twilight beginnings
Every 500 years two stars collide into each other causing a super small nova that creates a creature called "passive"
A small blue round creature that was unconscious and flouting though space until he floated close to some unknown planet and was sucked in by the planets gravity and fell into it's atmosphere and came crashing down into some jungle like area of the planet passive was still unconscious but soon he well wake up and find a purpose in his existence
28 hours later
Passive: ugh what the why I'm I in a jungle and where are my parents do I even have parents and if I do why would they leave me here and if I don't what's my propose maybe I should look around that might answer one of my questions
Passive roams around the jungle searching for anything until he discovered some sort of weird technological building it had vines growing on the sides and vegetation all over and the door to the building was covered in thick vines so passive came up with a idea to garb a nearby sharp rock and cut the vines blocking the door and opened the door when he looked inside It was like a Cafe mixed with some fancy technology and the inside was weirdly clean no plant life no dust even the lights were on and there was a bunch of equipment that can be used to cook various items and a bunch of ingredients for cooking and clean plates cups spoons forks passive was confused by all of this and saw some a large table cloth covering the front table were people ordered there food
passive approached the table and grabbed the table cloth covering and revealed that the table was actually a control panel for something seeing all these buttons passive grew more confused and wondered what all of them do so he randomly press a red button then he heard a voice talking to him
???: thank you for activeing me Stanger I am Zora the Cafes Ai helper with emotions and personality
Passive: well hello Zora I'm Passive the uhhhhh
Zora: what seems to be the matter Passive
Passive: I don't know my purpose in life I have no family or friends and no ideas
Zora: well don't feel sad I have a idea to make you feel better
Passive: what's that
Zora: well this might seem like a lot to put on your shoulder's but how do you feel about make people happy by giving them a delightful meal
Passive: well I never cooked before but that doesn't sound to bad
Zora: good now can you please pull that lever so we can get started
Passive: ok
Passive pulled the lever and then Zora started to fly then she said our next stop space
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