Yuqi smiled seeing Felix walk into the clinic, but it fell quickly when she saw how anxious he seemed.
"Babe, are you okay?" Yuqi asked.
"I...I don't know, can we talk somewhere private?" He questioned.
The woman nodded and turned to Soyeon, "Can you come make sure no one enters room 2?" She asked.
Soyeon glanced at Felix then nodded.
She assumed when Yuqi meant people she meant a particular brunet doctor who often was looking for Felix.
Yuqi and Felix went to the room and Soyeon stood outside of the room.
"What is going on, Lix?" Yuqi asked.
"I started crying and it hurt, which I didn't think much of, but when I wiped my tears they were different colours,"
Yuqi's brows drew together, "Different colours?"
Felix nodded.
"Can I take a look at your eyes?" Yuqi asked.
Felix nodded and the woman grabbed the ophthalmoscope.
"You have tiny shards of what looks like glass in your eyes,"
Yuqi nodded, "Be careful blinking, I will be right back,"
Yuqi went over to the door and opened, not the least bit surprised to see Hyunjin and Soyeon arguing.
"Need I remind you that I am older than you and I can kick your ass," Soyeon stated.
"Soyeon, I just want to see if he is okay," Hyunjin stated.
"Felix is fine. Soyeonie, can you get me some anaesthetic eye drops?" Yuqi asked.
"Needing anaesthetic eye drops is not being okay," Hyunjin stated as Soyeon left.
"He has something in his eye, that is all I need to pull it out and that is it,"
Hyunjin huffed, "At least let me come in. He is my resident,"
"And I am his doctor. You can wait. Thank you, Soyeon," Yuqi said as she took the drops and went back into the room.
When Yuqi got back to Felix, her heart jumped. Maybe it should have been obvious to her, she had known Felix the longest and she had known about the crush he had on Hyunjin the longest.
She didn't understand why that wasn't the first thing she thought of when it was so glaringly obvious.
"Star tears disease," she said softly.
"What?" Felix questioned.
Yuqi let out a small breath, "I would need to run a blood test, but it lines up. Star tears disease, it can be an unfortunate side effect of one-sided love. The different colour tears, the small shards, it makes sense,"
Felix heard of it before, of course, he did; however, he never expected it to happen to him.
The room fell into a silence as Yuqi pulled out the tiny shards in Felix's eyes.
"I am going to draw some blood and do a test see if I can find those markers and then we go from there. Be careful though," Yuqi said.
Felix nodded not wanting to say a word.
Pulling off her gloves, Yuqi left the room. Hyunjin was now sitting down waiting.
"I need to draw some blood, can you stay here while I get the stuff?"
"Yeah, of course, but Yuqi, what is going on?" Soyeon asked softly.
"I can't talk about it, right now. Maybe later if Felix is okay with it," yuqi whispered.
Soyeon nodded.
As Yuqi walked off, she could feel Hyunjin following her.
"I thought he just had something in his eyes. Why do you need to draw blood?"
"Routine check up, you know how it is, I just want to check to make sure nothing changed,"
"Since last month? He had a routine check up last month with me and I did blood work. Yuqi, there is something more and you aren't telling me,"
Yuqi stopped and faced Hyunjin, bringing her hand up she snapped her fingers, "That is how fast things can change, a blink of an eye, a snap of fingers, I am doing what I need to do. You should go what you need to do," She stated, then walked away.
Hyunjin sighed.
He didn't like not knowing what was wrong. After the accident a couple years ago with the younger, Hyunjin always made sure to be up to date with Felix's health and any medical procedures he had or needed.
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