You're All that I Have
Hermione gripped the railing, her knuckles white as snow. "Where are they? Shouldn't they be back by now?" She asked somewhat hysterically. Both Viktor and Fleur were back already. But there had also been a bright light just some time ago that had to have come from either Cedric or Harry. For some reason Hermione got a bad feeling.
"They're probably fine." Ian said though he looked worried too.
"I'm hungry. Do you have any-"
Hermione whirled around. "And how can you be thinking about food at a time like this!?"
"Sorry I-" Ron was cut off this time by the appearance of two boys barely standing, one leaning on the other and gripping the cup fiercely.
The whole crowd broke into a cheer. Trumpets and drums played loudly. Before Ron and Ian knew it, Hermione was running down the bleachers to the two. They followed quickly behind her.
Strain this chaos, turn it into light
I've got to see you one last night
Before the lions take their share
Leave us in pieces, scattered everywhere
"Cedric, my boy I knew you could do it!" Amos Diggory boasted loudly, sounding as proud as any father could be, as he approached Cedric. But Cedric looked out of it. Like as if he wasn't even there. However something approaching caught his eye.
Hermione was finally off the bleachers and nearly out of breath. Cedric strode towards her weakly though with determination. They met halfway. Before Hermione could react, he pulled her into his arms, holding her body flush to his, burrowing his face into her soft tendrils.
Just give me a chance to hold on
Just give me something to hold onto
"Cedric?" Hermione asked worried. Before she could say anymore Cedric pulled away for a millisecond so that he could kiss her.
It's so clear now that you are all that I have
I have no fear 'cause you are all that I have
It wasn't soft and gentle like the other times but nonetheless it took both their breaths away. It was a kiss full of pure raw need.
You're cinematic, razor sharp
A welcome arrow through the heart
Under your skin feels like home
Electric shocks on aching bones
Neither even noticed when it began to rain. The crowd had hushed down, as they stared at them. It seemed as if the scene before then was straight out of a movie. They pulled back when the need for oxygen became dire. Cedric rested his chin on the top of her head as he closed his eyes and hugged her even tighter to him.
Give me a chance to hold on
Give me a chance to hold on
Give me a chance to hold on
Just give me something to hold onto
"She could've been you, Mimi. She could have been." He said weakly then faltered. "If I ever lost you…"
It's so clear now that you are all that I have
I have no fear 'cause you are all that I have
It's so clear now that you are all that I have
I have no fear 'cause you are all that I have
"Cedric!" Hermione gasped as she tried to hold him up, him leaning on her. His breathing was shallow as her arms encircled his waist to make it easier for him to lean on her.
There is a darkness deep in you
A frightening magic I cling to
Meanwhile no one saw Harry being escorted away by Moody.
Hermione sat on the chair beside Cedric's hospital bed.
Cedric was currently being smothered by both his parents and his mates. He just smiled at them as they asked him if he was fine, and nodded to all their questions.
Hermione wrung her hands around Cedric's scarf as she waited. His last words still haunted her. Who was she? Why did she make Cedric think of her? What happened in that maze?
Cedric looked to where Hermione was. She was looking at her lap as she twisted her hands around his scarf that he had given her to wear just before the task started.
"Um, everybody. I need to talk to Mimi."
Everybody stopped moving. Hermione looked up at him.
"No one's stopping you Ced." Amos Diggory said.
"Yeah seriously mate." Robbie said.
Cedric sighed.
"I think he means alone." Cara Diggory said. Ian nodded agreeing.
Some of their mouths opened to form an o.
"Oh, of course. Yes, we'll just…" Marietta said as she and Cho shared a look before standing up and leaving the room.
Everyone was shuffling out though Mrs. Diggory had to grab a fistful of her husband's shirt to get him to go with them. Ian was the last to go and he winked at the two of them before leaving.
"Sit here please." Cedric said as he patted a spot on his bed.
Hermione did. "Cedric, what happened in that maze?"
Cedric looked into her eyes. "A lot of things Meems. Harry saved me twice in that maze alone. I almost could've hurt Krum once too but he stopped me. Harry… he's been through a lot hasn't he?"
"Yes." Hermione said softly.
