Chapter 14
The next morning, the sun was warm, but Hanbyeol was not as bright as the weather like usual. Her short dreams were filled with romance, and she had to stop herself from smiling like an idiot.
Dragging herself into their classroom, she covered a yawn, and her legs took her to her spot automatically. A few seats were empty at this time, but the seat on her left was occupied. Suho had been waiting for her to come, and he let her get her books out of her bag before he cleared his throat.
"Was that your sister yesterday?" he asked her, trying to be casual.
Hanbyeol turned her head to face him, her eyes widening a fraction. She didn't even notice him when she came in. For all she knew, she could've been hallucinating him there. Swallowing, her mouth moved before her brain.
"No, she's just someone who looks like me, so we decided to let her live with us despite her annoyingness every minute of the day," the sarcasm was natural.
She paused. "Yeah, Hanbin's my sister."
"You guys seemed close. Is she in uni?" Suho asked, wanting to know more about Hanbyeol and her family.
"Yeah, we're pretty close. She's in her first year at Seoul University."
"Kinda. Siblings can be a pain in the ass sometimes," Hanbyeol commented half-heartedly as her eyebrows rose with humour.
Suho showed a light chuckle, a rare sight that she treasured. The girl smiled back with similar feelings of comfort.
A few minutes later, the noise of Sua entered before the sight of her. Hanbyeol greeted her friend, and their maths class started not long after. It was as boring as hanging up the laundry, but at least she felt herself understanding the equations better after their study group session.
When the bell signalled for music class, Hanbyeol was excited. She walked with Jugyeong up the stairs to the music room, a bounce in her step as she clutched her books. Her friend told her about a younger student who was a really good singer, but unfortunately some other girls were bullying her. Hanbyeol frowned; it was sad that there were still so many bullies in this day and age.
In the music room, the teenagers filed into the rows of wooden benches, which held scratches from students over the years. They practised singing, and the choir had the common personalities – including those who fooled around at the back, the shy ones who murmured the words, and the ones who did well. Hanbyeol fit nicely in that third category.
Across the room, Suho found himself glancing at her from the corner of his eyes. It was hard to hear her now, but he could just imagine her angelic voice as if it was next to him. After dreadful minutes ticked by, nearly everyone was sick of the song. Luckily, the class ended soon. The teacher called out their homework while the students simply rushed to get to the snack bar, now wide awake.
Hanbyeol was one of the last ones in the room due to her rushed scribbles on her notebook. Jugyeong waited patiently, leaning against their bench. As other students left the big room, Suho was taking his time at the front, and Seojun was laughing with his friends near the back.
It didn't take long for Seojun to notice Jugyeong standing by the aisle in the middle of the room. He swallowed, suddenly feeling unfamiliar butterflies in his stomach. Jugyeong's big eyes held innocence as usual, and her lips were as red as strawberries. Noticing Suho's patient gaze on Hanbyeol, Seojun decided to help them out, although he still resented the other boy.
He made sure his brown hair was styled neatly before he headed over to the girls, his silver earrings dangling with a cross today. Seojun's friends watched him with teasing 'ooh's, but he just sighed and ignored them.
Feeling someone approaching her, Jugyeong absentmindedly looked up. She took a tiny step back when she saw Seojun there wearing his normal smirk and his piercing gaze aimed at her. She gulped, glad that her thick makeup hid her blush. He seemed different today – bolder perhaps. If he was here to tease her, what was taking him so long?
"Come with me," Seojun finally demanded.
"Why?" Jugyeong asked, tilting her head.
"Just follow me."
With a huff, he grabbed her wrist and dragged her out the door. She protested lightly but nonetheless stumbled after him. When she threw an apology over her shoulder to her friend, the other girl looked up.
Hanbyeol had just finished gathering her books and stationery. Her mouth was slightly agape as she took in the situation, and then she chuckled with realisation. Hopefully, Seojun and Jugyeong would have a good time together.
The silence instantly reminded Hanbyeol that all the students had left for break now – all except Suho. As her gaze swept the wide room, she saw Suho slowly approaching her. She lightly smiled and waited for him to reach her near the door. The sunlight from the stretch of windows urged them to hurry up and come outside, along with the distant blur of chatter and laughter.
