Chapter 4
[Harry] – when singing
{Draco} – when singing
(both) – when singing
Harry, Ron, and Hermione apparated into a dark alleyway near a muggle bar named 'Riverbar'. There were a couple of blokes smoking cigarettes but the two wizards and witch sent the stench away with a non-verbal spell. They could hear music from a radio coming from the inside, and as they got closer, voices were heard. When entering through the large black doors into the reception area, the flashes of blue and white strobe lights hit their eyes.
"Hello, can I see your ID?" asked a tall dark brown-haired male at the desk.
"Sure thing!" said Hermione and reached into her red purse to pull out three little white cards. When the man gave her a questionable expression, she hesitated, smiled, and said, "I don't trust these little misfits with their ID cards. Harry, here, loses everything he owns in a matter of hours and Ron just completely forgets where he puts them."
Harry raised an eyebrow at Hermione but looked away, not wanting whatever this little shenanigan is to fail.
The man nodded, looked at the ID cards Hermione showed him and gestured them to the entrance to the bar. "Watch your step, by the way."
"Thank you, sir," said Hermione, smiling brightly. She placed the cards back in her purse and linked arms with Ron and Harry.
The sound of voices grew louder as they entered the bar. Barstools were heard being dragged around, the clink of ice in a highball drink, the whirl of a blender, and the thump of a bottle and glass on the bar.
A male bartender with rolled up sleeves was moving from one side of the blue and white bar to the other end of the counter. Blue wooden stools lined up along the counter, there was a wall of alcohol bottles, stem glasses were hanging upside down above the male bartender's head. Half empty cocktails and wine glasses were dispersed out on the counter. There were a few empty tables with upside down shot glasses and crumpled napkins, but the rest were full. There even was a karaoke stage, with a young dark-haired female who had a really pitchy voice.
Can someone please get her off the stage, thought Harry with a scowl. He doesn't mind if people are singing, whether they're good or bad at it, but can they at least either tune it down a little or just not sing at all?
Hermione led Ron and Harry to the counter to where the bartender stood. "Want anything, Ron, Harry?"
"Just a cocktail," said Harry. "The usual one I get."
Hermione nodded at him. "Ron?"
"A beer," said Ron simply, smiling at her.
Hermione smiled back and went to order their drinks.
Harry just leaned his elbow against the counter and looked around the bar, spotting quite a lot of handsome blokes but they were mainly with woman. So many hot guys are either straight or taken. He continued to look around the bar, earning a few smiles from woman. He smiled back at them but focused his attention back on the males.
That's when he saw a blonde male. Tall, pointy, and high cheekbones, obviously very handsome, but seated with a girl with short black hair and a dark-skinned man. He couldn't tell if that guy was either with the girl or the guy. But he totally didn't mind if the bloke was taken. He should have known. The blonde males quite a view. But only if that bloke was free...
"Harry," said a soft voice. It was Hermione, who continued to stare knowingly at him. "You look like you've seen an angel."
Harry smiled with a blush and turned his head to look at her. "Yeah, something like that."
Hermione handed him the Margarita he wanted, obviously smiling from the blush on her best friends' cheeks. "You should go talk to him. Possibly even earn a boyfriend by tonight."
Harry wished that could be true, but the blonde bloke looked like he was taken by either the female or male. "I don't know, Hermione. He's with a female and a male so I wouldn't know if he's taken by one of them."
"Stop making up excuses and go talk to him, Harry!" Hermione said while she swirled the little toothpick with the olive at the end of it around in her Cosmopolitan. "It's not that hard."
"Says you whose already got a boyfriend," Harry responded back with a grin.
Hermione just rolled her eyes. "Geez, Harry. Even I was nervous when talking to Ron before we started dating."
"And a "little" jealous when Lavender Brown-" Harry stopped right there when Hermione glared at him, so he changed the topic quickly. Damn him and his big mouth. "Sorry... Anyway, I'm here to find a bloke." He looked away from her and kept his head down but looked around the bar again.
Hermione sighed, "Go talk to him, Harry."
Harry was about to respond back, but then the girl who was on the karaoke stage stopped singing and walked down the stage, giving Hermione an idea. "Actually, follow me, Harry." She nodded her head at the girl with short black hair, telling her it's time and when the girl nodded back, she progressed to the stage with Harry.
