Modicum of Victory
"Are you questioning the Minister's competency! This is outrageous. Dolores Umbridge fired- not even letting Cedric take a breath.
"Dolores," Amelia Bones' voice boomed from McGonagal's seat, nearest the Minister. "I do not think that is what the Head Boy is getting at. Rather, he wants a professor whose interests are solely on his education- not a judge and juror whose authority over steps that of a professors. How do you expect other professors who you must work with as a team unit to guide our brightest youths to an even brighter future, when they regard their fellow professor not as a comrade but as an adjudicator."
"I say, if the professors are all competent, then it should-"
"Dolores," Minister Fudge exclaimed as he could feel the growing ire of the faculty of Hogwarts around him, all bristling at Umbridge's attempt to put herself in a higher position than them when they had been teaching at the famed school for years. After all Minerva McGonagal stood right behind his chair beside Dumbledore. She had been named Merlin's Apprentice many years in a row- having been chosen by her student as one of their most influential professors who fostered their education. Many of her students going on to be great inventors, writers, and even quidditch players.
All the while, Cedric Diggory stood there silent, unmoving as he let his words influence the adults at the head table. He knew that if he said anything more- it would look like he was starting an uprising and questioning the adults. Exactly the thing his brilliant girlfriend told him not to do... So in order to accomplish anything with Fudge, he needed to make it seem like as if he had no sway in this matter, that it was all Fudge who was behind any decision making. A part of him also wanted to bring up that Umbridge was using black quills on students- namely Harry, but he knew if he did, he'd be shut down. They'd accuse him of uncalled for accusations and turn a blind eye- as the ministry already were well known for doing. Then they would've lost the whole war not just the battle. Slowly they had to strip power from Umbridge- then put her incompetency on display for everyone to see- especially powerful and influential parents who would not like their children's futures in jeopardy by failing their O.W.L. and N.E.W.T.S. After that, they could push Umbridge out of Hogwarts altogether. When the ministry could no longer aide and abide her, then Cedric would present her illegal detentions so she had nothing to protect her from the cells of Azkaban.
First, they needed to slowly strip Umbridge of her powers. They needed to convince Fudge's ministry to step back- but they had to make it seem like it was Fudge's goodwill- not a student's idea. Without the ministry, Umbridge was no more powerful than the stupid book she'd assign them. Then they'd display her incompetence. A professor who used the same book and lesson plan to teach first years as well as seventh years about to face the N.E.W.Ts.
He could see everything falling into place... he just needed patience and some charm- which according to Hermione, he had excess of.
Hermione was practically holding her breath as she squeezed Harry's hand. What was Cedric Diggory doing? Where had he been? Still, she wanted to smile because he was brilliant. Yet, despite this brilliance, he'd avidly done his best to dim his personality and demeanor so that the attention was not on him, that he didn't steal the spotlight. In this manner, the adults (mainly Fudge) did not feel upstaged and would not be threatened. How he did it, she didn't know.
In the end, none of the students actually knew what happened. The candles in the great hall began to dim so they'd all been dismissed except the teachers, the visiting guests, and both Heads.
As it was that evening, it was Ron and Ian's turn to make rounds as prefects. Harry was beside them under his cloak. As for Hermione, after the stress and lack of sleep and food from yesterday, the boys had left her to sleep in front of the fireplace with a promise to tell her everything.
All three made their way the best they could toward the Great Hall in order to snoop and check on Cedric of course.
"Do you think, Pretty B-, I mean Diggory can do it?" Ron corrected himself.
Ian didn't bother saying anything about Ron Weasley calling his best friend pretty boy. Because one, his friend was quite pretty, that hair was something out of a Michelangelo painting, and also because he quite pitied the boy. Everyone could see clear as day that he'd just discovered that he quite liked Hermione Granger as more than just his friend. Too bad that timing coincided with Hermione and Cedric finding each other.
"I still believe a High Inquisitor is necessary. Why your friend," Cornelius Fudge said not quite kindly, "Griselda Marchbanks," Fudge sniffed, almost like the name on his lips was not quite pleasant. "Did regal her concern about poor test outcomes in the past years."
Professor Flitwick said nothing although it was in his right mind to remind the Minister the last time the esteemed examiner had complained of poor test outcomes in Charms had been in 1926!
"I believe I have someone in mind who will be impartial as impartial is. Amelia, I believe Pius will be just as valuable here as the High Inquisitor, as he is in your Department, do you not think?" Fudge asked, although it was quite rhetorical as his mind was quite made up. Pius Thicknesse would have no problem reporting back to him the on goings of Hogwarts and if Albus Dumbledore was planning to usurp his power.