"Are you going to the snack bar?" Suho asked her.
Hanbyeol nodded and their bodies automatically started walking out the door and into the yellow corridor. Passing by a few students here and there, she was glad that no one stared at them.
"Yeah," Hanbyeol replied, hugging her books to her chest. "You?"
"Same. Maybe some chips. A peach iced tea for you?"
She nodded again, hiding her grin at the fact that he knew her go-to drink. Or perhaps it was just his good memory. Either way, Hanbyeol was feeling brave and wanted to build her relationship with Suho more. Biting her lip, she glanced up at him when they reached the stairs.
"What are you doing tonight?" Hanbyeol bravely took the step forward.
"Nothing. Should we hang out?"
Suho surprised her with how he was even more straight forward. They were slowly making their way downstairs when she remembered that she had band practice. Hanbyeol's face scrunched up, feeling guilty and annoyed with herself for being hopeless.
"Ah, I actually have to go to the band room after school. I forgot we have some gigs this week and coming up," she hesitantly said, playing with the cuffs of her white shirt.
Suho nodded once. "Then maybe I can watch, and we can hang out after, if that's okay with you."
"Yeah, of course."
Hanbyeol didn't wait to reply or smile. She couldn't believe how well things were going. Last year, she wouldn't even imagine herself being friends with many girls and guys, or that she would even like such a rude boy like Suho. But times change, and so do people.
* * * *
When the bell rang in the late afternoon for students to run home or elsewhere, Hanbyeol headed to the band room upstairs. With her bag slung across one shoulder, she entered the room to see Gyuri and Hyuk already in there.
"Hey guys," Hanbyeol chirped happily.
The other two greeted her as they set up their instruments. Hyuk adjusted his microphone stand and started tuning his guitar. While Hanbyeol took out her blue guitar to do the same, they heard footsteps bounding outside paired with a loud voice. The crew looked at each other. Like always, they could hear Doyoon before they saw him.
Right on cue, the door opened to reveal the navy-haired boy.
"What's up, y'all?" Doyoon grinned, dumping his bag in the corner and going straight to his drums.
Gyuri rolled her eyes with a chuckle. Hanbyeol, being a romantic, thought that those two would actually be a nice couple. As Doyoon hit the cymbals, Gyuri threatened to cut off his balls. Or maybe not a couple? Hanbyeol tilted her head. Or maybe yes.
In a few minutes, the band started warming up. The small room of blue and yellow was soon filled with the sound of rock. Hanbyeol's guitar was hugging her body, and her jet-black hair shook from side to side like the spinning rides at Lotte World.
As they practised a popular song, the door quietly opened, and Suho stepped in as soft as a mouse. Hanbyeol smiled to herself. She told them that her friend would come by, and they teased her, but she just brushed them off.
"Hi, Hanbyeol's boyfriend!" Doyoon waved his drumstick.
"He's not my boyfriend," she blushed, trying not to think about the way Suho didn't say anything.
"Maybe he will be soon."
Hanbyeol's eyes bulged out. She nearly thought those words were from her mind and not the drummer.
After giving a polite nod to all of them, Suho made himself comfortable on the floor in front of them. He sipped his red ginseng drink and hoped he wasn't a distraction for them.
With Gyuri clapping the crew back to focus, they resumed their rehearsal. Hanbyeol licked her lips and focused on her guitar, making sure her eyes didn't meet Suho's. There was always pressure when someone watches you practice, especially when it's someone you like. She tried not to let his presence affect her as she moved her head to the beat like normal.
Suho's heart was aching – Hanbyeol's passionate music skills reminded him of his friend. While this first made him relive the guilt, it almost felt like Seyeon was still alive and thrilled to see him with someone. It took a lot of courage for him to ask her out, and although Suho didn't ask her again out of respect, maybe he could try soon.
When Hanbyeol finished the song with the guitar duet with Hyuk, the duo let out a cry of excitement; the crescendo run hit better than it ever had.