Harry raised an eyebrow at her out of curiosity but didn't want to somehow anger her anymore, so he followed her. What he didn't expect was to be pushed up onto the stage by her.
"Give it up for Harry Potter!" Hermione yelled and a round of applause and cheers were heard from around the bar.
Harry flushed, standing in front of the microphone, and felt millions of eyeballs on him. He's never once did karaoke.
"And Draco Malfoy!" Pansy yelled from the booth she, Blaise and Draco were in.
"Pansy!" Draco hissed, "What're you doing?"
"Helping you," Pansy said clearly, smiling.
Harry's eyes shot up at the booth the girl's voice came from, and he couldn't believe his eyes. It was Draco Malfoy, in a muggle bar, with two other purebloods. Without a moment's hesitation, he locked eyes with Draco and swallowed, his face felt like it was in an oven. He watched Hermione, who went over to the jukebox and pressed a few buttons.
Draco looked away from Harry and glared at Pansy. "When I'm done, you're going to be sorry, Ms Parkinson."
Pansy just smiled at him, knowing her dear friend wouldn't ever try anything to harm her. "I wasn't the only one, you know." She checked her nails out, removing some excess black nail polish from her nails. "Hermione was in on this whole thing, and..." She looked at Blaise and her Italian friend stiffly shook his head. "Blaise."
Draco refused to look at them, a sudden instrumental music playing in the background. "Wish me luck, then, I guess."
"Good luck, Dray," Pansy says, smiling with her teeth.
Draco heard a silent "Good luck" from beside him, which he would have thanked Blaise for, but was too pissed with him and Pansy at the moment.
Harry's face was getting warmer as the blonde, tall, male, known as Draco Malfoy, stepped out of the booth he was in and came forth towards the stage. Harry just hoped the flashing lights were not bright enough to show his blush, but he took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down.
Draco walked up onto the small stage, looked at Harry for just a second with a small smile, then went to his microphone. At least Nick wasn't here to watch this. That little git kept probing him about Harry after they met at the Park, and Merlin, there were just so many questions. And then Nick went on and told him that if you know someone that well, then he should, in Nick's words, 'become more than very best friends.' Like Harry Potter would become his friend. We have gotten along only once since the trials, when meeting at the park, and that was only that.
Harry swallowed and looked up at the screen, showing the lyrics that he and Draco had to sing in a couple of seconds. Sodding Hell, Hermione. High School Musical? Seriously!?
Soft music started playing, and Harry was really regretting coming to the bar. He loosely hugged himself and stared at the green lyrics that started slowly moving down the screen.
"Are you leading?" Draco whispered to the other bloke beside him, who looked just as nervous as Pansy when she's doing her makeup, trying to always get it perfect.
Harry didn't look at him as he shook his head. He was not going to lead in singing in front of...however many people there were in the bar. He knew he was being watched, as well as Draco. Then Harry heard the most gorgeous singing voice, and he just couldn't believe it would be from Draco Malfoy.
{Living in my own world.} Draco looked around the room at the people starting to stare.
{Didn't understand.}
Draco looked at Harry, who still just stared ahead at the lyrics on screen.
{That anything can happen.}
Draco shook his head at Harry, knowing he wasn't going to sing back. So, he made his way off the stage, feeling disappointed and a little humiliated.
Harry panicked a little, he didn't want to seem scared or anything in front of this Slytherin. Where's all that Gryffindor bravery gone to? He feels a little pathetic right now. And Hermione, who sat at the bar with Ron, gave him a thumbs up. He swallowed down the anxiety and took a deep breath.
[When you take a chance]
Draco looked back up on stage, hearing the most powerful but pretty voice he's ever heard in his life. He couldn't believe it; Harry Potter could sing!
[I never believed in what I couldn't see.] Harry looked over at Draco for a little while, blushing when letting this other bloke hear his voice. He hoped he didn't sound terrible. Merlin save him if he did.
Draco joined Harry back on the stage again and clutched the microphone.
[I never opened my heart.] Harry looked over at Draco who smiled at him. Darn, that smile was gorgeous. He bit his lip, wondering how soft those lips of Draco's were.
{Oh} Draco sang into the microphone, his silver eyes gleamed in the strobe lighted room.
[To all the possibilities.] Harry began to smile, but a little shyly. He began to feel a little more confident in himself, even if people around the bar were staring at him and Draco.
(I know)
[That something has changed.]
