•XVII - Couch Cuddle•
THE MALFOY manor was a big house, full of dark stuff.
Y/N has been there a few times, but it never fails to give chills down her spine everytime she does.
Today, the Malfoys invited the Eves over for New Year, and they just couldn't not go. Besides, Y/N won't shut up about Draco, and how much she misses him.
"It's very nice all of you could make it.", Narcissa Malfoy said, when she guided the three Eves to their living room. She walked towards Y/N and took her hand, giving it a light squeeze, "i'm happy you and Draco fixed things. He'll be happy to see you today."
Smiling, the young girl asked, "does he know we're here?"
"no, just like you said.", Narcissa said, "he's in his room if you want to see him.", she followed with a grin.
At that, Y/N looked at her parents, and they nodded, telling her that she could go and surprise Draco.
"don't do anything!", Harriot Eve said, as the girl went up the stairs. He was smiling, but the girl knew her father was serious.
Rolling her eyes playfully, she just nodded, and brushed it off.
Y/N stopped when she reached the top of the stairs. She didn't really know which door was Draco's, because all the doors were black.
She walked forward, and looked at the doors, they really were all the same.
Except for the last door, that's by the window. It had a snake on it, and it's biting into an apple.
The girl smiled. She doesn't know what the deal is with Draco and apples, but she was sure that was his door.
Knocking softly, Y/N waited, but she heard nothing on the other side. She slowly opened it, "Draco?", she called out, but the blonde was nowhere in sight. She entered the room, and heard the shower running, "he must be in the bathroom.", she mumbled to herself.
She then, decided to go around the blonde's room. It was big, bigger than her bedroom, that's for sure. The ceiling was high, the walls were black, and there was a chandelier in the middle of the room.
His bed was huge, too. And it looked really soft.
There was a big window a few steps away on the left side of the bed, and by that window, there was a dresser.
Y/N walked towards it. She saw picture frames on top of it, and little trinkets. She smiled, when she saw a picture of the both of them, they were still young.
She took the picture in her hands and chuckled. The picture was of them, sleeping on the Malfoy's couch, cuddling.
It was summer, 1986.
And the Ophelia Eve came over to the Malfoy's, because Narcissa invited her.
And since Harriot was still at ministry, Ophelia needed to bring little Y/N along with her. She was supposed to bring Jeanette, too, but the fourteen year old wanted to stay at home.
"Draco, sweetie, meet Y/N, your new playmate!", Narcissa exclaimed, when the Eves arrived.
Behind the woman, stood a blonde little boy, probably just the same age as Y/N.
The little Eve waved shyly at the blonde, and slowly, he stepped out behind his mother, a smile growing on his face.
Y/N walked towards the blonde and held out a hand, "i'm Y/N, can we be friends?"
Nodding, Draco shook the little girl's hand, "ofcourse!", he said, then stopped shaking her hand, but didn't let it go, "let's go outside!"
And with that, the two kids ran outside, leaving both Ophelia and Narcissa smiling to themselves, telling each other that both Y/N and Draco were perfect for each other.
It was almost three o'clock, when the two kids decided to go back inside. They have been running around for the past three hours, and are extremely tired.
And maybe sweaty.
They ran into the dining room, where their mothers were having their afternoon tea, and talking about stuff the kids won't understand yet.
"mum!", Draco exclaimed, running towards his mother's side, "we had so much fun! We ran around, and played-"
"okay, okay, Draco. Calm down.", Narcissa laughed. Y/N walked to her own mother's side, and smiled at Ophelia, "Merlin, you two are sweating!"
Laughing, Y/N said, "we ran for hours."
Ophelia sighed, and summoned a cloth. She put it on the little girl's back, and said, "no more running, we're heading home in a bit, anyways."
At that, both kids groaned, "but Y/N and i want to play more!", Draco said
The mothers laughed at that, "you can play some other time.", Narcissa told her son, "now, run along as we finish this up, okay?"
Once again, Draco took Y/N's hand, and the both of them ran to the living room. There, they sat on the couch, and just rested.
"all that running made me.. So.. Tired.", Y/N suddenly said after awhile, and yawned.
The blonde chuckled, "me too.", he said, and yawned aswell.
"i need a.. A.. Nap.", the little girl once again yawned, and leaned her head on Draco's shoulder.
"oh.", the little boy said to himself. He shrugged and wrapped his arms around Y/N. And closed his own eyes.
They ended up cuddling together, and when Narcissa and Ophelia saw, they just couldn't help but take a picture.
At the voice, the girl turned around, still holding the picture. Behind her, she saw Draco, who just got out of the shower, and still has water dripping on his skin
She looked away, she was so lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear the shower stop, "uh, surprise?", she said, still isn't able to look at Draco, "c-can you put on a shirt?", Y/N blushed.
The blonde looked at himself, "sorry", he mumbled, and went into his closet, making the girl sigh in relief.
It wasn't long until Draco got out of the closet, fully clothed, but his hair still wet and messy. Y/N found it quite.. Hot.
The girl smiled and blushed. She walked towards Draco and hugged him tight, which the blonde gave one back just as tight.
"i missed you.", she said, making the boy chuckle
"we saw each other a week ago."
"a week ago was too long.", Y/N sighed, and pulled away. She looked into his eyes, and suddenly remembered something in her dress' pocket, "i have something for you!"
She pulled Draco to his bed, and the both of them sat down. Y/N pulled out a tiny box from her pocket, and gave it to the blonde, "what's this? Proposing to me already?", he laughed
The girl rolled her eyes playfully, "that's your job, love. But that's not a ring.", she chuckled, "since i didn't get to give you anything on Christmas-"
"you already know i got the best gift right here.", Draco cut her off
"and that is?", Y/N rose an eyebrow, leaning forward
Draco chuckled and pecked her lips, "you."
At that, the girl smiled, "so cheesy, i hate it.", she said, making the blonde laugh, "but don't keep me waiting, open it!"
The blonde looked at the box, and slowly opened it. Inside he saw a pin, his name's constellation pin.
"Y/N, this is beautiful.", he said, "thank you."
Draco looked at the girl, who just smiled at him, "i'm glad you like it."
"like it? I love it, darling.", the blonde said, and gave her another kiss, which the girl returned immediately.
The boy put the box down on his bedside table without breaking the kiss, and slowly, he laid Y/N down on the bed.
Oh boy, things escalated quite quickly.
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