"Nice one, Hanbyeol," Hyuk gently smiled at her.
"You too," the girl threw him a grin.
Suho clutched his drink harder, his veins popping out on his hand, but his face didn't move a muscle from its blank state. He didn't like the way those two had great chemistry. But it was just for the band, he told himself. Without good chemistry, the music wouldn't sound as great.
Doyoon, being smarter than he looks, cleared his throat loudly. "Can we take a break? I need to text my girl."
"What girl?" Gyuri immediately interrogated.
Hanbyeol giggled.
Doyoon shrugged as he headed to his bag, and Gyuri followed him closely. Guess they were having a break now, Hanbyeol thought. After Hyuk placed his guitar down, he joined them by the wall of beanbags and their belongings. Hanbyeol sat cross-legged on the floor opposite Gyuri, and Suho, carrying a plastic bag, came to complete their circle next to her.
As the group discussed the busking in Hongdae for that weekend, Suho passed around some soft drinks he bought for them. They thanked him and resumed their talk.
Since the others were heavily into their conversation, Suho got out a peel sausage from the bag and passed it to Hanbyeol on his right. He bought it at the convenience store just before – the snack reminded him of her as he first saw her eating some a few years ago.
Hanbyeol looked at it in light surprise. How did he know she liked those sausages? After thanking him, she took the small snack and enjoyed it slowly.
"So, are you free to see us busking this Sunday?" Hanbyeol asked Suho quietly, chewing her heated food.
Suho nodded, not needing much time to think. "Of course, I'm looking forward to it."
She looked down, trying to hide her grin, but it showed in her hazel eyes. Although the bright sunlight from the windows hardly reached this side of the room, it was still warm.
"Nice," Hanbyeol finally responded, tucking a strand of her long hair behind her ear as she peeled her snack more. "It's our first performance this year outside of school. Then we're performing at a high school in about three weeks."
Luckily, she wasn't feeling nervous about the busking. Last month, the band performed at an assembly in front of their whole school, and it went really well. She craved the adrenaline of playing for a crowd. One of their biggest shows was now coming up. At the School Band Festival, which was held every year at a different school, anyone could come watch, and numerous bands from high schools would perform.
"Oh yeah, the music teacher just told us that the School Band Festival will be at Jisung High School," Gyuri chimed in, catching the last bit of their conversation.
Hanbyeol froze. If she wasn't wearing makeup, she would turn pale, but she still went as stiff as cardboard. Jisung High School was her old school. Though she didn't get heavily bullied, the memories resurfaced of being alone. She felt as if her current life could disappear anytime, and she would go back to being invisible.
"Hanbyeol, are you okay?" Suho whispered, noticing the girl's tensed form.
Everyone else was oblivious as they continued talking about something else. Suho tapped Hanbyeol's shoulder, and her head snapped to him. Relaxing her body, her gaze drifted to her squished sausage in her hand.
Hanbyeol nodded slowly as if thinking about what to say. "Yeah, it's just that I used to go to Jisung High School before I came here. I didn't really like it there."
Suho observed her for a few seconds. Understanding that it was a touchy subject, he decided to change the conversation.
A few minutes later, the band returned to practice. It was like a mini concert for Suho with an energetic set list. He clapped for them at the end, and Hanbyeol felt her heart soar as she smiled through her heavy breaths.
Once they packed up, Gyuri said she would lock up, and they ushered Hanbyeol to go off with Suho. She shot lasers at them with her eyes but was secretly grateful.
Walking side by side, the uniformed couple made it out of the building and down the usual hill to the school gates. Every few seconds, Hanbyeol would glance up at the tall boy. His black hair was as neat and straight as lines of a textbook, and his narrow eyes shined with quiet confidence.
When Suho offered to walk her home, she decided to accept, much to his surprise and happiness. There was a comfortable silence between the friends, and they made it all the way to Hanbyeol's front gate. After today, she was looking forward to the weekend even more.
I'm so sorry! I've been so busy it's crazy! Hope you guys are going well.
Yay, the awesome band guys! As always, thank you so much for reading! Next chapter might be two-ish weeks?
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