"He is a nice guy,"
"Baby, I know he is a nice guy, and I want you to have everything you want in life; however, Hyunjin Hwang, your attending is unattainable,"
Felix clicked his tongue, "He is literally one of our friends, you're being dramatic, Jisung,"
"I'm being realistic," Jisung stated stabbing a crouton with his fork.
"Damn, what did that crouton do to you?" Hyunjin asked sitting next to Felix.
Felix laughed at the comment and Jisung's face.
"Careful Hyun, he might stab you next," Felix warned.
Hyunjin smiled at Felix and hummed, "I doubt it," he said with a small wink.
"I wouldn't stab him...I'd sick Minho on him, much easier and is doesn't get my hands dirty, especially since I just got my nails done,"
Felix broke out laughing seeing Hyunjin face. The older looked terrified.
"I am sorry for every comment I have made, please don't sick Minho on me," Hyunjin said.
Jisung smiled sweetly, "Apology accepted,"
Hyunjin let out a breath of relief causing Felix to laugh a little more.
In Hyunjin's defence, he had made a small comment about a year ago regarding something and Jisung, at the end of the day Hyunjin ended up with tissues in his mouth.
It was something he definitely did not want to relive, ever.
"How is Mrs. Cruz?" Hyunjin asked.
"She is good, her heart is stable. She could leave by tomorrow if nothing goes wrong tonight," Jisung said.
Hyunjin nodded and turned his attention to Felix who had begun to text someone.
"How is your day with Minho in Neuro?" Hyunjin asked.
Felix shut his phone off and hummed, "It is good, he is a really good teacher,"
"Better than me?"
Felix shrugged, "In my opinion, there is no comparing because you guys teach different,"
Hyunjin nodded and glanced at his own phone a small smile spreading on his lips.
"Good to know I am still your number one," the older said with a wink as he got up.
Felix pressed his lips together, his heart breaking a little.
"I'll catch you guys later. Make sure to check on Mrs. Cruz when you are done here,"
Jisung nodded and gave a wave as Hyunjin began to leave.
Felix took a deep breath, "I should go too. Minho asked me to check on a surgical patient,"
"Lix, are you okay?"
The younger nodded, "Yeah, I just... I think you are right about Hyunjin," he said.
Jisung was going to say something, but Felix left before he could.
He didn't want to discourage Felix from trying, but he also didn't want his best friend hurt if it didn't work out. The brunet sighed and poked at his salad, he really just wanted his best friend to be safe.
"Can you start a saline drip for Mr. Im in room 608, please?" Felix asked Seonghwa.
Seonghwa nodded, "I will get to that right away, uhm, Hyunjin was looking for you, I think he is by the vending machines,"
Felix bit his lip, "What is the chance of me slipping away?" He questioned.
"Very slim," the older said.
Felix sighed and nodded.
It was fine. Hyunjin probably wanted to discuss a patient with him. It would be just fine, unless it was a patient that passed.
As Felix got closer to the vending machines, he stopped. His heart sped up so much he could feel it in his throat, making him feel sick.
He hated that it bothered him so much, but it did.
Hyunjin was standing there with another doctor laughing, from what Felix could remember was she is a second year resident.
Felix felt his heart drop to his stomach as he watched Hyunjin reach out and move hair out of the woman's face. It was something that Hyunjin had done plenty of times with him.
He could feel tears prick his eyes, it hurt a little more than usual.
Could he run away? Would he have enough time to get passed the older without him noticing?
The questions left his mind when Hyunjin called him over.
Smiling weakly, he went over to the two.
"Seonghwa said you needed to see me?" Felix questioned quietly.
"Yeah, I wanted you to meet Maryanne Daniels, she is in pediatrics in her second year,"
"It is nice to meet you, Hyunjin here, has told me a ton about you," her accent was thick and much like Felix's.
Felix gave her a small weak smile, "It is nice to meet you too," his voice was still quiet which Hyunjin seemed to notice.
"Felix are you okay?"
The younger cleared his throat and nodded, "Honestly, I think I might've caught something over the weekend, uhm, I am going to go to the clinic and ask Yuqi for a quick work up,"
"I can do it. I mean Yuqi is on the first floor and I am here. I'm sure there is a room nearby," Hyunjin said reaching out to move Felix's hair, but Felix moved back.
"You know how Yuqi is, if she find out I am sick and didn't go to her she'd be upset,"
Hyunjin pressed his lips together and nodded.
"Uh, Dr. Daniels, it was a pleasure to meet you. I am sure we will talk more," Felix quickly said, then scurried off to the elevator.
He took a deep breath as he entered the elevator. His eyes burned with tears.
Why did it hurt so much?
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