but I grab his wrist and make him halt.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that,” I say. Lee slowly turns around and I have hope, maybe he’ll forgive me. “You can help me. Is that okay?”
He smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Okay.”
I know he hasn’t completely ignored what I had said before and I still regret it but I’m happy that he’s at least helping me make breakfast. I actually do need help. Lee doesn’t say what we’re making and just starts getting out flour, sugar, and honey. I didn’t even know I had these. Mark probably bought it all yesterday.
“What’re we making?” I ask Lee.
He puts some flour into a bowl. “Buttermilk crepes with raspberries and yogurt.” Some flour spills into his hands and so when he itches his cheek, he rubs the flour all over it. “It’s good, trust me.”
I start laughing because for the first time, Lee finally doesn’t look like the perfect guy that he is. His face is dirty with flour.
“What’re you laughing at?” he asks.
When he speaks, it just makes me continue laughing harder. “Um, I just think you have very nice skin complexion.” I point to where there is flour on his cheek and sort of on his nose too.
Lee reaches up to his face, only spreading more flour on his face. “What is it?” He grabs the steel toaster from the counter and looks to find his half-flour face. His mouth drops. Not so handsome anymore, huh, Lee?
Never mind, he will always be handsome.
What am I thinking? It’ll only be a couple more days, or months before he leaves to marry Penny or something and I’ll be alone. I push the thought away.
“You think that’s funny?” Lee says, a playful tone in his voice. He grabs some flour and before I can pull away from my thoughts, there is powder all over my face. And then all I hear is Lee’s chuckles.
On one hand, I’m happy he’s laughing but on the other I’m furious because I can’t see and I’m sure there’s flour up my nose. “Lee!” I shout. “You got flour inside my nose!”
“Good!” he replies and I blindly – there is flour in my eyes – try to smack him but I hear him running away. And soon the kitchen is a mess again, almost like the time Mark tried to cook for us.
“What’re you guys doing?”
Speak of the devil.
Mark’s standing shirtless, a towel low on his waist, and is ruffling his hair with a pink towel. His eyebrow is raised, questioning our sanity, I’m sure.
“Mark!” I yell, rubbing the last of flour out of my eyes. I’d recognize what he’s using anywhere. I walk up to him. “Is that my towel?” And then I smell him. “Did you also use my coconut scented body wash?”
He grins nervously. “Yes, and yes.” Mark throws the towel at me. “Here, wipe your face with it.”
“Yeah, no thanks,” I say, throwing it back at his face. “Mark, put some clothes on! You have the worst habit, I swear.”
“Why?” he asks. “You don’t like this?” Mark moves closer and shakes his abs in front of my face. “Say it, Ivory. I’m pretty darn good-looking.”
And then Mark is pushed back and I’m pulled aside. Lee stands between us. “Listen, children, we have some breakfast to make. Ivory, let’s get started and Mark, go put some damn clothes on.” He glares at Mark and then to me.
Mark chuckles. “Yes, grumpy-pants.”
After Mark gets back, Lee makes him clean all the flour that Lee and I spilled. Mark complains but Lee somehow has an upper hand and Mark ends up cleaning the floors. Thankfully, Lee takes all the hard parts in making the crepes and just leaves me to the little things like mixing the flour with eggs and what not. I don’t know how much time has passed when we finish.
I call Madam Jin and she hangs up the phone with her business partners. We all sit at the table, Mark and I next to each other and Lee and Madam Jin across from us. The smell of the crepes is mouth watering.
“Wow, you’ve really outdone yourself, Ivory,” Madam Jin compliments me as she sets her phone down. “I knew you wouldn’t fail me.”
I blush because Lee did all the work. “Actually—”
“It smells really good, Ivory,” Lee interrupts. “I didn’t know you could actually cook.” He sends me a secret smile and I nod as a kind of thank you.
We all don’t talk because we’re stuffing our mouths with the yummy crepes. I’ve been eating with no limitations lately. I’m going to gain pounds. I ignore that fact and create some conversation. Madam Jin and I decide to go visit Mom right after breakfast.
When we finish eating, Mark immediately announces that he’s not cleaning up and has to go to work even though he said he was free today. Apparently, there’s some emergency work. Lee offers to clean and he’s being suspiciously nice lately.
I thank him and head upstairs to change for Mom’s visit.
