The Trial
Hermione paced nervously around the room. "They can't expel him! It's self defense."
"He'll be fine." Cedric tried to assure her.
"These people. Ohh if I could wrap my hands around the Minister's throat. He first calls Harry a disturbed child that's trying to seek attention. Why would Harry want to tell the Wizarding world that the man who killed his parents is back? Unless it's the truth! Is there any logic to that?"
"Hermione." George said.
"What?" Hermione all but growled.
"Breathe." Fred said.
"I am!"
"Relax then." The two said simultaneously.
"I can't!"
"Ugh woman." The two grunted then dissapparated.
"They did not just say that."
"Yes they did love. But come on Meems. Harry's strong. Relax a little, it's not going to help him if you worry so much." He pulled her into his lap.
"We're still here." Ron growled.
"Oh be quiet." Ginny hushed her brother who unlike him was looking at the scene fondly. Both envying and being happy for the two of them. It was his fault anyway that he didn't notice Hermione until the hottest, smartest, nicest, most popular (even among the paintings) started to pursue her. Ginny sighed. Her bother could be such an idiot sometimes.
"Ginny dear, I need you to..." Mrs. Weasley's voice trailed off.
"Coming Mum!" Ginny hollered down. "I gotta go guys."
"Bye Gin." Hermione said as she detached herself from Cedric, feeling much calmer now.
"See you at dinner." Cedric smiled at her.
Hermione sat on one side of the bed with Cedric on the other. Ron was lying on the other bed, a little less surly than before but not by much.
Hermione sat up when she heard what sounded like footsteps approaching.
"You're at the door on the right. I'll call you when it's over." Mrs. Weasley's voice was barely heard.
Hermione got up and walked to the door. The door slowly opened.
Hermione gave a small gasp when she saw familiar unruly black locks. Then she flung herself on her best friend. Almost crushing him with her hug.
Cedric watched as the three interacted. He was hidden behind both Hermione and Ron so Harry couldn't see him but he could see Harry. He couldn't help but notice that Harry was really skinny. Almost unhealthily skinny. And he seemed a little more pale than usual. Cedric watched as Harry's face became withdrawn and a flash of anger entered his eyes. Cedric stood up knowing it was time his presence was known. Before the younger wizard blew up at his two best friends.
"Harry." Cedric said.
Harry looked beyond his two friends and saw Cedric. He blinked.
"It's not their fault Harry," Cedric came to stand behind his girlfriend whom looked to be just about ready to cry. He lightly wrapped his arm on her hip. "They were sworn not to tell you at all cost."
Harry sat down on the floor and closed his eyes. "I know..."
"Can you two leave us? I think Harry and I need to talk one on one for a bit." Cedric said.
Hermione looked up at him unsure then looked back at Harry. "Yes of course."
"What no!" Ron protested.
"Ronald please." Hermione sighed as she grabbed his and and dragged him out of the room.
It was at last just Harry and Cedric.
"How are you really, Harry?" Cedric asked as he joined Harry on the floor.
"I don't know." Harry mumbled back as a reply.
Cedric sighed. "I'm still having the nightmares. And her scream. I hear it almost every night."
Harry looked up at him with kindred eyes. "Me, me too. I keep seeing the bright light and each time I'm helpless to help her."
"At least you had a reason, you weren't being a coward and hiding behind a bloody rock." Cedric said bitterly.
Harry looked at him almost in relief. A pain left him and his shoulders felt like some weight had been lifted. Writing to Cedric about the nightmares and him writing back was just not the same. Seeing the actual pain you felt on another person's face was almost reassuring.
"Is it bad that I'm glad I may finally have someone that understands what I'm going through?"
"No Harry that's just natural."
"Why is it that you could write to me about what was going on when no one else could?"
"Because... you and I. We're brothers because of what we saw." Cedric said simply.
Harry looked down at the carpet. "Brothers. Brought together by seeing death. That sounds about right."
Cedric gave a chuckle. "Don't make it sound so morbid Harry. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel."
"And that light for you doesn't happen to be named Mimi does it?" Harry joked.
Cedric lightly pushed Harry before standing up. "Come on let's join the others."
Hermione looked up expectantly at her boyfriend as he came out of the room.
Cedric smiled at her then gave her a very quick peck on the lips. "He's going to be okay Meems."
"Oh get a room." The twins chorused.
Hermione, Cedric, and the others all looked up to see the twins with a flesh colored ear hanging from a string.
Then there was a noise underneath them. Everyone averted their eyes to the scene below.
Under them was where the members of the order of the Phoenix were walking to the kitchen. Tonks on her way had managed to trip into the umbrella stand.
It was just a minute later was Harry was introduced to Mrs. Black.
Hermione sat on the couch biting her nails as she waited at Grimmauld for Harry to come back from the trial. Half her nails on her right hand were bitten to the stub. Ginny was not in a much better condition. Hermione felt a little sad for her sometimes. Ginny still had a crush on Harry after so many years. Too bad he was so blinded by Cho Chang he never saw it.
Cedric had gone with Harry and he was glad he had. He had the opportunity to sit in on the trial even. Many of them looked at him and almost objected but he wasn't kicked out. He could bet it was because they were so confident that would punish Harry that it would frighten him into shutting up about Voldemort being back. It didn't.
