Chapter 16
Choruses of laughter sprayed the air. Under the joyous rays of sun, rows of blue-tented stalls lined up on the school yard. Huge posters were scattered around with a banner at the front fluttering to announce 'Saebom Festival'.
Students ran with their friends, eager to soak up all the fun. While teachers had difficulty keeping them under control, they couldn't help but smile at the colourful creations and food. From balloon animals to dance shows, they truly worked hard for this event.
Hanbyeol wandered around, her eyes marvelling at the festivities. Dressed in her usual school uniform, her hair twirled elegantly around her shoulders. She had never been to a school festival before since she was scared of her classmates being rude to her, but she had been looking forward to it this year.
When she spotted someone familiar, she smiled. Seojun, decked in his iconic black leather, was throwing water balloons at his friends' annoyed faces.
"Hey Seojun," Hanbyeol greeted him.
He flicked his hair as he turned around. Observing her, his mouth quirked up. "Why do you seem happier than normal?"
"Why do you?" she threw back at him. "Did you ask Jugyeong out?"
Hanbyeol felt giddy, like she was gossiping with Sua. On the other hand, Seojun's ears turned bright pink as his eyes flickered with panic. He moved away to a quieter area, and she followed behind.
"She's just too cute and innocent," he opted to say, before rushing away with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
"What? Hey, you didn't answer my question!" Hanbyeol called.
She let out a chuckle and didn't chase after him. Instead, she needed to go to the auditorium to prepare for their band performance. She's been busy with them for a while, but she loved it.
When Hanbyeol disappeared, Suho stormed up to Seojun. He had been watching their interaction from afar, and could feel himself burning up with jealousy. Hanbyeol seemed to be happy with the other guy, and they had moments and secrets that Suho was worried about. Behind the karate stall, he quickly grabbed Seojun's forearm, forcing him to face him.
Seojun waited as his ex-friend just glared at him.
"I like Hanbyeol," Suho abruptly said, as if that would solve all their problems and wars.
Seojun scoffed, not letting any of his emotions show now. "Is that so? Do you want me to congratulate you?"
"Don't use Hanbyeol because of me."
"What if I'm not using her?" Seojun asked while he enjoyed the reaction of the dense boy.
"Then, are you saying you're being genuine?" Suho swallowed, hoping he would say no.
Seojun's eyebrows raised as he kept playing with him. "Why? Are you nervous I'll steal her from you?"
Suho just stared at him, his gaze piercing the other boy, yet a softer emotion hid behind. Although he really liked Hanbyeol, he missed the days of his two best friends. They'd known each other for years, and Seojun used to be one of the closest people he had. Now, they were two opposing chess pieces with Seojun in black leather and the other in a white t-shirt and grey bomber jacket.
"I know you think it's because of me that Seyeon died," Suho eventually stated.
"It's not a thought, but a fact," Seojun spat bitterly.
"So when are you going to stop being angry at me?"
Suho was done. He gritted his teeth. He was tired of it all and just wanted Seojun to stop hating him and picking fights. Their negativity had stained them for too long.
"Until you die and meet Seyeon!" Seojun nearly shouted, unable to hold back.
He took a deep breath, trying not to lose his composure. He had now said what he had wanted to say ages ago. The tension was thick in the air like a dark bubble around them. Luckily, they were far away from everyone else, and the cheerful music and laughter drowned them out.
"Okay," Suho finally ended, turning to leave since there seemed to be no progress today.
"Does Hanbyeol know?" Seojun spoke up again, tilting his head. "That you killed a friend? What will she think of you if she knows?"
Though he didn't mean to mention her further, he couldn't help pushing Suho's buttons. He didn't feel satisfied enough with his revenge, and his grudge held onto him like a plague.
Seojun decided to finish what he started. "Don't forget. You killed Seyeon, and you don't deserve to smile. You murderer."
The last word stung harsher than any knife. Suho's head hung down with his black hair nearly covering his sorrowful eyes. As Seojun left, the other boy remained there for a few minutes. Why did things have to turn out this way? The guilt encased Suho's heart. He missed Seyeon so much – if only he could've saved him.
He clenched his fist as his stare burned the ground. He was being tugged in two directions, but his loyalty to his friends was winning. Indeed, Suho would do anything to make Seojun feel better; he didn't want to lose another friend. He just hoped he didn't regret what he would do next.
* * * *
In the dim backstage, the band got ready to play for the rows of people. The soft echoes of the choir drifted to them, and Hanbyeol was impressed with the soloist. When the sound of clapping appeared, the band snapped into action and took over the stage.
The red rows stretched up into the shadows, and the harsh spotlight glared onto them. After checking that everything was ready, they played their setlist. It all went smoothly and Hanbyeol felt like she was doing her everyday makeup routine – it came so naturally.
Music blasted through the air as she searched the thousands of heads in the auditorium, hoping to spot Suho. Even though she couldn't find him in the darkness, her grin stretched to her ears at the thought of him watching her right now.