They glanced at each other with small smiles, but then Harry looked away and at his microphone. He doesn't know why, but this's almost growing on him. it just feels so right, being up here with Draco and singing.
(Never felt this way) they both sang.
[And right here tonight.] Harry looked away and back up to the lyrics on the screen. He released his arms from hugging himself slowly, lowering them to his side.
(This could be the start of something new.)
The people in the crowd below them, throughout the bar, began to clap along to the song. Hermione and Pansy were both yelling Harry and Draco's name.
[It feels so right] Harry pondered if Draco actually knew about this song, and what movie it came from. Merlin, the crowd was really starting to get excited.
(To be here with you.)
{Oh} Draco removed the microphone from its stand, but he had a difficult time doing so as he's never had to sing into these muggle objects before.
(And now looking in your eyes.) They both looked at each other again, right into each other's eyes and felt an almost shock of electricity when their eyes met. It was so powerful, nothing Harry or Draco has ever felt before.
[I feel in my heart.] Harry definitely feels something deep in his heart. It's just beating wildly in his chest, and the nerves in his stomach, all those butterflies are slowly increasing.
{Feel in my heart.} Draco's heart was hammering in his chest, those emerald green eyes he knows were like they were piercing into his soul. It's such a beautiful colour, though. Like the Slytherin green colour, but a little lighter. Brighter than the sun itself.
(The start of something new.) Their voices synced together and blended in harmony beautifully as one, making people in the crowd tear up from how well they both sounded together.
{Now who'd have ever thought that.} Draco took off his coat and Pansy came over to the stage just to catch it and take it back to the booth she and Blaise were at.
(We'd both be here tonight.)
They both took a step forward towards each other. Harry removed the microphone from the stand but stayed close to it. The lyrics were really playing with their hearts and emotions now. Harry felt like he was in some musical, or worse, a Disney princess movie.
Draco was just singing along to the lyrics, not knowing who made this song but he swears, if he finds the person, he will thank them for the song. This song is really sinking deep into his heart.
[And the world looks so much brighter.] Harry placed both his hands on the microphone, gaining confidence to sing a little louder and looked at Draco again.
{Brighter, brighter} Draco smiled at Harry, then looked away and closed his eyes as he sang a higher note. He subconsciously began moving closer to Harry as they continued to sing, getting lost in his green eyes, forgetting all the people who were watching them.
[With you by my side.] Harry turned to look at Draco as he kept singing and watched him for a few moments.
{By my side} Draco found Harry's eyes with his as he sang his part back, hoping this meant what he thought it did. He knows he's been falling for Harry, ever since the third year when he first saw him.
(I know that something has changed.) They both started moving their hips a little to the music.
(Never felt this way.)
[I know it for real] {Real}
Harry and Draco took the final steps towards each other, until they were face to face, smiling the brightest they've probably ever had in their entire life, and staring into each other's eyes. They didn't dare look away as they felt like the entire world around them stopped, only for each other. This moment was just so powerful between them, everything around them was silent and had ceased.
(This could be the start of something new.)
Harry really was smiling the brightest he's ever had. He believes it's because of Draco, how the other bloke makes his heart skip a beat every time that voice goes the next note up. When he met Ron and Hermione, he never smiled as bright as he had then. He really wants this man in his life now.
(It feels so right to be here with you (oh))
Draco has definitely not smiled so much in his lifetime. Especially when Voldemort was in power, that time of his years were just scary as hell. But Harry floods him with happiness whenever the Gryffindor smiles at him, or when those green eyes look at him and into his own eyes. This Gryffindor, even throughout his schooling years at Hogwarts, could always make him feel like this. He just ignored these feelings through Hogwarts, though. He knew he shouldn't have.
(And now looking in your eyes.)
Draco reached his hand up and caressed Harry's cheek.
(I feel in my heart.)
(The start of something new.)
Harry blushed. He's never been touched like this. Draco's hand just spread warmth all through him and sent tingles through his cheek.
{I never knew that it could happen till it happened to me.}
Harry took a few steps backwards; Draco's hand left his cheek and he missed that warmth and tingly feeling. He could have chuckled at the pout Draco gave him. This bloke is just so adorable.
(I didn't know it before.)
[But now it's easy to see.] Harry took the microphone out of its holder, but his other hand was wrapped around the holder at elbow level.
Draco put his microphone back on its holder and he leaned towards Harry.
