•XII - Fireflies•
FUNNY HOW time flies so fast. Today is Thursday, and Care For Magical Creatures just ended.
Both Y/N and Draco had that, and they're now walking towards the castle, because in five minutes, the Gryffindor had Muggle Studies, which Draco doesnt take for obvious reasons
"why cant you just skip that class?" the blonde groaned, "muggles are boring", he said as they entered the caslte
Y/N laughed holding onto Draco's hand tightly, "i can't skip classes, Dray. Remember what happened in Potions? I might get another tutor, and since you don't take that class, it probably wont be you", she said, making the Slytherin roll his eyes, "besides, you probably would suck at that subject"
"hey!", Draco exclaimed, as if offended, "don't underestimate me, Eve"
The Gryffindor rolled her eyes playfully, "really, huh?", she asked, and the blonde beamed with pride, making her laugh, "okay, then. Tell me, what's a microwave?"
They stopped in front of the Muggle Studies classrooms' door, facing each other. Draco huffed at the question, "a microwave?", he asked, Y/N nodded, a teasing smile on her face, "a microwave.. Is.. Uh, a tiny wave? Like in the ocean? It's tiny because it's micro. So a microwave"
At that, the girl couldn't help but laugh. Shaking her head, she said, "alright, alright. You go on with that microwave theory of yours, while i actually learn about them"
Draco frowned, "fine.", he said
Y/N giggled, and went on her toes, pecking his cheek. She entered the doorway of the classroom, waving at the blonde, "see you later"
The Slytherin just smiled, and waved goodbye.
• • •
It wasn't long until the couple reunited, once again. They were just by the black lake, sitting down. Draco was leaning against a tree while he had Y/N between his legs.
He played with her hair as she read a book out loud. It was peaceful for them. They liked these moments
Just the two of them, having some alone time, and honestly just being in each others' arms
"Felice pulled Triane out to their garden, and as soon as they stepped foot on the grass, their surroundings lit up, thousands of fireflies flying around them..", Y/N trailed off, frowning. She looked up at Draco, "will you be weirded out if i told you i haven't seen actual fireflies?"
Draco stopped playing with her hair. With furrowed eyebrows, he asked, "you haven't?", at that, the Gryffindor shook her head, "you actually haven't?"
"no, i have not", she said, sitting up, and facing Draco properly, "i tend to stay inside, even at home. Especially when it's summer, i like to just stay in my room, and read books"
The blonde shook his head unbelievingly, "you have been missing out!", he exclaimed, laughing lightly,
Rolling her eyes, Y/N said, "i know, whatever. But i do want to see some now. I mean, i just want to see how their bottoms light up!"
At that, Draco couldn't help but laugh, "you don't put it that way, love", he said, chuckling, "we can't see any of them now, though. It's October"
"i know", Y/N sighed sadly, she then, saw the sun setting, making her eyes widen. She took out her pocket watch, looking at the time, "Godric! It's almost cerfew, Draco!"
At that, the blonde stood up, dusting his pants off. Afterwards, he held a hand out for Y/N to take. The girl smiled, and took his hand. He pulled her up, a little too fast, making her stumble onto his chest
She looked up, a grin on her face, "you did that on purpose, didn't you?", she laughed, her hands on his chest
Draco chuckled, "of course i did", he said, looking into her eyes. He leaned in, and with a smile, Y/N met him in the middle.
They kissed passionately while the sun sets, it was a perfect scenery for some cliche story.
Y/N put her arms around his neck, and she tilted her head, deepening the kiss, making Draco chuckle
As much as he wanted to continue this, they really needed to go back inside the castle before someone catches them being off castle grounds by cerfew
The Slytherin pulled away, making Y/N whine
Draco chuckled, "come on, i'll walk you to your common room", he said, picking up both their bags
Y/N rolled her eyes, but didn't say a word. Soon enough, they were both infront of the Gryffindor painting. The girl muttered the password, and the painting swang open
The girl faced Draco, and quickly pecked his cheek, and hurried on inside, the painting closing behind her.
Draco watched as the painting fully closed, and when it was, he grinned, and hurried off tl the Astronomy tower.
He might not give Y/N fireflies, but he can give her something else..
• • •
To say that Y/N Eve was confused was an understatement. It was about Midnight when she heard a tap on her window, which when she opened it, showed a black owl
She knew who it was from, it was from no other than Draco Malfoy.
The note only said "meet me in the Astronomy tower", and nothing else.
So here she was, climbing up the stairs to the astronomy tower, not knowing why Draco would call her up there at such late hour.
But once she stepped the last step, she understood. She looked around in awe, "Merlin's beard.."
Around her were thousands of flying golden lights. They weren't fireflies, no. But they were just as beautiful.
"do you like it?"
At the voice, Y/N looked down from the fireflies, and met with Draco's dazzling silver eyes. She ran up to him and tackled him into a hug, "do i like it? I love it! Thank you, Draco"
She pulled away from the hug, smiling up at the boy.
"i'm glad you do", Draco said, tucking in a piece of lose hair behind her ear
Y/N chuckled, and once again, looked around. She couldn't believe it. She raised her hand, and caught one, making her squeal in excitement, "look! Draco! It's so pretty!", she exclaimed with such happiness
The blonde's heart beat quicken as he looked at her face full of happiness. He made her happy, and that made him happy.
And because of that, Draco swore, that from this day on, he will do anything he can do just to make her happy.
Well, it's normal that you want to make the person you care about happy. Because who doesn't?
Not Draco Malfoy. He will do anything, and everything just to see Y/N smile.
He thinks it's the most beautiful thing in the world. Her smile gives him butterflies- or in this situation, fireflies- in his stomach.
And he's not complaining one bit.
Draco Malfoy cares about Y/N Eve very dearly, and he's willing to give her fireflies even if there's none
Because if you want to, there's a way, right?
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