Chapter 8
Stars in my Sky
Star 8: Chocolate ice-cream makes you feel better
I rang the doorbell and a few seconds later, the door flew open and Daniel stood there smiling at me with Lucy in his hands.
“Aww,” I cooed and quickly took her from his arms without asking for permission.
I then walked inside, going straight to their living room.
“Hello to you too,” Daniel said sarcastically when he walked into the room after me.
I smiled sheepishly. “Sorry. She’s just too cute!”
“I know,” he said, smiling at his baby sister.
I loved how he took care of her and looked at her as if she were the most important thing in the world.
“We should feed her and put her to sleep,” he said after a few moments of silence as we were both staring at Lucy.
“I want to feed her,” I said and he nodded. He got up and got her bottle.
I adjusted her position in my arms so that I could feed her. As soon as she felt the bottle on her lips, her hands flew up and she caught it just like she always did. I slowly let go while Lucy kept her firm grip on the bottle.
I looked up for a second and found Daniel staring at us with a smile on his face. I smiled at him when our gazes locked.
A few minutes later, Lucy let go of her bottle and I quickly took it from her as she fell asleep in my arms. Daniel took the bottle from me and I slowly stood up and walked to the room where Lucy’s crib was.
I gently lowered her down till her body was lying comfortably inside the green crib.
Two arms hugged me from behind and I leaned against Daniel as we both watched Lucy sleeping peacefully.
Déjà vu, I though then my thoughts drifted to if this was going to happen again someday but Daniel and I would be watching our own child sleeping.
That thought made my heart skip a beat.
I was still too young to think of marriage but I couldn’t help but think how perfect Daniel was for me. I didn’t think I can ever find a guy like him. It’s weird how fast and hard I fell for that boy.
He pulled me back a bit, stopping my thoughts. He took my hand in his and we walked out of the room. Before closing the door, we made sure that the monitor was on so that we could hear Lucy if she started crying.
I walked down the hallway to Daniel’s room with him behind me.
I opened his bedroom door and walked in.
I froze when I saw a big black suitcase in the far right of the room.
“You started packing?” I whispered, feeling a lump in my throat.
“No, I’m just…” he trailed off then he sighed. “We’re leaving in one week, Alexia.”
I took in a sharp breath.
“One week? I thought you were leaving in mid-September not mid-August!” I exclaimed.
“I know. I thought so too. I just found out this morning. My mom has to start working again there before the end of August or she’ll lose her job.”
“Why don’t you stay for an extra few weeks and your mom leaves next week?” I asked, desperately trying to find more time for him to stay. I couldn’t let him go next week! I’m not ready to lose him yet.
“My mom already bought the tickets. Plus, my school starts on the first of September. I got the message a couple of days ago but I thought I could skip the first week or so. Today my mom said we had to leave early…”
I collapsed on his bed and put my head in my hands.
“I don’t want you to leave,” I whispered.
“I don’t want to leave either,” he replied, sitting next to me. “But I have to.”
“I know,” I replied.
He pulled me into a tight hug and caressed my hair. A few tears escaped against my will and they didn’t go unnoticed by Daniel.
His eyes were sad as he wiped away my tears and tried to comfort me.
He then took my hand and dragged me downstairs to the kitchen.
He opened one of the drawers and gave me a spoon.
“What are you doing?” I asked as he walked to the fridge.
He took out a bucket of ice-cream and set it on the counter in front of me. He sat next to me and opened the bucket.
“Chocolate ice-cream makes you feel better,” he said, giving me a small smile.
I smiled back and kissed his cheek before eating a spoonful of ice-cream.
“You know that I’ll be spending every day till you leave with you, right?” I asked.
“I know,” he replied, grinning at me. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
I smiled and then licked the chocolate ice-cream off my spoon. That was the best chocolate ice-cream I have ever had.
“What?” I said when I saw Daniel staring at me.
He quickly looked away and blushed. “N-nothing,” he mumbled. “That was just h-hot.”
I chuckled quietly. “You mean this?” I said as I licked some more chocolate ice-cream off my spoon.
“Y-yeah,” he stammered shyly and I smiled.
“You’re cute,” I said.
He blushed, making my smile widen.
“You know, I never would’ve thought of you as one of the popular guys,” I said suddenly.