(It's the start of something new.)
(It feels so right to be here with you.)
Draco moved closer to Harry, not liking this sudden distancing.
(And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart.)
Draco took two steps forward until he was directly face to face with Harry again. Harry took a couple of steps backwards and nearly fell off the stage, but Draco had grabbed him by the hand, pulled him towards him and dipped him to the ground.
(That it's the start of something new.)
Harry was blushing because of the accidental fall, and from being so close to the blonde Slytherin. He could see the faint light blue colour in Draco's silver eyes. He just admired how handsome this bloke was, with his stunning silver eyes, long blonde eyelashes, soft looking hair, handsome face, adorable dimples...
(It feels so right) They both held their microphones up to their mouths as they sang, staring into each other's eyes.
[To be here with you.] Harry sang, his smile melting Draco's heart with love.
(And now looking in your eyes, I feel in my heart.)
Draco stared deeply into pools of emerald green. The most gorgeous colour in the world to him. then there's that smile... so pretty.
(The start of something new.)
{The start of something new.} Draco was leaning forward a little, mesmerized by Harry's appearance and voice.
(The start of something new.) They both finished together.
The building could have been burning down, but neither of the two singers who were being cheered for very loudly by the audience would have noticed it. They were lost in each other's eyes, relishing in the moment of their mutual attraction. But then Harry broke eye contact, and looked ahead at Hermione, Ron and Pansy Parkinson who were all still cheering for him and Draco. But then he looked back at Draco, into those silver eyes that still stared at him which made him blush.
"Thank you for tonight, Draco," he said, smiling. "It was brilliant!"
"You were brilliant, Harry," Draco said, blushing from what he admitted and smiling from how red Harry's cheeks were.
"Why don't we get a cup of tea sometime?" Harry asks nervously because really, he wants this man in his life. He would love to go on dates and get to know Draco from who he knew from Hogwarts. He just hoped Draco would accept the offer.
Draco was at a loss of words. Normally he'd be the one to ask guys out. meant something else that wasn't related to relationships. Even if it wasn't, he would love to go out with this man. He smiled and said, "I would love to go out with you, Harry."
Harry beamed at him. "Brilliant! What time, place and date?"
"Tuesday, 8:30 in the morning?" Draco requested. "We'll meet at the Leaky Cauldron because I know a couple of muggle restaurants, I want to take you too."
Harry nodded, that was a good time of day to go out. And Draco Malfoy knowing muggle restaurants? That's new to hear.
"HARRY, DRACO!" someone shouted from the crowd. They both turned their heads and blushed, realizing their conversation was heard. "Your're still holding them."
That just made the two blokes blush a little bit more. Harry rubbed at the back of his neck from embarrassment.
Draco sighed at them and looked back at Harry; whose green eyes still stared out into the crowd. He subconsciously moved forward, and as Harry still stared away from him, he leaned forward and planted a kiss to the green-eyed Gryffindor's cheek.
Harry gasped when feeling such warm and softness press against his cheek, then he realized it was Draco's lips and his heart skipped a beat. Those lips sent warmth throughout his entire body and his cheek tingled more than it ever had. Then Draco leaned away, and Harry missed that feeling of warmth and ... love? He placed a hand over the cheek Draco kissed and smiled.
Draco smiled, the pink tinge on his cheeks recognizable even in the strobe lighted room and he walked down the stage. When he didn't hear a second set of footsteps following him, he looked back up at the stage. "Harry, you coming?"
Harry snapped out of his daze and dropped his hand from his face when looking at Draco. "Oh? Uhm, yes. I, err... I'm coming."
Draco smiled and held out his hand for the Gryffindor. Harry looked at Draco's hand at first, admiring how soft and manly it looked before placing his hand down on Draco's. He felt a zap of somewhat electricity as their hands touched, and he wondered if Draco felt the same.
Draco was going to led Harry to the booth he, Pansy and Blaise were at, but noticed that they weren't there. Instead, they were with Granger and Weasley. With a sigh, he and Harry went over to them.
"Harry!" Hermione enveloped Harry in a big hug and whispered, "You did so good out there!"
"Thanks, 'Mione," Harry whispers to her, hugging back loosely. "I had so much fun."
"I know you did, Harry," she said. "I could see it on your face. Not that hard to recognize."
Harry blushed when he and Draco locked eyes, so he looked down at the floor as he removed himself from the hug.