When the band finished their songs, they helped each other take their instruments off the stage. Hanbyeol was still feeling energetic as she carried her guitar to their music room. After she left her friends with a cheerful goodbye, she went to get ready for the basketball game.
Through the floral hallways, students rushed about excitedly, their faces painted with their team's colour. Hanbyeol couldn't believe she was finally experiencing a school festival with her friends. Seeing Jugyeong in a pink pig costume and holding the big head to wear, she waved to her.
"Hey Jugyeong," Hanbyeol greeted her. "Have you seen Suho?"
"I think I saw him heading to the boys' change room," Jugyeong replied, her cheeks a shade of red – from the heat of the costume or something else, Hanbyeol didn't know.
"Thanks. Are you heading to the gym for the game already?"
There was still some time left until the match, but most of the players would be warming up now, and the viewers wanted to get a good spot upstairs.
Jugyeong nodded shyly as she bit her lip. "Yeah, I want to look for someone."
"Okay, have fun with Seojun," Hanbyeol winked casually.
Jugyeong was taken aback – how did her friend know? She stuttered out syllables but couldn't say anything as Hanbyeol departed for the change rooms.
Around the corner and down the corridor, the long-haired girl headed to where Suho should be, her legs moving fast. She was excited as she knocked on the door to the boys' locker room, and couldn't imagine she was going into a place like this. There was no answer, so she slowly opened the door and peeked in. Smoothing down her school skirt, she entered the quiet room.
Tall lockers formed a row in the middle. On the far left of the room, a wooden bench stretched to the windows away from her. Male aftershave and deodorant lingered through the air. Hanbyeol's wide eyes took in the unfamiliar space with wonder, and when she didn't see Suho, she stepped over to the left. Behind the block of lockers, Suho was getting ready by the bench.
"There you are," Hanbyeol let out a smile. "How was our performance today?"
She was worried he might be bored of listening to her play, but at least it was different songs this time. When Suho didn't reply, Hanbyeol's face fell. Her eyebrows creased together as she watched him. He seemed different to normal.
"Suho? Are you okay? It's alright if you didn't watch us," Hanbyeol continued softly.
He simply took his white jersey out of his duffel bag. His eyes didn't even glance in her direction, and he was more stiff, just like when they first met. It was as if he built his walls up again.
With Suho still ignoring her, she cautiously tried again. "Is something wrong?"
"What do you mean?" he finally spoke, his voice eerily emotionless.
"Did I do something wrong on Sunday? We're still going on our date this weekend, right?"
Hanbyeol was now worried. Her fingernails dug into her skin as she tried to get a look at his face.
"Why would I go on a date with you?" Suho asked, turning to finally look at her.
His gaze was as cold as ice. Sucking in a breath, Hanbyeol shivered. She felt herself struggle to breathe, and she tried to stop her mouth from quivering. Did she do or say something she shouldn't have after their busking? She tried to recall everything that happened, but she couldn't think of anything bad. It was going well, and he smiled at her at the end of the night.
Suho kept going as he shrugged off his grey bomber jacket. "Don't misunderstand. I just treated you well out of pity."
"Why am I pitiful? Because I told you I hate my looks? And I do my hair and makeup everyday?"
Anger started to boil in her veins, mixing with her disbelief. Hanbyeol's eyes were shaking. How dare he say all that after everything they've been through together?
"Yeah. But now I'm tired of it and annoyed." Every word from Suho added more salt to the wound. "I don't want to care about you anymore, so get out."
His voice was empty, and Hanbyeol couldn't read him. As much as she wanted to believe he was lying, it was hard to do so, especially with her past and low self-esteem. He returned to ignoring her as he put on his white jersey over his t-shirt and packed up his bag.
"I didn't ask you to care for me. You should've kept being the rude boy you were at the start. Why say all those nice things and ask me to go out with you?"
'Why make me fall in love with you?' Hanbyeol thought. She held back as much as she could and choked down her tears. She wouldn't let him see her broken down. Her body was trembling, and her fists were clenched, as if she wanted to punch him but couldn't.
Suho turned to put his bag in a locker, and the sound of the door closing resonated in the room. He finally met her eyes once more, an unreadable expression in them. If only she knew that this pained him just as much. Without another word, he walked past her and out the door. It slammed shut with a loud sound that made her jump.
Now that Suho was gone, everything came crashing down like waves. Hanbyeol's cries pounded her heart, and all she could hear in the silent room was her ragged breathing. She let it all out. Tear after tear.
How could Suho do this to her? She never expected him to be like that, and she desperately hoped it was all a lie. It had to be a lie. She just had to trust Suho, but trust is a precious diamond that's easily shattered.
Slowly, the light she had at the end of the tunnel began to fade.
Oop, did I say their relationship was going well? mwahahhah
Bit of a shorter chapter, but hope you liked it. Can't believe it's already March! Time flies by so fast, and got so many awesome kdramas starting last month.
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