“Just because I’m popular, it doesn’t mean I’m a player,” he said, understanding what I meant.
I shrugged. “Most popular guys are players.”
“But I’m special,” he said arrogantly.
“Yes, you are,” I replied, giving him a light kiss before getting up and returning the bucket of ice-cream to the fridge before it melted.
“Where do you want to go today? After my mom returns home, of course,” He asked me as I washed my hands and mouth.
“Can we stay here and maybe watch a movie or something?” I asked.
“You want that?” He said, confused.
“Yeah, if it’s okay with you and your mom,” I replied.
He smiled. “She’ll love that,” he replied. “But you’ll have to stay for dinner.”
“Okay,” I replied. The more time with him, the better, I thought.
“What movie do you want to watch?” He asked.
“How about ‘Inception’?” I suggested.
“Sounds good,” he replied as I went back to the living room and he went upstairs to get the DVD.
He came back after a few seconds with the movie.
He sat next to me on the couch, pulling me closer to him as the movie started playing.
Halfway through the movie, we heard Lucy’s cries from the monitor.
I stood up and pushed Daniel back down on the couch. “I’ll get her,” I said and started jogging up the stairs.
I got to her room and found her crying in her crib.
I quickly picked her up and her cries stopped immediately.
She held my hair and started tugging at it while resting her tiny head on my shoulder.
I smiled as I walked down the stairs, back to the living room.
Daniel grinned when he saw us coming in. He held his arms out to take her from me but I shook my head.
“You have her all the time,” I said. “Let me hold her for now.”
“Okay,” he said, smiling softly.
Suddenly, the front door opened and Jenny, Daniel’s mom, came in.
“Where’s my little girl?” She cooed and Lucy’s head immediately turned as she heard her mother’s voice.
Jenny opened her arms but Lucy just clung onto me tighter.
“Well would you look at that,” Jenny said, surprised and amused. “She likes you more than me now.”
I chuckled. “Nah, she just loves my hair more,” I said as she tugged at my brown hair.
Daniel and Jenny laughed at that.
“You’re staying for dinner, Alexia?” Jenny asked.
“Yeah, if that’s okay with you,” I replied.
“Of course!” Jenny said, beaming at me. “I’ll go prepare the food.”
She went upstairs to change into comfortable clothes first then she started cooking dinner, leaving Daniel and I to take care of Lucy.
“I love watching you taking care of her,” Daniel murmured, kissing my cheek, as I sat next to him.
“And I love watching you taking care of her too,” I said, lifting my hand that wasn’t holding Lucy’s head, and played with Daniel's soft brown hair.
He closed his eyes for a few seconds then whispered, “I’m going to miss this.”
I sighed. “Me too.”
“Dinner is ready!” Jenny’s voice called from the kitchen, breaking the silence that was filling the room.
Daniel and I stood up, Lucy still in my arms, and we walked to the kitchen. I sat Lucy in her baby chair in the kitchen then took a seat next to Daniel.
Jenny placed the plates of chicken in front of us and we started eating silently.
“So Alexia, will you be visiting us in Italy some time?” Jenny asked. I glanced at Daniel from the corner of my eye then shrugged.
“I don’t know,” I replied. “I’ve never left Barcelona…”
“There’s a first time for everything, right?” She said, winking at me and I chuckled.
“Yeah, I guess,” I replied.
“You know, we will be coming here again next summer,” she said softly as if she knew what both Daniel and I were thinking.
I gave her a half-smile. “Yeah, I know.”
Jenny sighed and I heard her murmur, “Young love” as she took the now empty plates to the sink.
Lucy started crying so I told Jenny, “We’ll do the dishes.”
She gave me a grateful smile. “Thank you, dear.”
I smiled politely as I walked over to the sink and she took Lucy out of her chair and back to the living room.
Daniel and I washed the dishes silently at first but then Daniel broke the silence by a huge sigh.
I raised an eyebrow at him and chuckled.
“I hate how sad you have been all day,” he pouted.
I dried my hands and smiled at him. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “I’ll try to be less depressed.”
He chuckled and pushed me against the kitchen sink.
When his lips met mine, all the sad thoughts about him leaving escaped my mind. I couldn’t think properly and all I could hear was my fast heartbeat.
Happy Birthday to MadzzX. Have an awesome year! <3
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