Those bloody Ministry employees were like vultures when it came to Harry. Except a few. The few that followed Madame Bones, Susan Bones's Aunt. But there was that horrid woman, Dolores Umbridge. Dear Merlin her voice was voice than hearing nails on chalk board.
Harry was numb beside him as they exited.
"Harry. You were great in there."
"No I wasn't."
"Yes you were, you held your own. They are an intimidating bunch."
Harry cracked a smile.
"Harry how was it?" Mr. Weasley asked rushing up to them.
"Cleared, cleared of all charges!"
"Harry that's wonderful!"
Cedric watched the two silent.
He turned around though when it sounded like the door behind him was opening. It was. And slowly the ministry member trickled out. Madame Bones stopped to acknowledge Harry and Mr. Weasley. Then she turned to look at him.
"The pride and joy of Hufflepuff I hear." She said smiling affectionately.
"Hello Madame." Cedric inclined his head to her.
"Oh don't be so formal. Be strong this year Cedric. You'll need it." Then she gave him a hug and went on her way.
The last person to exit was Percy Wesley. That took Cedric by surprise. Even more surprising was when Mr. Wesley acted as if he never saw his son.
"Harry, Mr. Weasley. I'm going to go find my father and Ian. Ian said he was working here the week with his Dad."
"Oh sure. See you Cedric." Harry smiled at him. A little bigger than yesterday's smile.
"Tell Mimi, I'll be there in an hour."
"Of course."
Cedric went straight to the department he knew Ian was currently working at.
"Hey Neilson!" Cedric hollered when he spotted his best friend.
Ian whirled around at the sound of his last name.
"Diggory!" Ian hollered back.
The two embraced.
"What you doing here Ced?"
"I was here with Harry on his trial."
"Oh yeah. How'd it go?"
"Madame Bones saved the day. He's cleared of all charges and can go to Hogwarts this year with us."
"I can't decide if that kids lucky or misfortunate." Ian sighed.
"Me too. How's it going with Marietta?"
"You want to know the truth?"
"No lie to me, of course the truth."
"Well, not so good. She's a little... a little. I think we're not quite made for each other. How's it going with Meems?"
Cedric broke into a wide grin answering Ian's question.
"You're a lucky dog you know that?" Ian said swinging his arm over Cedric's shoulder.
"Yep." Cedric swung his arm over Ian's shoulders.
Some of the young female ministry members couldn't help but check out the two as they walked past. They were both utterly handsome but their looks contrasted. Ian was tan with sandy brown hair and wide spring green eyes. On the other hand Cedric was pale, not deathly so but standing next to Ian he was very pale. He had chestnut brown hair with other vibrant light browns mixed. His eyes were a grey which were quite uncommon.
Both though were utterly charming. The two were raised to be amicable and gregarious. They were charismatic and people couldn't help but like them.
By the time the two left, half the female ministry members they met had already fallen for them.
Cedric was back at Grimmauld place to see that they were still celebrating Harry's verdict. He leaned against the doorframe as he watched them.
Hermione whirled around when she felt a familiar gaze on her. She smiled when she saw it was Cedric.
"Hello." Hermione said walking up to him.
"Hello love." Cedric pulled her so that they were flush against each other.
"You got to see Ian?"
"Yeah. He's doing fine. Excited actually for the school year." Cedric laughed. "I never thought that would ever come out of his mouth."
Hermione smiled into his chest.
"Oh get a room!" The twins chorused.
It was a couple of days later when they got their list of school supplies.
"Cedric!" His father yelled so that the whole house could hear.
Cedric came running down wondering what was going on. Hermione followed him, Ron and Harry followed her.
"What dad?"
Amos Diggory turned around with a wide grin on his face as he presented a badge. On the badge said HEAD BOY.
Hermione cheered and threw herself at him. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Cedric held her onto him, grinning.
"Oh my gosh! Cedric!" Hermione gushed.
Rona made a gagging sound. Harry didn't say anything but grinned too.
"And that's not all. Mimi there's something here for you too." Mr. Diggory grinned even wider.
Hermione let go of Cedric and looked at him curiously.
"Congrats Meems." Cedric smiled spotting the Prefect badge lying on the table.
"Like that was unexpected." Harry whispered.
"And guess who's the boy prefect!" George chimed.
"Who?' Hermione asked as she fingered her badge.
"Prefect...ickle Ronnie the prefect..."
Jaws dropped from many of the occupants.
"Now that was unexpected."
Cedric took a deep breath and then let it out. It was finally time to go back to Hogwarts.
"Where are they?" Hermione whispered to them.
"I'm not sure dear. They should be here soon though." Mrs. Diggory said.
Another minute went by and Mr. Weasley, emerged with Ginny and Ron. Barely behind them was Mrs. Weasley, Harry, Tonks, and ... Sirius!
Cedric helped the others load the trunks into the express and kept his eye out for Ian.
Ian said he was supposed to be here soon...
"Need a hand there Meems?" Hermione had been lifting up one of the trunks when she heard the familiar voice. She turned to the side and nearly dropped the trunk. "Ian!"
Hermione threw her arms around Ian.
Ian laughed as he twirled her. "Good to see you two."
"Thought you were going to be late again." Cedric smiled as he put the trunk that Hermione had been havning a hard time with.
"Yeah right, not doing that again." Ian snorted.
"Again?" Hermione asked.
"You've been late too?" Both Harry and Ron exclaimed at the same time.
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