•XXX - For Love•
BUT IT'S not really over yet, is it?
Y/N felt her lungs free of water, and her surroundings felt like.. nothing, as if she wasn't drowning anymore.
slowly, she opened her eyes, and took in her surroundings. her eyebrows furrowed, all she saw was- well, white.
"Is this heaven?" she asked herself.
suddenly, a voice from behind made her jump, saying, "Bold of you to assume you'll go to heaven,"
the girl turned around, her face softened seeing her sister, "Jeanette," she said softly, and ran, hugging the oldest Eve sister tightly.
Jeanette chuckled, and hugged her little sister back just as tight, smelling her hair, just like she used to everytime they hugged when she was still alive, "Oh, how I missed you, sister dear,"
Y/N pulled away, a soft smile on her face, "I missed you too,"
the older Eve smiled lovingly, then stepped back a bit, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Why in the name of Godric are you doing here? you're not supposed be here!" she exclaimed, realizing only now that her sister's story was far from over. it's not her time to go here- not yet.
a wave of shame came over Y/N. she looked down, a quiet sigh leaving her lips, "I sort of- not sort of," she cleared her throat, looking at her sister once again, "I- well.." she couldn't continue.
Jeanette let out a laugh, snorting a bit, "Let me guess, boy cheated on you again? and you're hurt, then here we are," she said.
Y/N's eyebrows furrowed, "How did you know..?"
"I've been watching over you, sister dear. all these years, I watched you grow, and I regret not being there physically to tell you what not to do," said Jeanette, softly brushing her hands through her sister's hair.
"And what's that?" the younger Eve couldn't help but ask.
a sad smile plastered itself on Jeanette's face, her eyes that were just as beautiful as Y/N's, were glistening, "Don't follow my footsteps, sister dear. you still have a lot in store, especially in the future," she said, as if she knows something, "It's too early for you to go here,"
Y/N could hear the regret in her sister's voice, and it made her realize what she's done- she regrets it. she doesn't want to die yet. she still want to do dumb things, enjoy her youth. she still wants to live.
but that's not really possible now, is it?
"I'm too late, I'm here now, I- I can't go back," Y/N said, but more to herself that to her sister.
Jeanette slowly shook her head, "Who said you can't?" she said, making Y/N look at her, confused, "You're just here for a little visit, you still need to live, beautiful things will happen, Y/N, and beautiful people will come,"
suddenly, the surroundings started to fade, and it seemed like Jeanette went farther and farther from Y/N even if none of them are moving, "What? what do you mean?" Y/N asked, raising her voice a bit so her sister could hear.
for the last time, Jeanette Eve smiled at her lovingly, and said, "Your future is wonderful, Y/N, name her after me, will you?"
and with that, all went dark again- but not for long. suddenly, Y/N was gasping for air, sitting up, and coughing up water, lots of it.
"Y/N! thank Salazar!" she heard someone say from beside her.
the Gryffindor looked around, she was back at Hogwarts, on the shore of the Black Lake, she was soaked with water- and so was Astoria Greengrass, who sat beside her, a worried look on her face.
"Stay away from me!" Y/N exclaimed, making Astoria jump a bit. the Gryffindor scooted away, as the girl in front of her, did not, instead, the Slytherin was looking down, tears started to fall down her cheek
"I'm sorry," was all she said, as she started to sob, she started to say a lot of things, but it was hard tounderstand with all her crying.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, "What?" she asked.
Astoria looked at her, and took her hand, but Y/N quickly snatched her hand away, "Y/N, please, listen to me- we- I- nothing happened between Draco and I, it was just-" the Slytherin couldn't continue, because she couldn't hold her sobs. she covered her face with her hands and cried.
"What are you saying, Astoria?" the Gryffindor asked in a hoarse voice, she knew she didn't want- didn't need an answer, but she wanted an explanation, her mind was fuzzy, and her ears still had water in them- and not to forget about the fact that the two of them were still soaked, and freezing.
but there was no time to pull a wand out, and cast a heating spell,, that was far from both Y/N's and Astoria's mind.
finally, Astoria slowly calmed down, she wiped her tears, and sniffled, looking at the girl infront of her, "We didn't do anything, he was drunk, yes, but I stopped him from doing something I knew he would regret the next morning," she said, fiddling with her hands. Y/N felt bad for her, but she didn't know how to comfort Astoria, she doesn't even know how to comfort herself, "He wouldn't have regretted it if it was you with him naked under the sheets,"
Y/N didn't know what to say, she was overwhelmed, to say the least, "But- but you were naked," was all the Gryffindor could say- she still was working with the gears in her head, they didn't seem to work at the moment, though.
"I did that incase Blaise went in the room- but I swear Draco wasn't completely naked under the covers," Astoria tried to smile, but failed.
hugging herself, Y/N looked down. she started to feel the cold breeze- the sun was starting to go down, after all, "Ofcourse, it was Blaise," a sarcastic laugh left her lips. a few moments of silence went by, neither of them didn't know what to say anymore. after quite some time, the Gryffindor once again found her voice, "Why did you do it?"
Astoria swallowed the lump in her throat, "For love," she said, "But now I know I'll never get him back, and all I can do.. is let him go," she said, a bitter laugh coming out from her mouth.
"I'm sorry," Y/N said. she felt bad for taking Draco away, because Astoria did truly him, but people come, and go, people love and get hurt, it's a part of life, "You'll find someone, Astoria, I know you will, you're so much than what you are, and soon, someone will see that, and treat you better than any man ever did,"
at that, the Slytherin smiled, "Thanks," she said, looking at Y/N, "I hope you and Draco everything, because you deserve it,"
"Thank you," a small laugh escaped the Gryffindor's lips.
Astoria then, noticed that Y/N was shivering, so she stood up, and offered a hand, "Let's get you to madame Promfey, you're freezing," she said.
"So are you," Y/N chuckled, taking Astoria's hand, and standing up, wrapping her damp robes closer to herself.
"I'm fine, but Draco would kill me if he ever finds out I left you out in the cold, so let's go before you catch a cold," she said, tilting her head a bit.
Y/N just laughed, and soon, they were on their way to the castle, and to the hospital wing. all the way there, they talked, and laughed.
who ever knew Draco's ex girlfriend and current girlfriend would get along?
everyone only saw Astoria Greengrass as Draco Malfoy's ex girlfriend, sometimes people call her names, like mute, snob, and other ones I can't even mention.
but that's not Astoria Greengrass at all. and Y/N's only realizing that now. she's really more than what she is, no wonder Draco fell inlove with her.
Y/N's ready to forgive Astoria- perhaps she already has. for love of a growing friendship.
Astoria Greengrass is a good person. but most people are too blind to see that. but hopefully soon enough, someone will know her worth, and get to know her, and know that she is a good person.
then maybe, for love, they'll stay with her, until their hair are white, until their kids are all grown up, until forever.
for love.
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