•XX - A Lot Better•
THE TRAIN stopped to a halt, and as soon as it did, students came rushing out, excited for dinner after the long ride.
Y/N, not wanting to get squished, waited with Draco in their compartment. They watched at students walked out of the train, and shoved each other.
"Godric, can't they wait? The food here is endless.", the girl laughed as finally, the narrow hallways of the train cleared.
Draco chuckled, and held her hand, "you can't really blame them, the train ride made me build an appetite, too."
Rolling her eyes playfully, Y/N pulled the blonde's hand for him to walk faster, "well, i am looking forward for some pudding.", she said, and laughed.
With that, the young couple walked out of the compartment, and out of the train. They walked and stopped in front of the carriage left that's empty
Y/N petted the thestral before getting on.
Soon, they were back in the walls of Hogwarts, their beloved school. Funny how about four months ago, Draco would've groaned if he knew he'll be going back to school after the holidays, but now, he's more than delighted to be back.
Because now, he can spend time with Y/N withous his parents, or her parents bothering them. Of course, not in the way that you think, but their parents can get so nosy, it gets quite annoying.
They walked hand in hand towards the great hall, and because they were the last ones, everyone stopped when they entered, and looked at them.
Everyone's attention was on the young couple, whilst they whisper things to their friends, saying that "they got back together?", and stuff like, "she's stupid to go back to him after what happened."
Y/N wasn't surprised that the news of what happened before break spread like a wildfire, and she hates that people are just judging everything, because of what Draco did.
But she didn't want to say anything, they don't know the whole story, and besides, it's not their business.
Draco sighed and just kissed the girl's forehead, "i'll see you later.", he said, and walked towards the Slytherin table.
Uncomfortable with the stares, Y/N looked down and walked to the Gryffindor table, and when she sat down, everyone finally continued on to what they're doing.
"hey, 'Mione", the girl smiled at the bushy haired girl beside her
Hermione smiled at her, "Y/N, how was break? You seem.. Happy. What happened?", she asked.
Y/N sighed, and filled her plate with food, "i'll tell you everything later. For now, i need to fill my stomach.", she said, and with that, stuffed her face with food.
• • •
As soon as the door of their dorm room closed, Hermione faced Y/N with a raised eyebrow, "alright, spill."
Y/N smiled, memories over the holidays running in her mind once again. Just thinking about it makes her blush, and want to dance around because of happiness.
"well..", the girl sat down on her bed, and bit her lip in nervousness. Even though Hermione considers her as a friend, she's afraid to be judged. Y/N doesn't care about what other people say, but when it's someone close to you, that's a different story, "..we sort of- we got back together."
Hermione furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Draco?", she asked, sitting down beside her friend.
A soft sigh left Y/N's lips. She held onto the bushy haired girl's hands and looked into her eyes with a hopeful look, "i know you think i'm stupid for even talking to him again, but-", Y/N stopped, looking down.
She hasn't even realized that Draco didn't explain anything to her. They were so caught up in all the happiness they never got to talk about that.
Hermione smiled sadly and put a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder, making her look up, "i'm not gonna judge you. What ever happened, it happened for a reason."
Y/N couldn't help but smile in relief, "you don't hate me?"
"of course not! You're my friend, and will always be.", Hermione laughed. At that, Y/N couldn't help but tackle her in a tight hug
"Godric, we should've been friends since the beginning! All those years would've been easier.", Y/N laughed, and pulled away
Hermione softly chuckled. All those years, she couldn't believe you got through it basically alone. It sucks that she decided to be friends with you just last year.
"i'm really sorry about that.", the bushy haired girl apologized, as her face fell, "we're such idiots to not talk to you."
Y/N shook it off with a soft smile, "it's alright, really. Besides, you talk to me now."
"but they don't.", Hermione frowned in annoyance, "they're so childish! Just because you're close with Slytherins, they think you're some traitor- which you aren't. They should really give you a chance."
The girl looked at Hermione, a thankful smile on her face, "Thank you, Hermione, but if they don't want me to be their friend, they really don't have to."
"nope. You're sitting down with us tommorow. It's time they grow up, for Godric's sake!", Hermione rolled her eyes, making Y/N laugh.
She loved Hermione's bossiness, she thinks it's funny, and to think that both Potter and Weasley is actually afraid of her. Speaking of, "how was your holidays? Did someone finally took the guts to ask you out?"
The bushy haired girl blushed at the statement. There was actually someone who asked her out. Finally, after literally seven years.
With a giddy smile, Hermione told Y/N, "Ron and i are going to Hogsmeade this weekend."
At that, Y/N couldn't help but squeal in excitement. She's happy for Hermione, because finally, after all those years, she and the ginger could finally be together.
"i'm so happy for you, 'Mione! I hope you and Ron happiness for a lifetime.", Y/N told the bushy haired girl, squeazing her hand in excitement
Hermione laughed giddily, "and i hope you and Draco happiness, too, Y/N. Even if sometimes he can be a git, i can tell he cares for you very dearly."
Y/N smiled, and nodded a thank you.
Tommorow would be their first day of school after the holidays, and she's gonna expect people to be talking about, and looking at both her and Draco weirdly, but she won't care.
Last year might not be the best, but this year seems a lot better already.
Starting the year with Draco, going back to school, and possibly meeting new friends?
This year was going to be great. She can feel it.
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