Amelia Bones said nothing as she knew that her opinion had been voices enough that night. She smiled thinly and nodded in acknowledgment.
Cedric tried to quickly scan his memory, but he did not know who that was. He just hoped whoever it was, was not Umbridge's best friend but then again, Cedric could not help but think that Umbridge could not possibly even have a friend with her vile personality. Still, as long as they prevented Umbridge from gaining more power, they could take her down slowly. He almost hoped by Christmas, it'd be like a Christmas present for them all.
Since the decision had been made and Fudge had been able to execute as he wished, they'd all bid a good night. Even Percy had given Cedric a small acknowledgement before he left with Fudge and the reporter who trailed the two so they could take a picture of Fudge at the entrance of Hogwarts, to honor his great compromise. Amelia Bones however did not follow, nor did she wish to. Instead she turned her sights on Cedric and Professor Sprout. "I say dear boy, I do hope that you excel in all your NEWTs so that you may come to work for me, we could always use leaders like yourself. Makes my Hufflepuff pride just preen."
"We are sure Cedric will be one of those joining the wall for Hufflepuff houses' five or more outstanding NEWTs." Professor Sprout puffed. "I know matter of fact that one of them will most definitely be in Herbology."
"I know the boy will definitely be getting Os in charms if I have anything to say about it," Professor Flitwick added, as he too was very fond of Cedric Diggory. The boy had come to him of all people for help during the Triwizard tournament last year, and ever since, he'd come to see the boy as his, as much as any of the Ravenclaws.
Cedric blushed as he now the center of attention. However, not all the professors were looking at him with pride as Professor Sprout and Flitwick were. In fact he could feel daggers at his back. However...
"And Professor Umbridge, I hope that now you will remain as the Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, you will also lead me into doing my year proud and adding onto the Os we will make this year. I really do hope to beat Percy Weasley's year... you know, they had the most Os especially in Defense than Hogwarts has seen in decades." Cedric gave his most charming smile.
A very short but long enough laugh could be heard. All heads turned to the direction of the entrance of the Great Hall.
Cedric tried not to react even though a part of him just knew that laugh had come from Harry. He could practically feel Umbridge's evil excitement as she brandished her wand. However before she cast a spell, Nearly Headless Nick and the Fat Friar came around the corner. The Fat Friar, bless him, laughed, an exact mimic of the laugh that they'd just heard a second ago, as he clapped Nearly Headless Nick's shoulder.
The breath Cedric didn't know he'd be holding, was released.
Alexi Illium said nothing until she and Cedric were quite a distance from the Great Hall. As soon as she thought that no one would be in the vicinity, she whirled around. Her ice blue eyes were even colder than usual as she glared at Cedric. "You had no right to assert yourself like that, and to not inform me that you were going to jeopardize our Head positions." She angrily said to him.
Cedric glanced at her and then sighed. "Your Head Girl position was not in Jeopardy. The only one on the line was me, I did not mention your name or anything upon my speech."
"Cedric Diggory, we are in this together, whether you like it or not. We are reflections of each other in our duties as Head Boy and Girl. If you go down, I will be going down with you, vice versa. I do not want to go down, do you understand me? Next time you jeopardize our futures, tell me before so I can start making plans to make sure there is no aftermath." Alexi Illium snipped, showing more emotion than Cedric had seen in years. "Good night," She replied before she took her leave to head to the Head's dorm.
Cedric just shook his head as he started to head up the stairs towards the Gryffindor's dorm.
A few minutes later, Cedric found himself in front of the Fat Lady's painting. "Hello Violet," Cedric greeted.
The painting looked at him and for the first time, she did not look at him with fluttering eyes, but with slight disapproval. "You have been worrying that girl of yours. She has not slept well and barely eats enough. She is skinny enough already. Why in my day, they'd think she was dying and unattractive."
Cedric grimaced weakly. "I know, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to her soon." Cedric promised.
The Fat Lady hmped at him. "Password and you may enter."
Cedric hesitated as he realized that he didn't actually know the password.
"Mimbulus Mimbletonia," A voice said beside Cedric before the portrait swung open. Cedric looked around him, but there was no one beside him.
"Harry?" Cedric asked as he did not know what was going on, before walking in the Gryffindor Common room.
"Yes?" Harry asked as he took off his cloak, revealing himself.
Cedric nearly jumped as first Harry's head made an appearance and then the rest of his body. His mind caught up quick though as he realized the cloak Harry carried on his arm was the famed Cloak of Invisibility. It was real! And of course Harry Potter was in possession of it! No wonder the boy would get into so much mischief...
Two posts up this week!
Are you guys proud of me?! Anyhow Simply Irrefutable next!
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