•XIV - Hurt•
TIME FLEW by very fast, and it was just two weeks before Christmas, and just a week before students can go home for the Holidays!
It excites Y/N that she was going to see her parents again after a while, and with Draco too!
Right now, both Draco and Y/N were just walking towards the History Of Magic's classroom
Once they were outside, they stopped, and the girl frowned, "i wish i just had Astronomy with you. History Of Magic is boring", she said, letting go of Draco's hand and crossing her arms
At that, the blonde laughed, "it's not my fault you picked that class over Astronomy"
"i had to! I suck at it, but i need to fill my NEWT papers with right answers, so here i am", Y/N rolled her eyes, "anyways, i hope you have fun with Astronomy without me"
Draco kissed her head, a chuckle leaving his lips, "i will"
Flipping him off, the girl entered the classroom, leaving the boy chucking to himself
• • •
Classes were finally over for the day, and Y/N was waiting at the bottom of the spiral staircase to the Astronomy classroom
There was no way in Merlin she was climbing those steep stairs.
Finally, students started to pour out from the staircase, majing the girl smile. Some students gave her a weird look, but she just ignored them. She wasnt here for them
Draco finally got to the bottom of the staircase, he was putting his books inside his satchel, so ge didn't notice Y/N at the bottom of the staircase, as he walked forward
At the nickname, the blonde turned around, seeing the girl. He smiled, "Y/N", he said, waiting as the girl catched up to him, "what are you doing here?"
"well, History Of Magic ended early, i decided to pick you up. You always pick me up, i thought why not change that?"
Draco chuckled softly. He put an arm around her shoulders, "thank you, then. You're such a gentleman"
Rolling her eyes, Y/N laughed, "you're welcome, my damsel in distress"
Both laughed, and got into a conversation. They walked towards the courtyard, which was filled with snow, nevertheless, students still stayed there
Sitting down on a bench, Y/N leaned her head on Draco's shoulder. They talked about anything, and everything. They were just having a peaceful time
Until Blaise Zabini showed up, that is.
"oh, won't you look at that!", he exclaimed, catching the attention of students, including the couple's, "Draco Malfoy managed to make poor little Y/N fall in love with him"
Draco furrowed his eyebrows, then looked at Y/N who sat straight, glaring at the dark skinned boy
"sod off, Zabini", the girl said
"what, are you fighting back now? The last time i remembered, you're a cry baby. Crying over me because i cheated on your arse"
The blonde tensed up. He wanted to punch Blaise, so much, but he didn't. He was stuck in his seat
As for Y/N, her eyes turned glassy. They attracted many students, now everyone was having a full show of drama
"so you admit that you cheated on me? You're an embarrassment, Blaise. To everyone, even to yourself.", the girl stood up, crossing her arms
Blaise rose an eyebrow, "i'm not the only one.", he said, a grin growing on his lips, "Why don't you ask Malfoy over there why he asked you out in the first place, huh? That's right, he played with you, and he got you wrapped around his finger"
Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat, then looked at the blonde who was obviously overwhelmed by what's happening
"that's not true.", she said softly, her voice starting to crack, "tell them that's not true, Draco.", she said above a whisper, just enough for the blonde to hear.
But Draco didn't move, he didn't know what to do. Blaise was his friend, and he cares about Y/N
He was stuck in the middle.
Blaise grinned, "see? You are so naive, Y/N"
The girl ignored Zabini, she just stared at Draco, waiting for him to say something, anything, but he didnt.
Scoffing, Y/N walked towards the blonde, "letting me down was never part of the plan", she said, and finally, she left the courtyard, and towards the Gryffindor common room
She ignored the stares she got from students, some even snickerd, but she didn't care, all she wanted to do was beat her pillow up with tears.
• • •
By the time Y/N has no more tears to cry, it was past midnight. She skipped dinner, and she ignored her dorm mates when they entered the dorm
Hermione even asked if she was okay, but she didnt answer, instead, she just sobbed quietly on her pillow.
Now, she was walking down to the common room, and once she made sure no one was awake. She sat by the fire, her blanket around her shoulders.
Y/N hugged her knees as she looked at the fire. The scene from earlier repeatedly ran through her mind, and it makes her eyes go watery again.
She couldn't believe Draco let her down. She was hurt. Because, she thought.. Maybe he loved her, because.. Honestly speaking, she did- and does.
Clearly, he didn't. And even if he did, he didn't love her enough.
Y/N didnt even notice that her tears fell again. She just let them, she didn't have the energy to wipe them
The girl then, heard footsteps coming from the stairs, making her put her chin on her knees, and just hoped for the person to go away
But the person didnt. Instead, she sat down beside Y/N
"i saw your bed empty, i wondered where you were.", Hermione said
Y/N glanced at her, "i just came down for some heat.", she mumbled
The bushy haired girl smiled sadly, then nodded. A few seconds of silence passed, and Hermione decided to speak once again, "i heard about what happened, by the way."
At that, Y/N sighed, "of course you did. Merlin's beard, when will people mind their own businesses", she said, wiping her tears, and sniffling
Hermione ignored her words, and put a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder, making the girl look at her. The bushy haired girl smiled, "i'm here, you know? We can talk if you like"
Y/N couldn't help but smile. Right now, she felt like she had a friend.
Swallowing the lump in her throat, Y/N looked up at Hermione, "thank you, 'Mione. I... I'm glad i have a friend like you"
At that, Hermione felt her heart softened. Y/N has never considered anyone as a friend, or well, everyone didn't consider Y/N as a friend. Nevertheless, Hermione felt happy to be friends with Y/N.
The bushy haired girl smiled, and opened her arms widely
Y/N scooted closer to her, and put the other side of the blenket on Hermione's shoulders. She hugged the bushy haired girl, and the both of them laughed.
Even though the day didn't go that well, Y/N was still thankful that her day ended better.
She had Hermione. She had a friend.
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