"He's not at all like any other bloke." Cedric said solemnly.
Hermione gave a sad smile.
"The cup was a port key." Cedric said. "It took us to a graveyard. Lord Voldemort's father's."
Hermione gave a sharp intake of breath.
"Argghh." Harry groaned clutching his forehead. "Cedric." Harry managed. "He's here. Hide!" Harry fell clutching his forehead.
Cedric's eyes widened. He knew exactly whom "he" was. He didn't want to fake the cowardly way out and just hide.
"Hide now! Hermione will kill me if anything happens. Argghh."
Cedric dashed behind the nearest rock that could've passed for a boulder. His heart was thumping loud but he could still hear the approaching footsteps. In the midst of that he could hear struggling, a human struggling. The sounds seemed to sound like as if a person was gagged.
"They had kidnapped a young girl. They said she was muggleborn. I saw her. She was in tatters, her hair was in a mess and she was so frightened. Her eyes were like a dear's about to be slaughtered. And that's what they did. They killed her; they used the killing curse on her. Hermione, she could've been you. And Mimi I hid like a coward! I watched a young girl get killed right in front of me and I didn't do a bloody thing! And I let them cut up Harry's arm; I'm such a cowar-"
"Don't say that word ever again." Hermione said fiercely as she grabbed Cedric's face. One hand on each cheek. "You are not a coward. You have never been. You did the logical thing. You hid. You stayed alive so that you could come back to me. And what could you have done Cedric? They were Death Eaters. They specialize in the dark arts and don't give a galleon about human lives except theirs. They're also older than you Cedric, they know more spells than both of us combined. Harmful spells. So please… don't hate yourself for surviving. Please." Hermione said facing him, eye looking directly into his. A single tear fell down her face.
They stared into each other's eyes, into each other's hearts.
"I'm sorry, Mimi, please don't cry."Cedric said as he pulled her into his embrace.
Give me a chance to hold on
Give me a chance to hold on
Give me a chance to hold on
Just give me something to hold onto
"I know Hermione. I don't… I just felt so worthless. But I don't regret coming back here to you. You're everything to me. You're all I have." He kissed the top of her forehead.
It's so clear now that you are all that I have
I have no fear now you are all that I have
It's so clear now that you are all that I have
I have no fear now you are all that I have
They were soon interrupted when Harry was brought into the Hospital wing.
The morning after, everyone couldn't help but stare as Harry, Cedric, and Hermione came walking in.
Harry went to sit with Ron but not before giving Hermione and Cedric a smile.
Hermione sat with Cedric, Ian, and the other Hufflepuffs. Hermione was literally sitting in Cedric's lap but no one commented. They didn't blame the two. Some of the teachers even shared secret smiles.
The whole hall gasped throughout Dumbledore's speech. Many had turned to look at Cedric and Harry, their eyes seemed as if they were asking them to confirm. Both Harry and Cedric nodded.
Soon the breakfast was over. The only noise that came at first was the Slytherins thanking Merlin the school year was finally over. They would have to say goodbye to the foreign students first then they would have to head to the Hogwarts Express to go home.
All the students headed to the courtyard to give their goodbyes to each other. Cedric, Hermione, Ian, and Harry all stood to the side. They all laughed when Fleur and her little sister gave Ron a kiss on the cheek.
Hermione felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around. It was Viktor. She smiled brightly while Cedric scowled.
"Can we talk?" Viktor asked.
Hermione looked at her boys. Ron and Cedric both had a disapproving look but Harry and Ian shrugged.
"I don't like him." Both Cedric and Ron said simultaneously.
They turned to look at each other surprised.
"Wow, you guys actually agree on something. Should've known it'd be hating Krum." Ian rolled his eyes.
Harry just laughed.
Cedric almost growled when he saw Krum pull his Mimi into a hug.
"I promise!" Hermione yelled as she watched Viktor Krum walk away. He waved one last time at her before making his way to the other Drumstrong boys.
"What do you promise?" Cedric asked when Hermione came back.
Hermione just smiled at him. "He's my friend Cedric, you're my boyfriend and I love you. You don't need to be jealous."
"I'm not jealous." Cedric protested.
Ian and Harry both coughed.
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