•XVI - You Don't Care•
IT WAS christmas day, and Y/N was inside her room, looking out her window.
She just couldn't go down, knowing that the Malfoys are over.
When she got home a few days ago, she stayed silent, but she knew her mother knew what was happening.
Of course Ophelia knew what was happening, she's been through the same thing. That's why she invited the Malfoys over.
Y/N's mother liked Draco for her, so they needed to fix this. Besides, the young Eve seemed really happy with him.
Sighing, Y/N went over to her bookshelf, and grabbed a random book. She frowned, seeing it was the same book she read by the Black Lake.
The night she saw fireflies. The night she realized that she loves him.
She put the book back with a groan, then face planted on her bed.
Just then, a knock was heard from her door, making her head shoot up to the door. With wide eyes, she asked hesitantly, "who is it?"
"it's your mother, dear."
At that, she stood up, and opened her door, letting Ophelia enter. Y/N sat on her vanity chair, facing her mother, "why did you come up? Don't you have guests?"
Her mother lightly chuckled, "yes, we have guests. Which is why you should come down instead of locking your self in here"
"i don't want to go down.", the young Eve pouted
Ophelia walked over to her daughter's closet, opening it, "well, you should atleast say hello to the Malfoys, dear. Draco's been looking for you since the moment they step foot inside our house.", she said, going through Y/N's dresses
At her words, the young Eve's face slightly lit up, "he has? What did he say?"
"he didn't say anything, but he was looking around, as if looking for someone.", Ophelia said, and pulled out a dress from the closet, "this white dress looks wonderful, don't you think?"
Y/N frowned, "yeah.", she said, looking at her window
Ophelia sighed, and put the dress on the bed. She walked over to her daughter and put a hand on her shoulder, "Y/N, darling.", she said, "why don't you try to fix things with Draco? He's a good kid, much better then Blaise was."
The girl looked at her mother with a frown, "if you only knew, mother. He's a goody two shoes.", Y/N said, and looked down, playing with her nails
"maybe he has a reason.", Ophelia said, then started walking towards the door, "i'll be expecting you to go down in a minute. lunch will be in a second. Besides, it's Christmas, you should be spending time with your family.", she said, and opened the door. She was supposed to close the door, but then she poked her head inside the room, "and maybe change out of those pajamas."
And with that, Y/N's mother closed the door.
The girl looked at the dress on her bed. It was a white long sleeve dress that goes down to the ankles. It was pretty.
Sighing one last time, Y/N got the dress from the bed, and immediately put it on.
Her mother is right. It's Christmas. She's not going to let Draco ruin this day for her.
• • •
Draco sat on the dining table with his parents and Y/N's. They were filling their plates with food, but the blonde couldn't sit still.
He was looking for her. But she was no where to be seen. Her mother said she was up in her room.
Was she really gonna stay there until they leave?
Suddenly, the dinning room's door opened, "i apologize for taking so long."
At the familiar voice, Draco immediately looked up. Entering the room, he saw Y/N, in a white dress.
She looked absolutely beautiful.
His eyes lit up when she smiled, but she wasn't looking at him. She couldn't, and Draco knew that.
Y/N sat down beside her mother, and in front of Draco. She looked down at her plate, and filled it with food.
"Y/N! It's very nice to see you again.", Narcissa said, making the girl look up to her with a smile
"it's very nice to see you again, aswell, mrs. Malfoy. It's been awhile.", the girl said
With that, the adults talked happily as they ate their lunch. But both teenagers were silent, and it was obvious that Y/N was ignoring Draco's stares.
But, Harriot Eve, noticed. And he wasn't going to sit in the middle of the tension. Besides, it wasn't just him who noticed.
"Y/N, darling, why don't you show young Malfoy here our garden? The snow is absolutely wonderful, you should go and take a look."
At that, the girl looked at her father. She gave him a look that says, 'i don't want to, though.'
But she knew she couldn't do anything when her father asks. So she stood up and finally, looked at Draco for the first time since she went down, "let's go?"
The blonde looked at her with a shock expression. But nevertheless, he cleared his throat and excused himself as he stood up.
Both teenagers left the dinning room, leaving the adults sharing glances at each other.
• • •
Y/N and Draco walked through the Eve's garden in silence. In the girl's head, she said, "dad said to show him the garden, nothing more. So that's what i'm doing."
But in the blonde's head, it was chaos. He wanted to start a conversation, where it leads to where he wants it to lead to.
Getting all the courage he could get, he started, "can we talk?"
Y/N glanced at him, raising an eyebrow, "what is there to talk about?"
Draco sighed, and stopped walking, and so did the girl. She faced the blonde and crossed her arms
"there's a lot of things to talk about. Starting with what happened before break."
The girl rolled her eyes, "i'm going to stop you right there.", she said, pointing a finger at him, "you made it clear that day, that i was just a game to you. So i really don't think there's a lot of things to talk about."
The blonde frowned, "can you just let me explain?"
"why? Why didn't you explain then and there? You just basically told me that day that you don't care."
With that, Y/N frowned and turned around. She started walking back towards the house, leaving Draco with furrowed eyebrows.
He was hurt. He's hurt because she thinks he doesn't care, when in fact, he does. He cares about her a lot. More than he should.
Before she could walk another step, Draco exclaimed, "Don't you turn your back on me! Don't you walk away! Don't tell me that i don't care, cause i do!"
Y/N froze at the blonde's sudden outburst. She slowly turned around, and she saw how hurt he is. She regret saying those things. All she wants to do is wrap him around her arms.
"you.. Care?", the girl asked above a whisper
Draco laughed sarcastically, "yes! I care for you, Y/N! Merlin's beard, i love you!"
At that, the girl's eyes widen. Her heart started beating rapidly, she's happy to hear that. From Draco's mouth.
Before the blonde could even say another word, Y/N run to him, and tackled him in a hug, making him loose his balance slightly, but with his seeker reflexes, he managed to get his balance back so they wont fall.
Y/N had tears in her eyes because of happiness, "i care too, Draco. I'm sorry.", she said, and backed away, looking into his eyes, "and i.. I love you too. So much."
Draco's eyes lit up, his heart pounding so hard that it seems like it wanted to get out of his rib cage.
Suddenly, the blonde felt something dangling from above, making him look up, and so did Y/N.
The girl laughed seeing what it was.
Draco looked back down at Y/N, leaning his forehead against hers, "there's a mistletoe, what should we do?"
Giggling, the girl asked, "we should do what we should do."
And with one last chuckle, Draco leaned in, capturing her lips on his.
This Christmas turned out better than expected.
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