I want to look pretty, even though it shouldn’t matter. I want to look strong and okay and not someone who’s been breaking down. Mom’s favorite sundress on me is a pale pink and I wear that and some tights under it because of the cold weather. My brown Doc Martens are ready when I slip them on.
“All ready?” I ask Madam Jin downstairs. She nods and smiles.
Lee is in the living room watching some good ole’ television after he finished cleaning. “Ivory,” he calls as I put a beige coat on. I am struggling to put my coat on when I walk over and he helps me in. And just like outside of Wal-Mart, he tightens my scarf around my neck. “Be careful on the road. I fixed your car. And… tell your mom I’m praying for her.”
My heart melts.
He’s worried about me. He fixed my car. He cares about my mom.
What else could a girl ask for?
I’m getting reeled in again and I can feel myself falling. I look into his blue orbs. “Thanks, Lee,” I say. “I don’t know why you’re randomly nice – not that I don’t like it – but it means a lot. So thank you.”
And for what seems like in forever, Lee shows me a genuine, soft smile. It makes me melt more and just when I think I’m on the edge, Lee leans in and kisses me… on the forehead. Honestly, right now, it’s exactly what I need. Not some hot make out session, but a supportive and lovable kiss.
“See you,” I say, smiling. That kiss was just friendly – a friend kiss.
It’s warmer outside but it’s still a bit chilly and I’m thankful for the coat and the scarf. The scarf reminds me of Lee’s kiss and I can’t get it out of my head. But it’s all about my Mom right now. I pray all my might that Mom wakes up soon and she’s okay. I tap my finger on the steering wheel in angst.
“That was sweet of Lee,” Madam Jin says, sitting in the passenger seat.
“What was?”
“Giving you a little kiss before you left,” she says, smiling as if she’s remembering her own romances. I wonder if she has a husband or is dating anyone. I mean, she’s pretty good in health and looks for her age.
I grin and it’s real. No force. “It was.”
We don’t talk for the rest of the ride because Madam Jin relaxes, glad to not be working or calling someone for once. Her cell phone doesn’t ring once and she watches the town pass by in a blur. Soon enough we arrive at the hospital and it isn’t till I realize how clammy my hands are that I face that I’m nervous. I’m terrified, actually. What will I say to her? What are the doctors going to say?
After I park the car and walk in, Madam Jin pats my arm, indicating that she’s here for me and it’ll be okay. If she weren’t here, I’d probably have a nervous breakdown. I nod and smile to her.
The hospital smells like bleach, blood, and old lady perfume.
Hospitals always smell so weird.
Madam Jin excuses herself while I go to the front desk and ask for the whereabouts of my mother. The kind redheaded nurse tells me third floor, room A203. When Madam Jin doesn’t appear for a while, I wait for her by the elevator. She finally reappears with some daisies in her hands from the gift shop.
“Just thought to brighten up your mother’s room with some flowers,” she tells me, and pulls me along to the elevator.
And then we’re standing in front of A203.
The door seems haunting and towering over me. I feel like a small ant waiting for my doom. I can’t bear to see my mother lying there on the cold, uncomfortable hospital bed, limp and unmoving. My mother is strong. She’s not meant for hospitals.
“Are you ready?” Madam Jin asks after I take a deep breath.
“Yes,” I say, pushing the door open. It’s all as I suspected. My mother is in a hospital gown with dark blue dots. There is a bandage around her head and a cast around her arm and legs. I would’ve thought she was dead if it weren’t for the beeping monitors next to her, telling me her heart rate.
But even in all the hospital gear, she still looks like my mother – dirty blonde hair and small frame. I just want to go up and hug her but I won’t.
I gather my courage and walk inside the room and closer to my mother’s bed. I grab her non-moving hand into my own and squeeze it as a symbol that I’m here for her, no matter what. “Mom,” I whisper.
A tear trickles down my cheek.
I turn back to Madam Jin, standing there at the doorway like she’s intruding. “Come on,” I tell her. “I think it’s time you meet my mom.” Madam Jin nods and walks over, her daisies still in her hands.
And then her face goes blank.
She drops the flowers.
The color is gone from her face.
And here is a lengthy chapter. Are you surprised? I updated in the same week. I can't say it was all my credit. Thank you, fans for being here for me. I hope you enjoy this chapter.
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Thank you, everyone. xoxo :) (And look to the side bc here's Lee!)
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