"So, Blaise, how's Neville?" Hermione asked, and that surprised Harry. He hasn't seen his fellow Gryffindor dorm mate in over a year. Last he's heard of him was becoming the Herbology professor at Hogwarts.
"He's great, actually," said Blaise, blushing at the mention of Neville.
"Wait, what are you and Neville?" Harry asked. He hadn't realized Blaise and Neville are good friends. He doesn't even remember them getting along in school.
"Boyfriends, Harry," said Blaise with a smile. "And it's good to see you again."
"You too, Blaise," said Harry who smiled back. "I didn't realize you and Neville were together. How long for?"
"About three years now."
Harry looked at him in disbelief, not understanding what was coming out of Blaise's mouth. "Wait, you were dating before the war?"
Blaise nodded. "We've kept it hidden...until now." He fidgeted with a little something in his pocket. "Let's just say it started in a Herbology lesson after we were chosen to be partnered up by Professor Sprout."
"Aww!" Hermione and Harry both said together, and that made Blaise blush again.
"I know we're a little long...but." Blaise took a little box out of his pocket, layered with black velvet.
Everyone gasped, but Pansy and Hermione were the only ones who squealed.
"you're going to marry him?!" Pansy yelled excitingly at him; she was practically bouncing from foot to foot.
Blaise smiled and nodded when opening the box, showing them two golden rings. "I'm marrying him. I just need to find the right time to actually propose to him."
"You'll find that time, Blaise," says Hermione. "Or why not give him a surprise by going to Hogwarts and perhaps proposing there?"
Blaise really thought about that and making a grand gesture for Neville. "I'll think about it. Thank you, Hermione."
"As exciting as this conversation is getting, I really must get back to my godson," said Pansy, sighing as she really didn't want to leave. Her best friend was getting married!
"Oh, alright," said Hermione. "I guess we should head back too. I need to start making dinner for these two." She pointed her fingers to Ron and Harry.
"Hey! I can make dinner on my own, thank you very much," Harry protested with a glare.
Draco laughed with a hand on his stomach. "My mother's expecting me home, anyway."
Blaise got up, putting the ring box in his pocket, and bid everybody goodbye with hugs. "See you all hopefully soon!"
"Bye!" everyone called out to him, giving little waves. And then it was Pansy's turn to leave, and she did the same by giving everyone hugs then leaving out the front door with Blaise. That left Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Draco.
"Is it true that Harry cooks?" Draco asked Hermione in a very low whisper when Harry wasn't looking.
Hermione nodded, she didn't want to lie to Harry's boyfriend, if that's what Harry and Draco were now. "Yup!" she whispered. "But sometimes we rotate our cooking days. Harry on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and I for the rest of the week."
Draco smiled at the news. He would have never thought that Harry cooked in his life. When younger, he believed Harry lives a royal life since he was the "Chosen One". He started disbelieving that when seeing that Harry wears the same thing more than once.
"Let's go, Hermione," said Ron, who seemed eager to leave the bar and head home.
"What about me?" responded Harry with a small frown. "Oi! Are you just going to leave me here?"
Draco laughed again. He never expected this Golden Trio to be so hilarious. He pondered what would have happened if he befriended Ron and Harry back in their first year.
Ron just smiled at his best mate. "Just joking, mate. Come on!"
Harry sighed, not wanting to leave Draco. He wants to spend more time with this bloke more than anything. He wants to get to know Draco, to find out his interests and what Quidditch Team he goes for. "Until we meet again, Draco Malfoy."
"Until we meet again, Harry Potter," Draco said back, complete with a smile. But then he leaned forward and gave Harry's cheek another kiss.
That made Harry's heart skip a beat and he blushed, smiled, and closed his eyes as he felt the blonde's lips on his cheek. So warm and so very soft.
"Goodbye, Harry." With a wink, Draco turned around and left the Gryffindor's alone when walking out the front door to the apparition area.
Harry's smile brightened, he looked at his friends and said, "I am never washing my face again."
Hermione giggled and Ron just sniggered at him.
"Come on, you lovestruck wizard," Hermione said, placing a hand around Ron's side and Harry's shoulder. "We should head back now. And I'm cooking dinner this time, Harry."
Harry sighed; he was hoping he could explore the web for some new recipes to impress Draco with. Perhaps a good French croissant recipe or some rich spaghetti Bolognese pasta dish.
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