•XXXII - One Step•
SCHOOL WAS finally over for everyone- and Draco Malfoy hated to say it, but he was sure he'll miss Hogwarts.
but his time here is over, it's time to move one step forward, and let the others live the life in Hogwarts. he's not complaining, he'll just miss it, but he's reader to move forward. move forward with Y/N.
"We made it!" exclaimed Draco's girlfriend happily, jumping into his arms, her graduation hat almost falling off, but the blonde managed to catch it, and put it on top of her head again.
Draco chuckled and hugged her back just as tightly, "We made it," mumbled through Y/N's hair.
"Awe, look at them."
the young couple stepped away from each other, and faced their parents. Ophelia smiled at them, and spread her arms, which ofcourse, Y/N immediately ran in them, hugging her mother tightly.
Draco walked towards Narcissa, asking her, "Have you got it?" his voice was above a whisper, as if he didn't want anyone to hear him.
not that anyone will- all of the students are happy to be finally done with school, but there are also people with tears, hugging their schoolmates, as if it'll be their last ones.
Narcissa smiled at her son, and took out a small box from her pocket, "I'm proud of you, Draco."
the blonde took the box, and opened it, making sure he was out of Y/N's sight- who was currently talking to Ophelia, Harriot, and surprisingly, Lucius.
Draco couldn't help but smile, seeing the emerald green diamond on the ring made things real for him. he really was doing it- in a few hours, he might just be able to keep Y/N forever.
looking up at her mother, Draco closed the box, and put it inside his suit's pocket, "Thank you, mother."
Narcissa smiled, and just patted his shoulder, "Don't mess it up, okay?"
Draco nodded, "I won't."
with that, Narcissa walked towards the Eves, and got into the conversation with them.
"I think we owe you an apology.."
at the familiar voice, the blonde turned around, and just like he assumed, Blaise Zabini stood in front of him, his head down.
Draco backed away, but Astoria, who stood beside Blaise spoke up, "He's genuine this time."
shaking his head, Draco glared at the two, "I'm not gonna take any of your shit again," he said, his eyes burning his anger.
Blaise nodded, "I understand if you can't forgive me, because I wouldn't forgive me either," he said, "But I know I won't be able to live with the guilt if I don't apologize. Astoria made me realize a lot of things- and one of those is that I wasted a perfectly good friendship between the two of us."
the blonde didn't answer, but he knew Blaise was right- though that doesn't mean he has forgiven Blaise. he doesn't have the heart to forgive him, not anymore.
"Is there anything wrong?" asked Y/N who walked towards Draco, and looped her arm over the blonde's.
Y/N gave Astoria a small smile, which the Slytherin kindly returned. ever since she saved her from drowning, they've talked here and there, and people would call her crazy, but Y/N considers her as a friend.
Astoria was still in her Slytherin robes, because she still had to stay in school for a year, but they can always owl each other.
Blaise cleared his throat, "I want to apologize," he said, "Not just because of the recent events- but also because of what I did. I didn't know the value of women before, but I do now."
Astoria's hand reached Blaise's, they then, intertwined. Y/N's eyes widen in surprise, but she smiled at them, and said, "I hope you treat her well, Zabini."
the dark skinned boy gave a kind smile, and nodded, "I've learned my lesson."
Y/N looked up at her boyfriend, who had a soft smile on his face, looking at her, "What?" she couldn't help but ask, "Is there something on my face?"
Draco chuckled, and shook his head, "You're just very lovely."
giving a playful scoff, Y/N bid her farewells to Astoria, and Blaise, and pulled Draco away, towards their parents- but they were no longer where they were before.
"Where did they go?" asked the Gryffindor.
the blonde held her hand, and smiled, "They're most probably at home."
"Oh?" said Y/N, confused, "Well, it's a bit rude to leave us, isn't it?" she laughed as the two of them started to walk out the castle.
Draco chuckled, and brought out his wand, "I told them to go on without us," he said, and without giving Y/N another minute to talk, he apparated out of Hogwarts, and in Hogsmeade.
when they arrives, the girl's eyes were as big as the moon, "Don't do that!" she exclaimed, breathing deeply to calm herself.
the blonde just gave her a loving smile, and pulled her towards Honeydukes. Y/N just rolled her eyes and just followed along, and when they reached honeydukes, she immediately ran towards the chocolate frogs. she knew they had it in Diagon Alley, but sweets from Hogsmeade just tastes different from some reason.
maybe it was because when they buy it from here, they still feel like kids, but out there, it's reality, the reality of them growing up- and really, Y/N will miss this.
Draco picked out some sweets for himself, and when it was time to pay, Y/N just let him, making him tilt his head in surprise, "You're gonna let me pay, now?"
the girl shrugged, "I didn't bring any money," she said.
shaking his head with a smile, Draco payed all their sweets. the blonde recognized the cashier, making him smile, "I'm keeping her, by the way," he randomly said.
the girl behind the counter chuckled, then ringed everything up, "Well, good for you, mr. Blondie."
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but before she could ask what was going on, Draco got the bag full of sweets, and pulled her out the shop.
she could always ask later.
the next thing they did was buy apples, and go to the forest. for the last time, they fed Apple, and hugged her- even Draco who couldn't see her.
"We'll miss you, Apple," said Y/N, and for the last time, she patted the Thestral's head, and walked away, trying to ignore how Apple looked at her so sadly.
but Apple nodded gratefully, making the Gryffindor smile. Apple then, ran away, to her kind.
Y/N looked at Draco, asking if there was anything else, "Just one last stop," he said, and pulled the girl back in Hogsmeade.
the three broomsticks wasn't that packed when they entered it, they immediately got a seat, and ordered butterbeers.
nostalgia filled Y/N's veins- it's like just a few months ago, she had her first date with Draco here- when they agreed to fake date for revenge.
a small chuckle left Y/N's lips when she remembered those, it felt like that just happened yesterday, when in reality, it's been so long. they've already went through so much, but it's as if they never happened.
"So, what are we doing here?" asked Y/N, taking a sip of her butterbeer.
Draco has never felt this nervous- maybe when they first went on a date, but this felt different. he's going to ask Y/N to marry him for Salazar's sake. this was a different level.
but as he said, he was ready to take one step closer to their future.
"I just thought that we should end out year where we started it," he said as he fiddled with the box inside his pocket.
Y/N chuckled softly, "It's funny how we weren't really supposed to be lovers- but look at us now," she said, taking Draco's free hand that was on the table.
the blonde squeezed it, and told himself- it's now or never.
"I got you something by the way," he said.
the girl's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What is it?" she asked
Draco smiled, "Close your eyes." he said.
still confused, Y/N followed. she closed her eyes, giving Draco the opportunity to pull the box out of his pocket, "Can I open them now?"
"Not yet, love," he said, and opened the box. he smiled to himself, and got the ring. slowly, he slipped it on her ring finger.
Y/N felt the cold on her finger making her open her eyes, "What-" she gasped, seeing the ring.
"I have no idea how proposals are supposed to work, but-"
Draco was cut off with the girl leaning forward over the table, and capturing his lips on hers. the blonde felt himself relax in relief as he kissed her back.
she pulled away, and looked at him in the eyes, her eyes screaming happiness, "It's perfect," she said.
"So is that a yes?"
Y/N chuckled, "Of course!"
the blonde smiled at her lovingly, and the next thing they heard were cheers, and claps. their cheeks blushed, seeing that everyone just witnessed them get engaged.
they were one step closer to their future- and they couldn't want it any other way.
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