Hyunjin knocked at the door a couple times. He had gotten back from vacation and decided to come check up on Felix.
"Lix, it is me," he called out.
When he got no response, he pulled his keys and unlocked the door. Felix had given him a key after a health scare. After learning about Felix possibly losing his sight, Hyunjin had been around more often.
Entering the flat, he took off his shoes and put on slippers.
"Lix!" He called out.
He sighed and went to kitchen, perhaps the younger was caught up in cooking again.
But he wasn't there.
"Yongbokkie," he said.
No response.
The living room was clear. He enter the second bedroom that Felix had turned into a study. It was clear.
The guest bathroom was definitely empty, the door was wide open.
He enter Felix's bedroom. It was off.
The nighttable drawer was open and so was the closet. The bed wasn't even made.
Worry arose in Hyunjin.
Walking around the bed, he peered into the master bathroom.
Maybe he wad seeing things.
No, those were flowers on the floor. Walking further into the bathroom, a lump formed in Hyunjin's throat.
Blood. Blood dried on the floor and blood in the toilet bowl accompanied by daffodils.
Pulling his phone out he dialled Yuqi.
"Hello?" The woman's voice was hoarse and deeper like she had been crying.
"Where is Felix?"
"The hospital. Intensive care, room 34, but by the time you get here assuming you are at his flat, he'll be in room 734," she said with a sniffle.
Hyunjin hung up and rushed out of the flat.
He couldn't understand it. Why wouldn't Felix tell him about this? They had been friends since university, so why did he hide this.
Did he want spare Hyunjin the pain of slowly watching him die? But even that thought didn't make sense, because Yuqi knew and she had known Felix the longest.
What was the damn point of hiding it from him? Why out of all people would Felix hide this from him, why not Yuqi or Jisung, or Minho? What separated him from them?
Hyunjin pressed the gas a little harder.
It was like a switch. What separated them was feelings.
His press on the gas lightened. He racked his brain for when it started.
'Honestly, I think I might've caught something over the weekend...'
Was that when it started?
Parking, he rushed out of his car.
He got in the elevator and pressed the seventh floor button about a hundred times.
Hyunjin repeated the room number in head like a mantra as he walked down the hall.
When he got there his heart dropped.
Felix always looked bubbly and full of life, even the times Hyunjin found him sleeping in the on-call room, but right now. He looked so dull.
Like someone had extinguished the sun itself.
"When was he adimtted?" Hyunjin asked.
"Seven hours ago," Yuqi said.
"Has he had surgery?"
The blonde shook her head.
"Why not? Why didn't he get surgery when it first began?"
Yuqi looked at Hyunjin. Her cheeks were blotchy and her eyes bloodshot from crying.
"He refused,"
"You should had convinced him or something, had Jisung do it or Minho, hell called his sisters," Hyunjin stated.
"Do you think I like this?" Yuqi questioned incredulously.
"Yuqi, I-" she cut him off, "No Hyunjin, do you think I like watching my best friend die right in front of my fucking eyes? Do you? I have been watching him fall away from me for nearly a year!
I have told him time and time again that he should get the surgery. Hell, I have told him to get the hell out of here, to get away from you, but he doesn't. He stays and he smiles, while he is dying, because for five years he has been in love with you and honestly, it make me regret so many things,"
"What do you mean?" Hyunjin questioned.
Tears fell down Yuqi's cheeks and she looked at Felix, "He had the chance for love. For real love. He could have been happy, but I introduced you two. A year later he is telling me that he fell for you. I should have told him that it wouldn't have worked and that he should just try to get over it.
But I told him that maybe he should go for it. Because I thought maybe he could change you, maybe he would be good for you. I got his hopes up and I just wish I could just change it,"
Hyunjin pressed his lips together.
He wished he could change it too. He wished he could return those feeling, but he knew that he couldn't.
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