🌟 Preview 🌟
*A/T = Animal Type
[The Academy of Sciences/Engineering for the Gifted and Intelligent, otherwise known as ASEGI, is the most prestigious private school anyone in the planet Mobius is lucky enough to attend. Known as having the largest school campus in the area, it's quite a hassle getting from class to class. And applying for it is just as hard. It really makes you use your brain (it's almost as if that's the reason why you're applying for it-), which is what Y/N the A/T used to get to where they are. Let us see what this aspiring student is up to now.]
[Y/N walks through the busy hallways of the main building with a paper showing a map of the campus, looking at it confusedly, while mentally preparing themselves for their first day.]
🌙💭 Y/N's Inner Thoughts: First day....I'm so nervous. I can't believe I even got accepted. This was harder than the final exams I took in high school/secondary school. Ok, when you introduce yourself, make it sound like you're not some dork who just got lucky enough to pass, even though your worst grade ever recorded was a C.
Hi, my name is Y/N the A/T and when I graduate from the Academy, I would like to build robots! No, no, that's too simple, even for you. Hi I'm Y/N the A/T and I am not dealing with this intro, goodbye. Ok, at this point, I'm not even trying but I wish I could be honest. One last time, gotta jot this down on my note card [pulls out a note card from pocket]
Hi, my name is Y/N the A/T and one thing about me that I hope to study is biology and robotics and hypothetically combine them both to create a revolutionary breakthrough in all of Mobian history! YES, YES! This is perfect! [continues writing while unknowingly walking into the biggest change of their life.] 💭🌙
??'s POV: Once I complete my bio studies, I'll finally be able to spend most of my time researching and finding the Warp Topaz! And of course, work my way into the Eggman Empire somehow.....even if he doesn't even know of my existence....yet. Nevertheless, that gives me more of a reason to do so! Now, if I go towards South Island or somewhere where there are rocky terrains, I may be able to find it. Just pluck it out, observe it for scientific purposes of course, find Eggman and show him my intellectually advanced skills! Yes, yes, this will go according to plan! Sometimes my genius never fails to surprise me and-
[All of a sudden, ?? and Y/N bump into each other, causing the both to drop their supplies and lose their train of thought.]
?? + Y/N: Agh-
🌙 Y/N: [rubs forehead, while picking up their supplies] Oww.....
??: [fixes hair while picking up his book, slowly getting up and talking in a slightly annoyed tone] I do say, watch where you're....Oh-
[looks at Y/N and stands up properly, dusting off their shirt from some invisible dirt, and clears throat]
🌙 Y/N: Oh chaos, I am so..SO sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you. [Murmurs to themselves] God, Y/N, first day and you're already screwing things up-
🌙💭 Y/N's Inner Thoughts: As soon as this day's over with, I'm going to my dorm, curl up in a fetal position and scream into my pillow out of the second hand embarrassment I feel.
💫 ??: No, no, it's alright. Y/N, is it?
🌙 Y/N: Uh-huh? [?? holds his hand out and helps Y/N get up, even though Y/N is fully capable of doing so, but screw you, it's cute]
??: Forgive me for bumping into you. You're probably running late to your first class, correct?
🌙 Y/N: Yep, and I'm totally lost. Especially since this place is so frickin huge.
??: [notices Y/N's map with all the classes circled through room numbers] Can I see that map?
🌙 Y/N: Sure. [Hands it to ??]
[?? observes the map, then his face lightens up]
??: We have the same first class! We can walk together on the way there, how about that, Y/N?
🌙💭 Y/N's Inner Thoughts: FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL AND ALREADY MAKING AN ACQUAINTANCE?! Oooh, Y/N, I knew I still had my elementary school charm! 💅✨️
This guy is low-key cute. I wonder what his name is.....PLEASE TELL ME I DIDN'T JUST SAY THAT-
🌙 Y/N: That would be great, uh.....?
??: Starline. Starline the Platypus.
🌙💭 Y/N's Inner Thoughts: Who the hell names their kid Starline? But then again, someone named Sonic, "Sonic". Now tell me about yourself in excruciating detail so that I can repay you-
🌙 Y/N: What an interesting name. It's catchy.....I like it!
💫 Starline: You do? Everyone I've met always told me "Who the hell names their kid that?".
🌙💭 Y/N's Inner Thoughts: [nervously chuckles] Haha, who would say something like that? Totally not me! [Internally sighs to oneself] I'm so glad my intrusive thoughts didn't get to the best of me.
Well, that was a preview of the first chapter!
Hoped you liked it!! BYEEEEE 💕💕💕
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